Sunday, May 1, 2011

Treat others as how you want to be treated


Like most of you, I have my shortcomings.  At times, I react to people or situations adversely.  Over the years, I have learned to live more consciously.  Below is a lesson I learned years ago.  I choose to use the present tense as how it appears in my journal.

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There are times I get upset over how others treat me especially on the occasions that I feel I have done nothing to deserve such rudeness or hostility.  I just realize tonight that I have missed the point.

            It is not about how others treat us, but how we choose to treat others.   

I choose to treat others with love and respect which is also how I want to be treated.  This is my choice.  Even if others have wronged ** me, I should not get overly upset over it.  Many people act out of their discriminating mind (at times me too).  To maintain the peace of mind, we have to look at others or situations objectively.  We must not take others offense or negative behavior personally.  There must be times my words or actions are the causes of discomfort to others too(** Wronged me is only a matter of speech.  No words can really hurt us unless we give them power.)

To maintain the peace of mind is something we must work on constantly.  As we keep working on it, the peace within will eventually come through for peace is our true nature. 

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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