Friday, April 22, 2011

Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - part 1


Today is Good Friday.  Yes, it is that time of the year again.  It is Easter.

Last Sunday, April 17, some of my sisters at church expressed the sadness they felt during this time of the year.  They thought of Jesus Christ and his suffering on the cross.  In view of how they felt, I decided to share with you the Words of Christ that I had received in 2004.

Before I continued, let me share with you where I was at, mentally and spiritually, during that period of time.

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I lived a simple and content life before my husband opened a small restaurant.  We had two sons.  I thanked God*** all the time for blessing me with them.  From 1994 to 2003, I was going through the challenging restaurant years.  There were many problems before and after the opening of the restaurant, but I would skip them because it was not what the post was about.

During those years, I was overwhelmed by hardships.  In the silence of the night, I began to pray a lot.  When I prayed, I prayed for others too.  I also prayed for Mother Earth and peace for the whole world especially the Middle East.  Gradually, I noticed something strange was going on.  People walked in and told me their loved one was sick or hurt.  Before they left, they said, "Can you please pray for him (or her)?"  They were not just the regular customers.  Many of them happened to drive past our restaurant, and decided to come in to order food.  Some came from other cities, and I seldom saw them again.  They never asked this Chinese woman if she was a Christian or a Buddhist, and if she prayed at all!  Most of the time, I simply listened, asked for the name that needed healing, and promised to pray for him / her.  At night, I did pray for them with all my heart and soul.  When I learned of a death in a customer's family or a divorce, I prayed for them without their asking.

Looking back, my love and concern for others had helped me tremendously to look away from my own misery.

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In the last quarter of 1999, I was awoken by a man's voice.  His voice was loud, clear, and very authoritative.  He said only one sentence.  At first, I thought someone in the neighborhood was talking.  It was early in the morning, and everywhere was very quiet.  I realized it wasn't somebody talking.  Besides, it was the strangest sentence that I had ever heard.  Later that morning, I called my younger son who just started his freshman year in a university.  I told him what happened.  I said, "Son, the message must be for you for you are wise."  He said, "Mom, the message must be for you for you are the one who received it!"  I did not know what to think.  I decided to put it aside.

Around that time, I was awoken again and again at night.  I was 'told' to look at the clock.  It was always 4:44 a.m.!  There were other strange incidents that could not simply be coincidental.  In order to find some answers, I eventually went to the library to borrow books.  Months later, I learned from books that we all had our own angels and spirit guides.  As you have read, I was not one of the spiritual new agers when I started on this spiritual search.

One day, I turned on the radio for some jazz music.  I liked the music so much that I raised my hands high up in the air, and loudly proclaimed, "Let this music be my link to the Divine!"  I did not know why I did what I did.  I did not even know the title of the music. The next day, while I was washing pots and pans, I heard "turn on the radio now".  For a second, I doubted what I heard.  "Turn on the radio now!"  With suds on my hands, I rushed to turn on the radio.  The music I loved came on.  My heart was filled with awe.  In time, I learned the music was 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream '.

Incredibly, the angels and guides often had their way of letting me know whenever 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' came on in the air.   When I turned on the radio, it was always the beginning of the music, never after a commercial, in the middle or near the end.  One day, I had a flat tire.  I felt very sad because money was already a problem.  Suddenly, I was told to turn on the radio, and the music started.  The loving presence of my guides and angels was of great comfort to me in those challenging restaurant years.  I knew I was never alone no matter what I went through.  My husband, whose heart was heavy due to the difficulties in life, was with me on some of those amazing occasions.  I believed his spirit was lifted in some ways when he let out a smile on his face.  The phenomenon had completely stopped after we moved here for 98.7 was not the same jazz station.  However, another wonderful phenomenon had begun about two years ago.

We sold the restaurant in 2004.  In retrospect, I was very grateful for the restaurant experience.  Before we opened the restaurant, we pretty much lived as a family of four.  I worked, but never socialized with other people after work.  With the business, I had to interact with the customers.  I met many wonderful, loving people.  My husband, angry and bitter about his life, mentally blocked out the challenging situations we faced.  I was left to handle most of the problems.  Having nowhere to turn and no one to rely on**, I had to surrender and rely on (or more open up to) the Divine.  How true it was that we looked for light when we were in darkness.  When it was over, I was jubilant and grateful.  I had learned many lessons.  I knew I had overcome, and, I had served with love.    

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Click to view Part 2 of The Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident 

*** The God I love is not of any religion.  Some people refer to God as the Source or All That Is.  In my blog, I will use God, the Divine, or the Loving Divine.  Religions came into being because of man.  What religion is God?  God is God.  God do not exist or cease to exist because of a religion.  (I choose to use do not instead of does not.)

**Nothing happened by accident.  Each one of us had planned the lessons we wanted to learn and the obstacles we wish to overcome.

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