Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I knew I was wrong, but was happy to stay in my comfort zone


The other day, my younger son said over the phone, "Mom, I know you don't want to talk much about yourself, but, if you were the one who is reading the blog, would you like to know more about the author?"

Well, I suppose in the divine plan this wonderful, wise soul who chose me as his mother is here to give me a push here and there.

Let me give you another example.  Near the end of May 2005, I joined a circle in a holistic center.  We met every Thursday morning from ten to noon.  People usually arrived early to chat before the start of the circle.  Since I was not comfortable speaking in English, I was very quiet during the first few weeks.  I also tried to walk in at the exact time or a little bit late so that I did not have to socialize.  When my son learned about that, he said, "Mom, what is the point of joining a circle?"  I said I joined the circle because of the guidance of my angels and guides.  My son said, "You join a circle to be part of a circle.  If you try to arrive late so that you don't have to chat or connect with them, you may as well quit!".  I was speechless.  I knew I was wrong, but I was happy I could stay in my comfort zone.  "Mom, instead of arriving late, be there early next week, and talk to your friends.  Mom, they are your friends.  They won't judge you."

I was with the circle for over two years before I moved.  I realized later that my guides put me there to learn to speak in English without fear.  It was truly a circle of unconditional love.  All my friends as well as the center are still very much in my prayers.

When I started the blog, it was true I wanted to remain anonymous.  I did not want to talk much about me.  I just wanted to share the life lessons I had learned, and my experiences of the touch of God.  However, I knew in order for me to connect with you on a heart to heart level, I must be willing to open up and truly share.  In my next post, I will tell you more about me.

By the way, I had stepped out of my comfort zone.  I had facilitated spiritual energy healing workshops.  I had also spoken twice (as a speaker) at church.

My friends, what about you?  Is there a comfort zone you have yet to step out?  Do you have any story to share about how you step out of your comfort zone?  I would love to hear your story.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A simple, lighthearted story of the Touch of God


One Sunday, Rev. L was the speaker at church.  Later that afternoon, she was going to facilitate a medicine wheel healing service in a house which was not far from where I lived.  I respected her way of being, and loved her for all the good she did.  I wanted to go to her healing service.  To most people, it was as easy as ABC.  "You want to go, then go!" However, it was quite a challenge for me.  I needed to push myself hard to drive anywhere I was not familiar with.  Besides, I felt uncomfortable socializing with people that I did not know well.

After some inner struggle, I did go.  The service was beautiful.  When it was over, I went to thank her.  She looked deep into my eyes.  In her sweet and wonderful voice, she started singing a song.  I was deeply touched even though I did not know the language.  As I was walking out of the house, I said in my heart: "God, you want me to go and sit among people**, I have.  God, I am taking baby steps.  I am taking baby steps."  I got into my car.  Soon I stopped at a traffic light.  There was a car in front of me.  Immediately, the license plate caught my attention -

                                                         BBY  Lamb.

I smiled.  Baby lamb taking baby steps!  What a divine confirmation!  It was like a loving parent watching over me and encouraging me to take my baby steps.  Yes, I am an Aries.

I choose to share with you this simple, lighthearted story to show that if we open our hearts to feel - God is ever so present in our everyday life.  We are all children of God, and everyone is loved and special in the eyes of God.  The more we pay attention and acknowledge with a heart of gratitude, the more we open ourselves up to the vast experiences of being in relationship with the loving divine.

Many blessings,
Q of D

**Similar message had come through again and again in readings and from strangers. Other than going to work, I used to stay home.  I finally stepped out of my comfort zone.  I went to churches, gatherings, and volunteered in a soup kitchen.  I do not have a religion, but, I have faith.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Story of the Touch of God


Last November, I bought a computer and started subscribing for Internet service so that I could video chat with my loved ones that lived in another state.  Since then, my younger son and daughter-in-law had encouraged me to write.

English was not my first language.  In fact, English was the subject I dreaded in school.  I had never thought of writing any blog, not to mention in English.  Besides, I did not know much about the computer and the Internet.  However, life was truly mystical.  While I was going through the most challenging 10 years of my life, I was gradually shown there was more to life than what I knew.  During those years, I had many wonderful, unexplainable experiences.  In order to find some answers, I made an appointment with a world known angel channel who lived in another state for a reading over the phone.  Through her, my spirit guides and angels urged me to go among people without delay, teach more and write.  I did not know what to think of their guidance for I could not see myself beyond my earthly identities - a Chinese woman with a secondary school education and was not proficient in English. 

In May 2005, I finally joined a spiritual circle that met every Thursday morning in a holistic center.  For weeks and months, I seldom spoke.  From time to time, new faces* walked in and joined us.  (*Sometimes others at the circle seemed to know them.)  On a few occasions, people that I chanced to meet talked to me after the meeting was over.  He / she told me to use the Internet to write about my experiences or what I had learned.  I seldom asked questions because I was not comfortable speaking in English.  Oftentimes, I stood there and did not know how to respond before they walked away.  In most cases, I did not see him or her again.

Over the years, I have come to understand my experiences are not just mine, and yours are not just yours.  We are one.  Whatever happens to you or me, happens to all.  It is in sharing we inspire one another to seek the truth within.  It is in sharing we build on the foundation of love for the good of all.  I finally promise my loved ones that I will publish my first post by the end of this month.

Below was a story of the touch of God that happened in the challenging restaurant years.

Lunch hour was over.  I was alone in the dining room.  I said out loud, "God, are you there?  If you are, why don't you help me?  Do you hear my prayers?"  Soon, a man walked in.  He sat down and ordered a combination plate.  When I brought out his food, he began telling me his story.  He told me he started his own business after losing his job.  For the first two years, the business was so slow that he almost lost hope.  At the end of our conversation, he told me to be patient, and never lost hope that life would get better.  After he left, I cleaned up the table.  I happened to look at the fortune cookie insert that he left behind.  I would like to point out I never read any fortune cookie insert left by the customers, but somehow that day I did.  On it was written -                   

                        He is the representative of His existence

It was unimaginable that someone could come up with these words for the fortune cookies!  By the way, when the restaurant years were over, I was totally grateful for the experience.  I knew I had overcome, and had served with love.

If you are going through a trying time of your life right now - may be out of a job, is sick, or going through a difficult relationship - I have the same message for you:

Be patient and never lose hope that life will get better.  Meanwhile, love yourself, love others, and allow others to show you their love and support.

Many blessings,
Q of D