Friday, September 23, 2011

The 'real beauty' of life is 'what you do not know'

An entry in my journal dated 1/23/2003.  Here are some of the words from my guides.

You want to know what's to come before it comes.  You want us to confirm what you think you know.  The 'real beauty' of life is 'what you do not know'.  For instance, if you know you will be very rich in May, you will look forward to May.  What happens in between now and May you will not handle them with emotions of not knowing.

With not knowing, you will handle whatever happens with creativity. You will deal with them with your true emotions.  And to do that - living your life truthfully - is what life is all about.

Peace and love,
Q of D

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To forgive is first and most of all for the good of ourselves


Recently someone used the key words 'not all mothers love their children', and stumbled onto my post Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who love and nurture their children published on May 8, 2011.  Since I knew very little about the computer and the internet, I found it interesting as how this could have happened.

Let me share with you a story.  I had been quite sensitive to people's emotions ever since I was small.  When I looked into people's eyes, sometimes I could sense their deep hidden pain even though outwardly they seemed to be happy.  I had no idea what were the causes of their pain.  Sometimes I was moved to keep them in my prayers for nights hoping that their pain would be released.  This story was such a case.

One day while I was with the circle, a woman walked in.  Immediately, I sensed her deep sadness within.  She did not come often.  The second time we met, she shared with us an experience in order to help another friend.  We were all touched by her gentle and caring words.  She had definitely overcome that experience with grace.  I thought her pain was resolved.  However, as we hugged and said goodbye, I felt her intense pain again.  (It was a knowing.  I did not feel any discomfort.)  At night, I prayed with all my heart that her pain be released.  

Two weeks later, she came again.  She told us about her day.  In my heart, I prayed for healing.  Then she started talking about her mother.

Her mother called her a few days ago because her car had broken down.  She picked up her mother and took her back to her house.  While she was growing up, her mother's cruel, unloving words and behavior had caused her lots of pain, fear, and guilt.  On that day, our friend wanted to put the past behind her because she had been on the spiritual path for some years.  So for the first time in their lives, the daughter and mother tried to connect with one another.

As I listened, my heart was filled with love and compassion.  Our friend continued to tell us what her mother often said and did when she was a small girl.  Suddenly, I opened my mouth and said: "XXXX, forgive your mother.  When your mother was little, she was rejected by her own mother.  She never felt loved as a child.  So she did not know how to love as a mother."

Hearing that, my friend burst into tears.  When she was small, her mother had told her stories after stories how her own mother had rejected her.  The grandmother only loved the son, and never showed any affection towards the daughter (our friend's mother).  With this remembrance, my friend forgave her mother, and was able to release her pain.  She rose from her chair and gave me a hug.  I could feel the lightness in our hearts.  Indeed, when one was healed all was healed.  

I do not mean that the same applies to other cases where the mothers do not love as a mother should.  No, every story is unique.  However, we all deserve to be happy.  When we hold onto feelings of pain, anger, guilt or shame, we can't be happy or at peace.  The importance of forgiving is first and most of all for the good of ourselves.  When we let go or forgive, we allow grace to come into our life to heal whatever needs to be healed.  Sometimes it takes time for healing to occur.  However, when we truthfully desire and ask, God (or Love) is forever on our side.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Prayer on the 10th Anniv. of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks


Ten years ago on this day, I watched on TV the horrific acts of terrorism.  I was shocked and saddened.  For days, I prayed for the people who were killed and wounded in the attacks.  My heart went out especially to those who had lost their loved ones.  I could not imagine the pain they went through as they saw it unfolded before their eyes.

During those days, thoughts flooded my mind.  (I use 'we' because in truth we are one.)
  • What justify killing another?  As a group, do we kill to force an issue or to get what we want?  Do we kill over our differences in religious beliefs, races, cultures, and politics?  If others have (supposedly) 'wronged' us and we take the same action against them, can we really consider we are right (to kill) and they are wrong?
  • Of course, we should try to capture those who plotted this senseless killing. However, in some places, children are raised with hatred deeply planted in their minds.  They are taught that terrorism is the means for victory.  How do we make them understand killing is wrong?  If we kill them, do we really win?  How, HOW, do we truly win the war over terrorism?

It has been ten years since the 9/11 attacks.  America has moved on with courage and grace.  This is my prayer.

Dear All Knowing and All Loving God,

On this day, the 10th Anniv. of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I pray -

                 May our hearts be lifted,
                 May our pain be transformed into strength,
                 May we learn and grow from this experience,
                 May we understand uncertainty is part of life
                 And learn to live each day fuller with love and more love,
                 May this day be a new beginning
                 Not only for us here in America but for the whole world,
                 May we treat one another with unconditional love, and
                 May we unite in peace, love, and joy for in truth we are one.


Love and Peace,
Q of D