Thursday, January 14, 2016

Winter is here, and Spring is only about two months away


Due to the change of weather, my loved ones got sick during the last few days of the old year.  All my grandchildren coughed for some days, and eventually had a fever that lasted for 3 to 5 days.  Under the doctor's advice, my youngest grandson stayed in a hospital for a couple of days.  Their parents (i.e. my younger son and daughter-in-law) were somewhat affected while taking care of them.  My husband also had some tough days dealing with a bad cold.    

My son and his family are feeling better now.  My husband may take some more time to recover.

I smiled typing the words 'the old year'.  Well, we used the word 'new' to describe a new year, and 'the old year' was appropriate for 2015.  I smiled because I had a good feeling about the word 'old'.  The other day I was in the hospital visiting my youngest grandson.  The nurse in training happened to graduate from the same university as my daughter-in-law.  My daughter-in-law said to her, "I feel old talking to you. When I attended the university, they did not have the nursing program yet. I feel old!"  I said to my daughter-in-law, "Hey, you feel old! What do you think it will make me feel? Don't talk about old in front of me."  The nurse and my daughter-in-law turned to look at me.  I smiled and said, "I am just kidding! I feel good where I am at. I am more at ease than when I was young, and I take whatever happens in life in stride."  Relieved that I was not really upset, the nurse smiled and said, "That's good."

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On the last day of 2015, I was in a hurry to finish my post The color RED will be important to you .  I had promised to write about it in The message in a fortune cookie published 20 days earlier.  In many ways, what I considered I must do was but the self-imposed pressure before the beginning of a new year.

Going through my journal of 2003, I read some amazing incidents involving a broken alarm clock.  They happened in the last two months of 2003.  I did not include them in my last post because I wanted to finish the post on fortune cookie inserts as soon as possible.

In my post Happy Mother's Day published on May 8, 2011, I wrote that 2003 was like the darkest night before dawn.  It was.

2003 was a year of many changes.  In January, my husband took up a practice that he read about on a Chinese newspaper (not the one I placed the ads).  It almost caused his life and continued to affect him in later years.  On quite a few occasions, I was emotionally drained, yet I knew I had to be strong.  My angels and guides were with me every step of the way.  When it was crucial, they sent in earth angels to comfort me (i.e. customers that had shown me much love and support).  Sometimes they came up with incredible signs or small wonders to lift up my spirit.  The small alarm clock in the kitchen was one of the tools they used.  I am very grateful for the love of my guides, angels, and friends.

I will share with you some of the incidents that involved the alarm clock in my next post.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S. I cannot come up with a title for this post.  Spring is only about two months away.        All is well.

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