Monday, December 17, 2012

A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove


On October 8, 2008, I woke up from a dream.  I remembered the scenes clearly because the images were vivid and colorful.  I saw a beautiful, beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove.  From my experiences with dreams, I knew this dream was of significance, but I did not know how to interpret it.

While I was thinking about the dream the next day, I suddenly remembered I took a brochure from a holistic store a couple of days ago.  I looked at it.  Coincidentally, the store happened to offer free dream interpretation on that day from noon to 1 p.m.  I asked my guides and angels if I should go.  I 'got' it I should.  So I went to the store.

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Now let me tell you my dream.

I arrived at a place.  There were many stores along the streets.  Each store was unique and interesting.  The lighting in all the stores was pleasant and delightful.  I was very happy to find this place.  I was with a son, a little boy (in real life, my sons are grown-ups).  After a while, my son wanted to go home.  I thought it was all right to go home for I could come back to this place anytime I liked.

It was night time.  The parking lot was a distance away from the stores.  As we walked, we saw many people walking too.  On the ground, there was a large group of doves.  I saw a beautiful pink fish on the back of one of the white doves!  How did a fish get on the back of a dove?  I wondered.  I also wondered if the fish was real or a plastic one.  If it was plastic, I might have to free the dove from the plastic fish.  I walked to the dove.  When I touched the fish, it bounced off the back of the dove.  It bounced a few times on the ground, and stopped just as any live fish would when it was out of the water.

I wanted to keep the fish alive!  I knew the fish needed water right away.

Next scene - I was inside somewhere.  I put the fish in a plastic bag of water.  The fish took a few mouthful of water.  I wondered where the body of water was so that I could put the fish in.  It turned out the nearest body of water was close to where I lived.  I thought I had better hurry up.  I saw a big basket of traditional Chinese food (food wrapped in green leaves).  I looked inside and saw the pink fish in the basket on top of the food.  It was not in the plastic bag of water anymore.  The fish was alive and well in the basket.  I 'got' it I should bring with me the big basket of food when I went to put the fish into a body of water.

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At the store, the man who offered free dream interpretation was very nice.  As I was recalling my dream, he started to interpret it scene by scene.  I asked him to wait until I finished telling him the whole dream.  (In my opinion, if we interpret a dream scene by scene, we may focus on one scene, and can easily miss the main message of the dream.  So it is better to look at the the whole dream first.)  He kindly obliged.  As he listened, his interpretation of the dream changed course as if some inspiration had come to him

When I finished, he asked, "What does pink mean to you?"  I said, "Pink means love and harmony to me."  He suddenly asked if I was a Christian.  I said, "I do go to church."  He asked if I did anything at church after Sunday service.  I said I used to hold a Circle of Love after Sunday service, but I had stopped.  He said, "Don't stop! You should continue your work of spreading love."

He began to talk about the story in which Jesus Christ fed many with a basket of food. He said the dove might represent the Holy Spirit, or it could be a symbol of peace.  I was eager to keep the fish alive signified my work was to keep love alive by feeding others with spiritual food.  The basket of traditional Chinese food wrapped in green leaves meant I brought the wisdom of the East to the West.  Green symbolized the healing work that I did.  The body of water signified a spiritual place such as a church. "I was going to put the fish in a body of water" meant I would be teaching about love in a spiritual center or a church.

I told him I had learned a healing art, but I did not see myself as a healer.  I told him I was looking for a job, any job.  He said there might be a job for me since the store hired cashiers and other help from time to time.  He wanted me to meet the manager.  He gave me a piece of paper.  He asked me to write about the healing art I learned and my experiences in healing.

The manager was busy.  She said she would call me if there should be any further discussion.  I held no expectations because I was there to understand my dream. When I was home, I realized the gentleman at the store must be quite intuitive.  He had said something about my family which I never said a word.

Ten days later at church, I walked past a pastor who was talking to a woman.  When he saw me, he told her that I was a wonderful healer.  Immediately, I said how I felt, "No, I am not!  I don't know much about healing."  The pastor did not expect my response.  He asked, "Have you ever watched the healing service DVDs?"  I said I had not.  He went and got me a DVD.  At home, I watched the DVD.  I was surprised the healing energies that channeled through were captured on the DVD.  There were many wonderful healers that day, and the energy at church was powerful.  All the healers except me stood in front of a wall with colored wallpaper.  As a result, the healing energies were not that obvious on the wallpaper.  I stood next to a white wall, and that was why the colors of the healing energies were clearly seen.

Since I really needed a job, I asked the pastor if it was alright for me to let the store manager see the DVD.  He kindly said 'yes'.  I was never comfortable promoting myself.  For days, I did not want to bring the DVD to the manager.  I finally did.  She said she would call me.  She never did.  Before Christmas, I went to ask for the DVD back.  She said she did not have the time to watch the DVD, but she might watch it during Christmas.  I said 'no' because I had borrowed it from the church for too long. She gave the DVD back to me.  Before I left, she put my name on the 2009 Feb. calendar.  She said she would call me in January.  I did not take it seriously.

Early Jan. 2009, I told my son what happened over the phone.  He said, "Mom, you had better call her.  When people put your name on the calendar, they mean it."

I called the store, but nobody answered.  I left a message.  A couple of days later, I called again and left another message.  When I called for the third time, someone answered the phone.  She told me the woman that promised to call me no longer worked there.  She took down my phone number, and promised to ask the manager to call me.  Again, nobody called me back.  I decided to let it go.

On January 23, 2009, I suddenly 'got' it that I needed to go to the store 'now'. It was not a voice but an urging / prompting from my spirit guide.  A new manager greeted me.  She said it was her third day at work.  The place had been without a manager for a while.  She knew the store had printed out the Feb. calendar.  When we looked at it, we found out in black and white that I was going to facilitate a healing workshop in February!  She knew nothing about it and so was I!

I guessed that was how the Divine plan worked.  If the original manager had asked me, I would definitely have said 'no' to hold a workshop.  I did not consider myself a healer, and how was I going to facilitate a healing workshop!  That day I realized the divine plan was at work - the dream of a pink fish carried by a white dove, the man who interpreted the dream, the manager who never called me, the pastor and the DVD, the change of management, and I was told to go to the store only after the calendar was printed.  All in all were part of a divine plan.  In truth, I had been told in readings and by strangers (or messengers) to step forward, but I did not.  I thought my English was not good, I was not qualified, and I did not want attention.  This experience caused me to examine my attitude and the way I judged myself.

Anyway, I had only a few weeks to prepare for the workshop.  What was I going to say?  Would people understand my English?  I was stressed out.  At night, I could not sleep.  A week before the workshop, I came down with a high fever and non-stop coughing.  I could no longer practise what I planned to say.  I slept and slept because the medicine made me drowsy.  Amazingly, I was made well the day before the workshop.  In the morning of the workshop, I woke up from another vivid dream.  In the dream, many Elders sat by a big table, and some Elders stood behind them.  I could see them clearly.  They were looking at me.  I did not expect their presence.  I became very emotional.  I cried.  I would stop at that for that was another dream.

The divine did send me some help for the workshop.  Months before the workshop, I met a sister who visited our church from Florida.  As we talked, we found out we had both learned the same healing art.  When I learned of the workshop, I prayed she would be there.  Coincidentally, she visited again from Florida.  I invited her to come to the workshop.  A wonderful friend from church was also a great help.  She guided the group in a meditation to connect with the Unified Field of Love.  Thank you, friends. Thank you, God, angels, guides, and all the Elders who are watching over us.

When the workshop was over, I was very relieved.  I thought I would not hold any workshop again.  Well, two months ago**** I facilitated the third workshop with two wonderful friends who were participants in my second workshop.  They were both Reiki Masters.  It was an honor to work with them.  To all the participants in the third workshop, I send you my love.  Thank you for your loving presence.

I went to the store for a free dream interpretation, and ended up holding my first healing workshop.  Life is truly mystical, unpredictable, and, at times intriguing.

Many blessings,
Q of D

**** This post was originally published in two parts around August 20, 2011.  The third workshop took place in June, 2011.

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