Saturday, March 25, 2023

Life Must Be Experienced


After the ice storm, a new friend who lived in California emailed me asking if I was alright.  We had not met in person.  I was one of the participants in her online workshop a few months ago.  Her kind, caring nature touched my heart.

Before the ice storm, I saw a few utility trucks in our neighborhood.  The workers seemed to work on strengthening the electrical wires.  Seeing that, I felt good thinking that we might not have to experience power outage again.  (Re  Power Outage and the Refrigerator )  Indeed, there was no power outage in where I lived.  However, over a quarter of a million families in our state lost power.  It was cold, and my heart went out to those families that had no heat.  Some families had no electricity for 5 to 7 days.

Then another winter storm came.  The heavy, wet snow caused more damage than the previous ice storm.  Over 270,000 families lost power.  I was watching the evening news when the power went out.  I looked at my phone.  It was 6:16 p.m.  I texted my son who was in his friend's house.  There was no power outage in that area.  His friend's family asked him to stay for the night.  

During the previous refrigerator problem and the eventual power outage, we bought two huge bags of ice, each weighed 11 lbs.  The ice and what I did in those few days did not save the food / meat.  I ended up throwing away everything in the refrigerator.  This time around, I decided not to open the refrigerator door at all until the power was restored.  I prayed and hoped the power would come back soon.

The second day my son came home with hamburgers, fries, and drinks.  I told my son not to open the fridge.  If he wanted something to drink, he could drink bottled water or juice on the counter.  It was cold in the apartment.  Instead of sitting around, I decided to do some clean up and throw away things that I no longer wanted.  At night my son went to fast food restaurants to buy food again.  We learned it would take two more days before the workers could work in our area.  I prayed for the angels to keep the meat, fish, and shrimps in the freezer compartment frozen.  I thought I probably had to throw away some items in the freezer such as pizzas, cheesecake, TV dinners and breakfast.

The following day my son and I got into a discussion in the afternoon.  I did not recall how our conversation started.  As our talk continued, we got into our differences again.  To me, it was totally alright for us to have different views or different ways of going about life.  To my son, it was somewhat frustrating.  He saw my way of dealing with situations / people as far too gentle which he considered as weak and not competitive enough.   

I did not see myself as gentle or weak.  I am that I am, and there is beauty in each one of us.    

I had shared with my sons some of my experiences in my early days.  With a smile, I said, "You see me as weak.  Would you dare to speak up as I did against the boss (owner of the business) who could not stop swearing and scolding the employees?"  

My son thought for a while.  He said, "I would not do that because one could get fired doing that."  

I said, "Would you call the TV station as I did when I saw something fraudulence was going on in a game show?"  

My son said, "Probably not."  

I said, "You may see me as weak, but I never fail to do the right thing as how my heart feels.  Sometimes I do not speak up because I feel it is not necessary.  Sometimes people may look down on me.  It is fine.  That is their business / opinion, not mine.  For examples, I know my loved ones including you see my spiritual experiences as merely coincidence or wishful thinking.  You always say there is no scientific research or there is no scientific data to support this / that.  I have learned to keep most of my experiences to myself most of the time.  There is nothing wrong with how you and others perceive my experiences.  Life must be experiencedWe are all where we are at, and I am not here to convince anybody because of what I have experienced.  I say I keep things to myself most of the time, but I do share with you some of my stories on a few occasions.  I know you are not that interested in hearing them, but, sometimes I do feel the need of talking to someone about what has happened."

My son said, "Mom, you can talk to me about your experiences.  I do listen."  (💗 That's my son!  Behind that tough front, there is kindness.  He does care about his family and friends.)

I smiled and said, "While you always see our differences, I see our similarities.  We love our cat.  We love and care about the homeless cats living around the apartments.  On the whole, we love animals and birds.  By the way, I remembered you said you did not believe in afterlife because there was no scientific proof.  I am glad your dad came into your dreams after he moved on.  You also told me you saw a bushy tail by your feet for a split second right after you talked to the picture of your girlfriend's dog that died months ago.  In one of my dreams, I saw your guide teaching you how to communicate with spirits.  You are not just the human you.  Isn't it interesting that you are so sensitive to energy that you are the one in our family that know right away when I am surged with energy?"

We talked some more.  Later, he left to visit a friend.  Earlier, he had bought more than enough food for lunch so that I would have something to eat at night.

I took out bags of old mails, newspaper clippings, magazines and etc.  I put them all over the sofa.  I sorted through them choosing what to keep and what to throw away.  At one point, I thought of the food in the refrigerator.  I said out loud, "Please let the power be restored by 10 p.m. tonight!"  Then I remembered I should always end a prayer with "However, not my will but Thy Will be done!Right after these words came out of my mouth, the sound of the TV came on.  I turned to look at the TV.  Evening news was on, and the time was 6:26 p.m.  I stood there in awe of what happened.  My heart was filled with gratitude.   

I went to the kitchen.  I was relieved that meat and other items in the freezer compartment were still frozen hard as rock.  I opened the door of the lower compartment.  I was surprised everything (sausages, eggs, drinks and etc.) was cold to touch as if the power had not been out.  I texted my son about the good news and what had happened.  My son was happy to know that the power in our apartment was back.  

He added - I see, the prayer helped

My reply - Of course. I had wished and prayed for power to restore.  But, it was not while I was cleaning & said out those words and power came back on.  GRACE!

He replied - Correct

I just looked up 616 and 626  from the Angel Numbers book.  (i.e. 6:16 p.m. and 6:26 p.m.)

616 - Keep your thoughts positive, expect miracles, and know that your needs are met.  Give any fears to Heaven for healing, as worries block your manifestations.  Stay optimistic, and know that everything is in Divine and perfect order.

626 - The answer to your prayer is your amazing power of faith and belief.  Rise above all illusions of problems, and claim the spiritual truth that everything is in Divine order.  Your faith brings about miracles.

Life must be experienced.  The grace of the Divine is forever present.  We can acknowledge grace with a heart of gratitude, or we can regard these experiences as merely coincidence.  Sometimes it may not be (exactly) as what we ask for.  Have faith that everything is going to be alright.  Have faith that everything is in Divine order.

Below are links to two of my experiences of grace.

Spring is here.  A new season has begun.  

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

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