Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A book from the angels on this special day, Aug.22


In the morning of August 22, 2012, I read Karen's post Happy Be An Angel Day - Aug. 22.  In the afternoon, there was a knock at the door.  It was the postman.  I was nicely surprised that Karen had sent me her newly published book "Rise and Shine - A Spiritual Journey"!  She sent out her book on Aug. 8.  It took such a long time to reach me because I had moved twice within the last six months.  The book was first delivered to one state, then redirected to another, and finally to the state that I lived now.  It was amazing that I happened to receive her book on this special day!  Karen and the postman were my angels on this Be An Angel Day!

Her spiritual journey is a wonderful story - a story of faith and synchronicity.  Please visit her website:


Sometimes I marveled at how the divine plan worked.  Karen and I did not really know each other.  A few years ago, I went to hear her lecture on angels.  I enjoyed her lecture.  However, I did not talk to her when the lecture was over.  There was an interesting story behind how we came to know each other.  It was the work of the angels.  If you want to know the story, please view her post 20/20 Angel Vision

Let me share with you another angel story which happened around that time.  With no job and income, I was concerned about how to earn a living.  Sitting on bed one night, I talked to God and angels.  When I finished talking, it was around 1:30 a.m.

In the morning, I went to church.  I left after the service was over.  While I was in the parking lot, a friend rushed to talk to me.  She said the angels asked her to give me this message: "What XXXXXX (me) does is supported by the angels."  She had a vision of me being carried on the wings of the angels, or the angels raised me up.  My friend had been on her spiritual journey for a long time.  She was very open to the Divine.  I asked the time of her vision.  Incredibly, she had the vision right after my talk to God.  I lived in the city where the church was, but my friend lived in another city about 45 minutes away.  It was truly amazing God answered my prayer through her.

Knowing that our angels and guides are with us through this journey we call life is very assuring and comforting.  If you haven't opened up to this relationship, do it NOW!  Talk to them.  You don't have to know their names.  They will respond to you because they are your angels and guides.  They are here to work with you and not someone else.

Since the Night Vision - Pieces of A Dream' Phenomenon, my husband has said a few times that I should ask the Divine for lots of money.  It is a misunderstanding on his part.  I am not any more than him, and he is not any less than me.  We are equal by nature.  The Christ Light or Buddha Nature is in each one of us.  Life is not about how much wealth we have accumulated, or how famous we are.  What can we bring with us when we move on?  I would like to end this post with the simple guidance from the Light Beings on how to live our life as told by Shelley Yates (re my post Before 11/11/11 and after 11/11/11)

  • Do no harm to yourself and others,
  • apply honesty and integrity in all that you do,
  • and then, find your personal joy while expressing gratitude (e.g. writing, painting, listening to music, dancing, acting, singing, gardening, and whatever that gives you joy)  When we live joyfully and gratefully, the presence of our being is making a difference in this world.  

To Karen, thank you for your book.  Thank you for the wisdom, peace, and serenity you share with this world.  To the loving angels who help to connect us with one another, we love you!

Love and Peace,
Q of D


  1. The Angels are at it again! Just now I was guided to your blog and surprised to find you'd written about my book Rise and Shine. It's amusing because I selected the Synchronicity Angel this morning and wondered what could possibly happen.

    I'm so grateful our paths crossed in Virginia Beach and it's comforting to know wherever we may live, we're always lovingly connected by our Angels.

    Thank you for sharing the messages of the Angels. I enjoy your blog.

    Happy Thanksgiving!



    1. Thanks! It is truly interesting how the Divine works!

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones too!

      I love your blog and the pictures are wonderful. I find peace and serenity reading your posts.
