Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Gift from Mei Mei, and a blessing from the Divine


When I was young, my family had a tomcat named Mei Mei.  He was very handsome with bright, shiny black and white hairs.  He was a wanderer.  He left the house at an early age.  However, he came home every few months.  He walked around the house as if he was checking if everything was in order.  Then he left again.

On Nov.28, 2009, I had a vivid dream.  I dreamed of Mei Mei.  In the dream, he was a big, black cat.  He looked very different, but I knew it was him.  I saw him ran to a space next to a parked car.  He seemed to be struggling on the ground for quite a while.  I looked closer, and saw a fur ball coming off of him.  I picked it up.  It was actually a cute kitten with beautiful big eyes!  Its upper part of the body was covered with beautiful bright gray striped hairs, and shiny white hairs below (under the head, chest, tummy, legs, and paws).  Later, the kitten was running about.  I called out to my Mom and Sis that Mei Mei had given birth to a kitten.  Then Mei Mei came to me.  I could feel so much love from the cat.  The feeling of love was beyond words.  I got it from Mei Mei that the kitten was his birthday present for me. (I believed even in the dream my mind was thinking: "But my birthday is many months away.")  My sister said: "Mei Mei loves you very, very much."  At the end of the dream, I was looking at the kitten whom was running about.

I did not tell my son and my husband about the dream for I thought there was no way we were going to have a kitten.  We lived in an apartment.  According to the lease, we must pay a few hundred dollars if we had a pet, and most of the money was non-refundable.  We also had to pay $20 extra every month.

As time went by, I forgot about the dream.

On Jan. 27, 2010, my son brought home a black and white computer print-out of a kitten.  A manager at one of the warehouses had found a stray kitten.  It was winter. The manager kept the kitten in his office so as to keep it warm.  However, he was told by the company that he could not keep it there for much longer.  So he emailed all the staff if anybody wanted to adopt a kitten.  My son had gone to see the kitten.  He told me it was very cute.  He wanted to bring the kitten home.  I mentioned the pet fee and increased rent.  We also talked about our last experience with stray kittens (fleas, scratches and so on).  However, I told him it was his decision to make.

Around noon the next day, I looked at the picture of the kitten.  I prayed: "God, please let this kitten find a home where he or she will be loved." (I did not know the gender of the kitten.)  Suddenly, I thought of my mother who let me have pets - a puppy, Mei Mei, Hung Hung (another tomcat we adopted later), a chick, gold fish, birds and a turtle.  My older sister and brother were not interested in pets.  My mother had lovingly allowed me to have those experiences.  What about me as a mother?

Then the phone rang.  My son called from work.  He told me so far the manager had not received any response to his email.  Honestly, part of me wish that one of his coworkers who owned a house would take the kitten home, but part of me hope I could be more supportive of my son as my mother had supported me.  However, there was a difference.  While I was growing up, we owned the place we lived in.  Over the phone, my son and I talked.  I asked him to take the time to think about the issues such as fees and increase in rent, and perhaps we should pray that the kitten would be adopted by a loving family.

Around 4 p.m., my son came home with the kitten!  I looked at the cute kitten.  Its eyes were big and beautiful.  It had bright gray striped hairs on top, and shiny white hairs on the bottom.  I suddenly remembered my dream.  I rushed into the bedroom to look for the notebook in which I had recorded the dream.  Exactly two months later (11/28/09 - 1/28/10), the dream had come true.  Mei Mei's gift had arrived!

The cat is truly a blessing from the divine to our family.  I learn from the vet that the kitten is a male tabby.  He is going to be 2 years old in Oct.  He is very intelligent, and treats every one in the family differently.  Most of all, he gives my husband lots of attention, warmth, and joy.  It is good to see him smiles as he plays with the cat.

Mei Mei, thank you.  God, thank you.

Have a nice night!

Love and Peace, 
Q of D

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