Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The aspects of our divine plan are like the branches on a tree


We had a good, busy Easter Sunday.  In the morning, we went to our younger son's house.  We watched our grandchildren having an egg hunt in their backyard.  All of us, kids and adults, shared in the joy of this special holiday.  At noon, we met up with our daughter-in-law's family for lunch in a restaurant.  Afterwards, we went to visit our daughter-in-law's grandmother who had shown me much warmth and understanding when I met their family for the first time in 2007.  My heart was always filled with love and gratitude whenever I saw her.  We stayed there for almost 2 hours.  Then we came home to cook the food for we had asked our son's family to come over for dinner.

For those of you who have been reading my blog, you may remember I was told XX state where our older son and us had lived for 4 1/2 years was the place I would live for the last phase of my life.  (See my post Archangel Metatron and the Healing Session) Although I was surprised by the two moves in 2012 (from XX to another state, and back to here where our sons were born and we had lived for decades), I was in total acceptance of what happened.  I knew a new place would be good for my husband who had gone through a rough time again.  And, of course, it was good for our older son for he had wished for a new job.  Furthermore, living in another state meant it was only a 6 1/2 hrs. drive instead of 13 - 14 hrs. if we wanted to visit our younger son's family.  My older son had always loved the state where he was born.  Therefore, he agreed to the contract job because it would be closer to 'home'.

Amazingly, the divine had a better plan.  It turned out the contract job in another state was but a stepping stone.  Right when the contract job was over, a job recruiter called our son.  The recruiter said a new job which was a perfect fit for our son had just opened up, and it was in his home state!  He drove back for the interview, and it was a success.

Our daughter-in-law was pregnant with the third child when we moved back.  We were glad we could be of help sometimes by playing with our two older grandchildren.  We were happy that we were here when our third grandchild was born.  

Why did the intuitive and the teacher of the Thursday circle said that XX was where I would stay?  Had there been a change in the Divine Plan?

A channel who knew nothing about me and our moves said over the phone five months ago: "You had gone through a 3-year emotional situation*, and had overcome some obstacles.  Those obstacles had kind of induced your soul self to change the directions on your journey of life, and you moved.  This going through of the emotional obstacles and the battling of the situation had made you tap more into your inner guidance."  The words answered my question about the change in the Divine Plan.  *To me, it was an emotional 4-year situation instead of 3.  With our free will, my soul self must have chosen the change for the good of all.  That was why I felt peaceful leaving the state and church I had come to love.  It was also true I had to turn more within to battle the situation because I had no one to turn to but myself.

When we lived in XX state, we video chatted with our loved ones from time to time. We visited them once or twice a year.  However, it is nothing like now that we can actually interact and play with them on a regular base.  Our grandchildren have come to know us, and not just the grandparents on the computer screen.  I really treasure the time we share.  I know, with job and other prospectives in life, someday our younger generations may not live close to where we are.  However, I know that All Is Well because Love Is.  Love transcends space, time, and distance.

The aspects of our divine plan are like the branches on a tree.  The change of direction in my life is like another branch on the tree, but the Source (trunk and roots) of being is the same or unchanged.  I do feel it is good to be back at this time so that we can spend some time with our loved ones.

To our angels and spirit guides (i.e. our loved ones and mine), I am very grateful for your hard work behind the scenes.  Thank you!

Thank you for reading my blog.  May your days be filled with peace and joy!

Q of D

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Oprah & Deepak's new free meditation - Finding Your Flow


Oprah and Deepak's new free 21-Day Meditation "Finding Your Flow" will begin Monday, April 14.  In my own experience, I felt the good energy whenever I joined in the meditation.  If you want to learn more or sign up, please go to


I had joined their past three meditation challenges.  I never bought anything until last Christmas.  I put Oprah and Deepak Meditation Master Trilogy CD sets on my wish list, and my older son bought it for me for Christmas.  The order was handled by Amazon.  I was concerned by the way the CD sets were packed.  I emailed Chopra Center about my concern, and they responded immediately.  I was grateful for their service.

Though I received lots of emails from the Chopra Center promoting their products, it was just the way of life in the modern world.  I found the meditation helpful, and that was why I put it on my wish list.  I believed in the love and good intention of Oprah, Deepak, and others who served at the Center.  Like them, I joined the meditation with love.  I never felt I had to buy something because I joined the free meditation.

I learn Oprah, Deepak, and other spiritual teachers will be on tour.  One of the cities they will visit is about 40 minutes from where I live.  I have never met them.  Of course, I would love to meet them in person.  However, at this time, I will have to let it go.  It is still some months away.  If I should, I would.  So it is.

If you want to learn more about the tour or the meditation, please visit their website.

Enjoy your day!

Q of D