Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do you have dreams looking for your handbag?


Do you have dreams looking for your handbag?  Or, have you ever dreamed about losing your handbag?  If you have, you may find the following entry in my journal interesting.


Again, I dreamed I was looking for my handbag.  Over the years, I had a few other dreams in which I was looking for my handbag.  In this dream as in other dreams, I did find my handbag with everything still inside.  During those dreams, I always felt a lot of anxiety.  So I asked my spirit guide why I had this kind of dreams.

"The handbag is so important to you because you consider that as your identity.  You identify yourself with what are in there, whereas, you don't need anything to be you.   You are already you.  You attach yourself to others such as mother and children, wife and husband.  To you, what you have is also your security.  Again, it is not true.  You worry about something you can lose, but how can you lose yourself!  So let go of your worries, and let go of your attachments."

How do I stop this kind of dreams?  Do I simply tell myself not to?

"Next time before you go to sleep, tell yourself - I am good the way I am.  I am a being of love, and that is all that I am.  I choose to let go of my worries of my false identity. So help me to sleep in peace.  Amen."   

                                                         End of entry

When I re-read this entry, I see why the handbag is a symbol of our identity.  We carry our credit/debit cards, ID cards, driver license, library cards, money, and photos of our loved ones in our handbags.  All of these are documents of our human identity as well as our security (financially and who we are in the family).   

I know many women are like me.  We are very attached to our identity as mother and wife.  We worry about the well-being of our loved ones, and try to shoulder more than we can take.  We cannot hold an objective view in situations where our loved ones are involved.  I used to have many sleepless nights because of my worries.  I am doing much better now.  I learn to let go let God, and trust ALL IS WELL in the Loving Divine

Your dreams of handbag may not necessary be of the same cause.  If you have recurring dreams that bother you, you can always ask and then listen to your inner voice or guidance.

May peace be with you while you sleep.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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