Friday, December 11, 2015

The message in a fortune cookie


In many of my posts, I had mentioned music (e.g. 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream'), numbers (e.g. time on the clock and license plate numbers), and birds were signs from the Divine in my experiences.  However, I had forgotten to include the fortune cookie inserts / messages.  On quite a few occasions, the Divine / my guides / angels had used them to communicate with me.  In fact, my first post  A Story of the Touch of God published on March 25, 2011 was about such an incident.

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On Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26), I brought a pan of dumplings, a pan of stir-fry asparagus, and a small bag of fortune cookies to our younger son's house.  When I was about to leave, I suddenly thought of getting a fortune cookie.

There were more food than the table could hold.  My daughter-in-law had put the cookies, pies, and cakes on the kitchen counter.  Later in the afternoon, we ate pies and cakes.  I had forgotten about the fortune cookies.  That was why I did not think of getting one earlier.

I asked my daughter-in-law if I might get a cookie or two.  She said, "Of course. Get as many as you want."  I went to the kitchen and got a cookie.  Here was the insert -
       Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge.

It had been over three years since I moved back to the state that I used to live.  I had gone to some churches and spiritual gatherings.  I had some positive experiences with a group or two, but the meeting only took place once in a long while.  I also had some unexpected experiences.  For instance, I went to a small spiritual circle.  The facilitator played a recording from YouTube about some so-called channeled message on symptoms of ascension.  Afterwards, the facilitator said she had many symptoms as said in the message, and was glad to have the confirmation that she was in ascension.  She then repeated the symptoms, and asked us if we had this symptom or that symptom.  There were over 50 symptoms!  Personally, I thought some people were too concerned if they were in ascension or not.  Besides, we should not believe everything that was under the label of 'channeling'.  Too many people were into channeling nowadays, but sometimes what came through could be nothing more than our logical mind at work.

On another occasion, a woman said she had learned a healing modality (not energy healing).  She had completed the advanced course, and was now a certified teacher of the healing system.  She said her life was changed for she had finally found peace. Then something no one could have expected happened.  We took turn to introduce ourselves.  There was a man from another state.  He said something neither rude nor offensive.  The woman got mad, and stormed out of the room yelling loudly all the way down the hallway that she hated all people!  I looked at the woman with compassion.  What happened to the sister happened to us too.  Sometimes when we thought we were 'there', we were shown we were not.  That was part of our journey on earth, and the challenge / situation came from none other than ourselves (or our higher self).

About 12 - 13 days before Thanksgiving, I looked back at the last three years.  After living in other states for five years, I was very glad to came back to the state where my loved one lived.  I also tried to sit among people because I knew this was part of my life purpose.  (Re My journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy and subsequent posts on healing published during June - July of 2013)  However, so far I had not found a church / spiritual group that I would want to join on a regular basis.  I thought it might be the main reason we were back was to reunite with my loved ones, and I should let go of the idea to go among people.  On that day, I thought of not going to any church or spiritual gathering for the time being.  Indeed, doubt had risen in my heart.  The guidance / the message in the fortune cookie was timely and important.

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When we were in the restaurant business, we had boxes of fortune cookies.  We served the customer with a cookie at the end of a meal.  However, I never cared to have a cookie for myself.  At that time, our family went to Chinese restaurants that served dim sum a few times every year.  Those were the only times I read the inserts if fortune cookies were served.  (Some Chinese restaurants did not serve fortune cookies.)  My husband and sons did not eat the cookies.  Oftentimes, we read the inserts for fun.  (My older son sometimes did not want to read the inserts.)  We did not take it seriously, and it was supposed to be.  The inserts were not any different from the daily horoscopes published on the newspaper.  It would be ridiculous to think all Taurus would have a similar day based on the horoscope.

In other words, I did not mean all the fortune cookie inserts were messages from the Divine.

In my post Divine guidance is not just for a selected few, I wrote
If we pay attention, all of us do hear (or receive) divine guidance from time to time.  It may not be the roaring voice as described in the bible.  It may not be something so powerful that triggers an immediate transformation.  They can be the simple words on the TV, radio, from a stranger or a friend.  What is significant about those occasions is the words seem to come out of nowhere, and they do not mean much to everybody else except YOU.  When it happens, you are touched in a way beyond you can imagine.
It was the case with my experiences of fortune cookie inserts on a few memorable occasions.  The first time a message that caught my attention was about a personal matter that had troubled me greatly for months.  Face it, lots of times when we prayed for a solution / answer, our mind was full of the problem / question.  We were in no position to hear an answer.  Our guides and angels had to come up with a creative tool to guide or help us; in my case, fortune cookie message was one of their tools to communicate with me.      

I will share with you another story about the fortune cookie insert in my next post. The message was "The color RED will be important to you".  It was an interesting story.

Q of D

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