Thursday, June 30, 2016

I asked to be a channel of healing to the others, and I was


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Two Powerful Healers came from Another State
The clairvoyant healer gave me a healing Session

After eating, we sat in a circle.  The healer that gave me a healing session did not sit among us.  He was somewhere in the house giving healing to others.  The host asked the healer that arrived a short while ago to share his story.  The host and some at the circle seemed to know the healer well.  I got the impression that this group might have been meeting for quite some time even though I only learned about the gathering on June 14.

According to the online info, this healer was the featured healer.  He had healed people since he was young.  He had a PhD., and was a professor in a university.  He was the founder of a wellness center.  He had many interesting personal stories.  We learned he had a successful career in another field before he founded the wellness center.  He showed us the energy chart and some pendulums that he used to measure, clear, and increase one's energy field in his healing work.  Then he said for us to ask questions.

Someone asked if we should ask for permission before we gave healing.  The healer told us an incident during which he healed a woman because he saw that she was in pain.  The same person asked again wanting to know if healing would not occur if a person did not give permission.  I decided to share my view.  Some of us believed our will mattered the most since this was a world of free will.  They took 'will' as a decision made by the mind, but we were spirits having a physical life in a human body.  Our higher self was forever the guiding source.  Therefore, healing would occur if it was in the divine plan or in accord with the will of the higher self.  A man joined in.  He said someone had once asked Paramahansa Yogananda the same question, and the answer was "if you are mowing the lawn, do you ask every blade of grass if they want to be cut!"

Later, the host put a chair inside the circle.  He asked a young woman to sit on the chair, and said to the healer that it was time to do some healing.  When the host said that, the woman sitting next to me immediately left her chair, and moved to sit on a couch about two feet behind me.  At the time, I did not think much about it or why she left her chair.

From here onward, I would use 'the main healer' and 'the clairvoyant healer' for the two healers from another state.

The main healer asked where the clairvoyant healer was.  Someone said he was somewhere in the house giving healing sessions.  The main healer did not work on the young woman.  He continued to talk.  It might be he wanted the clairvoyant healer to be present so as to confirm / describe what happened when he worked on her.

Around 3:30 pm, the clairvoyant healer returned to the circle with a man.

Since the woman moved to sit on the couch, the chair next to me had been unoccupied.  The clairvoyant healer went to sit on that chair.  He said he tried to help the man, but the man wanted to receive healing directly from the healer that was featured online.  Remained sitting where he was, the main healer began to heal the man using his energy chart and a pendulum.

From their conversation, we learned why the man asked for healing.

For the last three years, the man had not been able to fall asleep.  He felt extremely tired, yet he had to go to work so that he could provide for his family.  He had gone to see many doctors, and nothing seemed to help.  The doctors could not find out what was wrong.  (Nobody asked if he had tried sleeping pills or if he did not want to take any medicine.)  Using the energy chart, the main healer asked if he had this disease or that disease.  The man answered 'no'.

After some time, the man did not seem to respond to the healing.  He wished for an instant healing, but sometimes we had to be patient in the healing process.  From the look on his face, I could see his frustration, hopelessness, and desperation.  My heart was filled with compassion.

It was 4 pm. - the time the gathering was supposed to end.  My son, who had been looking at his phone most of the time to show his disinterest, was now looking at me repeatedly to show that it was time to leave.

Nobody had left.  I did not want to be rude and leave without saying a word.  I walked to a woman that seemed to be well acquainted with the main healer and some others in the gathering.  I told her I must go because my son wanted to leave.  She said, "Your son can leave.  I will ask someone to drive you home."  I did not expect to hear that.  She insisted for me to stay saying someone would drive me home later.  When my son heard that, he insisted he must be the one to drive me home.  He said he could wait if I wanted to stay for a while.

I went back to my chair.  From the few words exchanged between the two healers, we somewhat understood why the man was resistant to the healing.  Unexpectedly, the clairvoyant healer asked if I would heal the man.  I told him I was hesitant to do that in front of my son.  My son said, "If you want to, go ahead."

I put a chair in the center of the circle.  I asked the man to sit on the chair.  I asked to turn down the light somewhat if it was possible.  Then I said, "Let all of us set the intention of helping the brother.  When one is healed, all is healed for in truth We Are One."  The clairvoyant healer and a few others sat on the floor to surround the man and me.  In the physical sense, the healing energy that came through to work on the man was gentle.  (If you have time, please read My journey as a channel of healing energy about healing energies.)  When the energy receded, I said, "That is all for now."  I walked back to my chair.

For quite a while, all of us sat in silence (except one person**) because the man continued to sit on the chair inside the circle as if he did not know the healing session was over.  From where I sat, I could not see his face.  I did not know if his eyes were open or close.

**Meanwhile, the woman that sat on the couch behind me was groaning.  She seemed to be in a lot of pain.  The human I did not understand what was going on.

Finally, someone turned the light back to normal.  It might be the clairvoyant healer for he was now standing somewhere in front of the man.  He said to the man, "Sorry for waking you up."  The man stood up and went back to where he used to sit.

The main healer asked the man, "How do you feel?"  Before he said anything, the main healer said, "Look at the smile on your face!  We know how you feel!"  Seeing the wonderful smile on his face, all of us smiled too.  The brother said, "I felt very relaxed."

The woman that was groaning in great pain raised her hand trying to get the attention of the main healer.  The healer was talking.  He did not notice that because she sat on a couch outside of the circle.

It was now 5 pm.  My son asked me to leave.  I thanked the clairvoyant healer again for healing me.  He gave me his card.  He told me I could call him if I needed to talk.  I walked to the main healer.  We hugged.  Then many came to hug me.  Among them was the woman that had sat on the couch groaning.  Her whole body was shaking in pain.  She managed to say, "I am an empath.  I normally stay away from this kind of gathering.  I am feeling all the pain that the man had.  It was terrible.  Since you can help him, it may be you can help me to release the pain too."  As we hugged, she took a long, deep breath.  After four deep breaths, the woman was not in pain anymore.  It was a strange experience for me.  I could feel the woman was lighter or freer after each deep breath.

During that time, a young man *** talked to my son.  He said he did not like to hear anything spiritual years ago, but he had since changed.  He encouraged my son to seek his own spiritual truth.  Thank you, young man.  The clairvoyant healer offered to give my son a healing session.  My son did not accept.

In the car, my son complained that it was late for I had told him the meeting was over at 4 pm.  I said, "I told you I could drive here by myself, but you insisted to come with me.  At 4 pm, you could have left, but you insisted that you must be the one to drive me home."  My son thought for a while.  He said, "Yes, it is true."  The truth was, nothing happened by accident.  The day was for me as well as for him.

After I signed up for the gathering, I prayed to receive healing.  I had received healing from the clairvoyant healer.  I asked to be a channel of healing to the others, and I was.

To the two healers that came to our state, thank you.  I hope to see you again.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  *** His name was Matthew (not his real name).  At the time of writing this post, I did not know my meeting with Matthew was very much in the divine plan.  (Re my posts about the spiritual retreat in 2017 The Divine had its way of revealing to me )

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