Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Love! Love! Love! Just love him and nothing else. Simply love him.


One day years ago, my son came to ask me for my honest opinion on something.  I gave him my honest opinion, but what I said was not what he wanted to hear.  As usual, he continued by asking more questions.  He already knew my answers to those questions since we had gone through similar discussions many times.  For examples, "Mom, what is wrong with showing off?" and "Why do you say money is not the most important thing in life?"  Eventually, I said I had other things to do for this conversation had been going on for too long.  I told him it would be up to him if he wanted to show off.  He would not stop at that, and I refused to say another word.  He began to say things that he knew would provoke me.  Finally, I had enough.  I kind of lifted myself off the chair.  I was about to stand up and give him an earful of what I had to say.  At that very moment, a man's voice came through urgently loud and clear *** -

           Love!  Love!  Love!  Just love him and nothing else.  Simply love him.

Immediately, peace came over me.  I sat down.  I smiled.  I realized I had lost my peace, and reacted to the situation again.  My son was very surprised for he clearly saw I was about to explode, but completely changed in an instant.  In my heart, I sent him a message: "I love you no matter what.  I love you, Son."  Quietly, he walked away.

My son was very quiet for a couple of hours.  He washed all the dishes, pots and pans in the sink.  Later, he came to give me a hug.  He said: "Mom, I love you."

Months later, mother and son got into a similar situation again.  He kept on pushing my limit.  I was about to react.  Then I recalled the "Love! Love! Love!" incident.  I burst out laughing.  I said, "Wow, you are such a good teacher!"  My son also realized we almost fell into the same old pattern.  He laughed too.

In recent years, we can really talk, listen, and end our discussion without hard feelings.  Life is a mind journey.  Our way of looking at life or our attitude towards life pretty much shapes the life we live.  Sometimes when we change our way of handling things / our view of others, we also change the outcome of a situation / relationship.  From the human point of view, "Love! Love! Love! Just love him and nothing else. Simply love himis a tall order.  However, it serves to remind me to look at others (not just my loved ones) with love and compassion no matter what.  I was very grateful for my spirit guide's timely intervention that day.  It was truly an experience of transformation.

One day not long after I moved here, I shared this experience with a small group of people at church **.  At the end, I said: "Sometimes when we change our attitude and look at others with love, we also change the situation."  When I went to church again, a woman came to me.  With tears in her eyes, she said: "One day, I had to go to a place to talk to a man about a project.  The man had an attitude.  I found him very difficult to deal with.  Suddenly, I remembered what you said.  I changed my view of him, and mentally sent him love.  He changed and became very cooperative.  Thank you!"

I will sign off for now.  Thank you for reading my blog.  It is in sharing we learn and connect.  I would love to hear your stories too.

Q of D

*** That was the second and the last time I heard my spirit guide's voice loud and clear.  The first time was in the last quarter of 1999 when I was overwhelmed by life's difficulties.  Since I knew nothing about guides and angels, I tried to put it behind me. In time, I learned we all had our own spirit guides and angels.  Most of the time, I perceived their guidance as a knowing or thought that came to me.  In my posts, I chose to use the words 'I heard' or 'thoughts that came to me'.  In the last couple of years, they did not respond to my request for answers as often as I wanted.  Through dreams, they told me the preparation was completed; they would always be with me, and it was time for me to take charge of my life.

** It was a Unity Church (not the small church I called my spiritual home).  (Re My Big Moment of Embarrassment )