Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Prayer on the 10th Anniv. of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks


Ten years ago on this day, I watched on TV the horrific acts of terrorism.  I was shocked and saddened.  For days, I prayed for the people who were killed and wounded in the attacks.  My heart went out especially to those who had lost their loved ones.  I could not imagine the pain they went through as they saw it unfolded before their eyes.

During those days, thoughts flooded my mind.  (I use 'we' because in truth we are one.)
  • What justify killing another?  As a group, do we kill to force an issue or to get what we want?  Do we kill over our differences in religious beliefs, races, cultures, and politics?  If others have (supposedly) 'wronged' us and we take the same action against them, can we really consider we are right (to kill) and they are wrong?
  • Of course, we should try to capture those who plotted this senseless killing. However, in some places, children are raised with hatred deeply planted in their minds.  They are taught that terrorism is the means for victory.  How do we make them understand killing is wrong?  If we kill them, do we really win?  How, HOW, do we truly win the war over terrorism?

It has been ten years since the 9/11 attacks.  America has moved on with courage and grace.  This is my prayer.

Dear All Knowing and All Loving God,

On this day, the 10th Anniv. of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I pray -

                 May our hearts be lifted,
                 May our pain be transformed into strength,
                 May we learn and grow from this experience,
                 May we understand uncertainty is part of life
                 And learn to live each day fuller with love and more love,
                 May this day be a new beginning
                 Not only for us here in America but for the whole world,
                 May we treat one another with unconditional love, and
                 May we unite in peace, love, and joy for in truth we are one.


Love and Peace,
Q of D

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