Friday, September 6, 2013

Together We Can Change The World


One night, a woman's scream for help broke the silence of the night.  People rushed to the windows to see what happened.  (They lived in tall buildings.)  Looking down at the street, they saw a robber beating up a woman who struggled to hold onto her handbag.  Nobody dared to intervene for they had learned or accustomed to mind their own business.  A girl about 8 yr. old looked out from a third floor window.  She saw a man kicking and beating a woman.  Spontaneously, she yelled at the robber to stop beating the woman and let her go.  Her voice pierced through the cool night air.  She saw the robber ran away, but did not get to see if the woman still had her handbag.  Her parents, in shock and fear, had immediately pulled her away from the window.  They warned her never to do that again.

The girl grew up.  Everyday she went to work by bus.  Gradually, she recognized the faces of many pickpockets.  There were different groups of pickpockets.  Each group had about 4 to 6 people.  When there were not many people on the bus, sometimes they openly bragged about the money they stole from other people.  The bus conductors recognized all of them too, but did not dare to say anything.

One day, a young man got off the bus to run after the pickpockets that had stolen his wallet.  Instead of running away, the pickpockets ganged up on the young man, and began to beat him brutally.  Nobody dared to help him.  The young woman was in the bus.  She too only watched in dismay even though she wished she or others could help the young man.  When she was home, she told her family how much she wished she could do something to stop the pickpockets.  Her brother showed her an article on the newspaper.  A woman went to court as a witness in a pickpocket case.  As she was walking out of the court, a man slashed her face and ran away.  It was a case of retaliation by the pickpockets.  The young woman stopped talking about the pickpockets for she understood her family did not want her to get hurt.  But her sense of righteousness never wavered.

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A woman worked in a restaurant with her husband.  When rush hours were over, sometimes she sat by a table next to the windows.  She often saw a small school bus parked by the wall that separated the strip mall and the subdivision.  In the beginning, she did not think much of it.  One day, she happened to see the bus driver came out of the bus.  The man looked around before getting into the bus through a door on the side. The door of a regular school bus was normally near the front so that the driver could see the students getting in.  The woman realized the small school bus was for special needs students.  

On another day, she saw a student that seemed to be in a wheelchair was on the bus.  She wondered why the driver parked there with a student inside.  She observed the bus driver always looked around as if to make sure nobody was watching him before he got into the bus through the side door.  He often stayed inside the bus for quite a while.  She told her husband something very wrong might be going on inside the bus, but he said it was none of her business.

She was deeply troubled.  If what she suspected was true, the child was not capable of defending herself or himself.  She could not imagine the pain the child must be going through for the parents probably never suspected this could happen.  After prayingshe called the school district office.  A young man answered the phone.  He listened patiently.  The next day, a police car parked by the wall.  The school bus came.  Seeing the police car, the bus driver immediately made a U-turn to go back on the road.  

A few days later, the driver parked the school bus by the wall again.  As usual, he looked around before he got inside the bus.  Suddenly, a police car came from the other end of the parking lot.  The bus driver hurriedly got back onto the driver seat to drive away.  The police car followed closely behind.  The woman never saw the school bus again.

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Years ago, I visited my relatives who lived in a big city in another state. The streets were crowded with people.  Scenes of prosperity were seen everywhere.  Suddenly, a woman screamed, "He stole my handbag!"  She ran after the thief.  Most of the people continued to shop as if nothing had happened.  My relative said, "It (purse snatching) happens all the time, but it is pretty safe here.  We have never been robbed."

Most of us have become numb to crimes and violence.  We accept them as the way of life.  We live in fear and separation, yet we do not realize that we are.  We look away when others need help.  When we witness injustice such as bullying and abuse, we are afraid to stand up / speak up.  Some people fail to report financial frauds, misuse of funds and corruption because they do not want to jeopardize their jobs.  They think they are safe as long as they mind their own business.  They assume everything is fine for they are not the victims (yet!).

On the surface, it may seem there is nothing wrong with minding our own business, and ignoring the wrongs / misfortunes that happen to other people.  However, we better think again.  Life is unpredictable.  You never know what may happen.  What would you wish to happen if your loved one is being beaten up by robbers or bullies?  Would you want people to stand by doing nothing, or people step in to save your loved one?

Do you remember the young woman's brother?  One day, the pickpockets forcefully took his wallet right in front of the bus conductor and other passengers.  He was not hurt, but was quite shaken up.  Therefore, you never knew when you would be a victim until you were one!  With the slow economy, my relative who lived in the big city said over the phone that she did not feel safe anymore.  There had been more crimes and home invasions.  They had to take extra precautions before they left their house to go anywhere.

It is understandable we think of our own safety in time of danger.  We are afraid of retaliation or reprisal.  (The young woman was afraid too after learning the attack on the woman who took the witness stand in the pickpocket case.)  However, in this modern age of technology, sometimes we can get help for others simply by making a call to the police.  In some cases, we can remain anonymous if we choose to.  It may not be an easy decision to make if we have to physically intervene or stand up for others.  It is a choice one makes.  We should not let fear stop us from doing the right thing.  We have to have faith in the goodness of people.  In the news, we have heard again and again that people joined in when one person stepped forward to do the right thing.

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Some corporations receive billions of dollars from the government to save them from bankruptcy.  Afterward, the executives of these corporations gave themselves huge bonuses!  Some financial fraud cases / white-collar crimes draw lots of attention for people are fascinated by the millions / billions of dollars involved.  However, most are indifferent to financial frauds or the misuse of governmental aids.  They think this is a materialistic world; people are naturally greedy, and those who commit financial frauds are just greedier.  Besides, they are not concerned with the crimes because they are not the victims or it is not their money.

It may be we should think again.  Many people are laid off in recent years.  Some people may still have a job if the millions and billions of dollars are not fraudulently taken by those few.  The government would have more money if not for the medical and financial frauds.  It is your money for you are the tax payers!  We should applaud those that come forward to report corruption, misuse of funds and financial fraud.

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Some people feel pessimistic about life.  They resign to their view that life in this world is getting worse, and they can do nothing about it.

What is your view about life, my friends?  

Years ago, I watched on the TV a black woman selflessly and fearlessly threw herself over a stranger (a white man) to protect him from further beatings by a few black men who were mad over a minor conflict during a celebration on the street.  In recent years, more and more people especially the younger generation began to speak up and stand up against discrimination, racism, and bullying.  Not long ago, there was also this conscientious group of wealthy men and women who stood behind President Obama, and took a stand saying that there was something very wrong with the tax system for they were paying less taxes (based on the %) than the regular tax payers.  They were willing to pay more taxes!  What a contrast it was to those millionaires and billionaires who tried to pay as little taxes as possible!   

I heard some city employees voted to accept a temporary pay cut (the managers took a deeper pay cut) so that nobody would be laid off.  I was also certain that there were conscientious business owners and executives who cared about their employees, and took big pay cuts themselves so that more people could stay on their jobs. 

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If we continue to live as 'I' and not 'we', we will continue to live in a world of fear and separation.
         What kind of a world do you or more accurately do we want to live in?

We are not powerless towards shaping the world we live in.  It may help if we begin by examining our own fears and views of separation, e.g. our prejudiced views of separation base on race, religion, culture, and our wrong view of superiority or inferiority bases on human measures.  Let the change begin with us.  Don't turn a blind eye to injustice, discrimination, corruption, financial frauds, and other people's misfortunes.  Together we can make this beautiful earth a safe and wonderful world to live in.  

Love and Peace,
Q of D

This post was originally published on June 28, 2012. I felt compelled to revise and publish it again. I can only write with the basic English that I know, but I do hope the simple words from my heart can connect with you.

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