Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Who left many messages on her answering machine?


Today I cleaned up a drawer.  I saw a business card of a professional healer, and it brought back some memory.

In October 2008, I had a vivid dream of A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove .  I went to a holistic store for a free dream interpretation.  Unexpectedly, I ended up holding my first healing workshop in the store four months later (Feb. 2009).

Looking back, the event was more like an introduction to a healing art instead of a workshop.  The manager of the holistic store never talked to me about facilitating a workshop.  I found it out after they printed out their February schedule.  The time on the schedule only allowed me to demonstrate, and those at the event did not get to practice.  Luckily, the fee I set for the event was minimal.  I set a fee because I had to pay rent for the room in the store.  I did not consider myself a healer, and had never thought of holding a workshop.  I totally stressed out before the workshop, but was (made) well the day before it took place.  In the morning before the workshop, I woke up from a vivid dream of the Elders.  I knew then that everything was in Divine Order.

A few days after the February 2009 workshop, my friend*** called me.  She said a woman called her asking about the healing modality.  
***She was a great friend I met at church.  She was an engineer, an Energy Kinesiologist, a long time spiritual seeker, and a channel.  I asked her to come to the workshop to guide us in a meditation to connect with the healing energy.  She had learned Reiki.  Later, she also received the healing energy codes as I worked on her.  I was not comfortable talking in English on the phone, and did not have an email address at that time.  Without any hesitation, She agreed to help me without any hesitation.  We printed out fliers of the workshop with her phone number and email address as the person to contact.  In subsequent workshops, she was the contact person as well as a co-facilitator.  Dear Friend, thank you for your love and support.
Since my friend did not know much about the healing modality at that time, she called to tell me that she had given the woman my phone number.

Over the phone, the woman told me her name.  She was a professional healer (a Reiki practitioner).  She said one of her friends was in my healing workshop.  Her friend raved about the workshop / the healing energy.  The woman wanted to know the difference between the healing modality I demonstrated and Reiki.  At the end of our conversation, she said she might want to participate if I held another workshop.  I did not recall what I said, but at the time I was just very relieved that the workshop was over.  I did not think of holding another workshop at all.

About seven months later, a friend at church asked me to hold another workshop because she and a couple of her friends wanted to know the healing art.  The three of them were Reiki masters.  They met regularly to practice Reiki.  During that time, the friend I mentioned above also encouraged me to hold a workshop at church.  With the permission from the church, we made plan for a 2-day workshop on the fourth Sat. and Sun. in Oct.

Two weeks before the workshop, my friend talked to me about the woman who called after the first workshop.  She said she wanted to let her know about the workshop, but had lost her phone number.  I remembered I wrote down her name and phone number in my journal after talking to her.  My friend asked me to call the woman if I found the phone number.

When I was home, I found her phone number.  I called her.  She was seemingly very upset when she learned that I called about the workshop.  She said we had left many, many messages on her answering machine urging her to go to the workshop!  I was shocked!  I said, "This is the first time I call you.  As far as I know, my friend has not called you.  Now that you hear my voice, is it my voice on your answering machine?" She said, "It is definitely not your voice."  I could sense she regained her peace at this point.  I asked, "Could it be your friend who attended my February workshop?"  She said, "No, it is not my friend for I would have recognized her voice."  She said all the calls came while she was not home.  The caller never left a name or call back number except messages after messages about the workshop.  She was upset because the caller should have called and talked to her when she was home instead of leaving many messages on the answering machine.

After I hung up, I was confused.  Who called her?  The following Sunday, I talked to my friend.  She said she never called her.  When they talked on the phone in March, she wrote down her name and phone number on a small piece of paper.  She put it in her pants pocket and forgot about it.  She said the paper must be lost or ruined during the many cycles in the washer and dryer.  That was why she asked me to call the woman.  My friend also wondered who called the woman.  Why did someone give that much effort to relate the news, but did not try to talk to her?  The woman did not register for the workshop.  Up to this point, we had not met one another.

Anyway, we had a good experience at the workshop.  We were grateful that the church allowed us to use the chapel and practice healing once a month.

Some months later, two participants in the second workshop asked me to hold a workshop in another city.  (They were the Reiki masters.)  One of them had been a spiritual teacher and a professional healer for many years.  She owned a spiritual center in that city.  I told them that they could hold a workshop by themselves since they were channels of the healing energy like me.

Other than driving to church and a few places by myself, I depended on my husband to do the driving.  I was not good in directions.  Many times I lost my directions walking in a mall.  It was hard for my American friends to understand since driving to them was as easy as ABC.  Besides, I really felt my friends could hold the workshop without me.

However, my friends insisted for me to facilitate the workshop.  I finally agreed.  I asked them to be co-facilitators.  In June 2010, the three of us facilitated the workshop.  I met some new wonderful sisters.  Thank you for your presence in my experience.  (Re my post Giving and Receiving Love Must Be Balanced .)

Originally, a friend offered to pick me up on the first day of the workshop to show me the way so that I knew how to drive over there by myself on the second day.  She did not live close to where I lived.  I thought it was too much trouble for her to do that.  I asked my husband to drive me to that center twice before the workshop.  Thank goodness, I had smooth rides back and forth during the 2-day workshop.

In September 2010, I began going to a monthly Peace Circle.  It was held in a room inside a big spiritual research center.  The facilitator was a very good spiritual teacher.  She played amazing music too.  I attended the monthly meeting the best I could, but there were times I did not go.  Other people also came to the meeting when they could.  We had new faces all the time.  The facilitator always asked each one of us to share something about us in the beginning of the circle.  My self-introduction was usually brief.  I said my first name and a sentence or two such as "I am glad to be here" or "I come because peace of the world is important to me".

In one of the monthly meetings (might be in 2011), a woman came.  She said she was a healer.  When she said her name, I immediately realized she was the woman who called me about the healing modality.  She was very out-spoken.  Whenever she came, she had many stories to share.  Some of her life stories were quite interesting. She did not come to the circle regularly.  During the times she was in the circle, she did not seem to realize who I was or that we had talked on the phone.

One day at the meeting, people talked about healing modalities.  This sister said she did not understand why there were many new healing modalities.  In her view, Reiki was the most powerful healing energy.  I did not say anything.  I looked at her with a smile.  In another meeting, she said she always wanted to take a walk on the beach with a friend.  However, many of her friends did not have the time because they worked.  (She was in her mid 70 s.)  She wished to have a friend who would walk with her.  When the circle was over, I went to her.  I told her I would love to take a walk on the beach too.  I gave her my phone number, and she gave me her business card.

We talked on the phone once.  I did not remember if I could not go or she could not go.  I worked three to four days a week.  It would be perfect if she came for Sunday service.  We could go to the beach afterwards.  However, I did not see her at church.

Later that year, my friend talked to me about holding another workshop because a brother who lived in Florida wanted to come.  This brother was a wonderful teacher and speaker who was greatly loved by all at church.  Knowing the brother was coming, another friend (the Reiki master who participated in the second workshop) wanted to be part of the event.  I asked both of my friends to be co-facilitators.  A kind pastor donated three scholarships for people to come to the workshop.  (In all the workshops, I never turned away anyone because of money.)  Together, the three of us began the 2-day workshop right after Thanksgiving Day.  The workshop was over on Saturday.  On Sunday, many at church remarked that we were radiating.

The workshop was an exceptional experience.  At the time, I did not know I would leave that state soon.

Holding the business card in my hand, I wonder how the sister is doing.  I hope she has since taken many walks on the beach with not just a friend but many friends.

Q of D

P.S.  A few months ago, I was in a spiritual gathering.  A man stood up.  He said he was an energy healer.  He had learned many spiritual energy healing modalities.  He found this particular healing energy to be the most powerful (FYI it is not Reiki).  He said it had been scientifically proven in a lab.  People listened, and moved onto other spiritual subjects.  The man was disappointed.  He left before the gathering was over.

Personally, I saw no point of arguing over which healing modality was the most powerful.  It was not any different from an argument over whose religion was the best religion or whose god was the true god.  I would like to quote some words from my post  My journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy -

I eventually understood going to the (spiritual energy healing) workshop was a process to uncover what was within.

In my opinion, there may seem to be many different healing modalities, however, the Source of healing is One.  The one who channels healing and the one who receives healing are labels only.  In the truth of oneness, who heals or who is healed?

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