Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Synchronicity of a Dream and a Life Lesson


On Saturday morning (May 24), I woke up from a dream.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

In the dream, I sang a song that I wrote.  It was overheard by others.  They loved it. There was a plan underway to record it.

Next scene - The recording was in process.  Two female singers were supposed to sing the first two parts of the song.  They were in a room while I was in another room with four or five friends.  I was supposed to sing the last part of the song.  I had not intended to sing in the recording.  However, it seemed to be important that I, the creator or writer of the song, sang the last part of the song.

The two singers began to sing.  Their voices were beautiful.  When it was my turn, I could not remember a word.  A friend tried to help me by saying the words in a low voice.  Her voice was so low that I could not hear.  The recording had to start over.

Before the recording started over again, a friend recited the lyrics for me.  Somehow, I just could not register the words in the song.  I said I needed to see the paper with the lyrics.  My friends did not respond because they thought the lyrics were simple and easy to remember.  Time after time, I could not recall a single word.  I felt very frustrated.  I said, "Forget about it!  I am not good in singing!  I used to get a B in music.  It was obvious the teacher did not think I could sing."  One time, a friend whispered the words in my ears during recording.  It did not work.

The recording went on like this for four or five times.  Finally, people decided it was better to call off the recording at least for now.  I walked into the other room where the two singers were.  I picked up the sheet of paper with lyrics.  The words were printed in clear, big letters on a white sheet of paper.  I could see the words clearly.  Indeed, the words were simple and easy to remember.  As I looked at the words, the melody of the song came back to me.  I wanted to give it (singing/recording) another try.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~  

Recording a song I wrote!  I even agreed to sing the last part of the song!  How unthinkable!

I did not know much about music.  Music, arts, and gym classes were unimportant in the schools I went to.  I had long forgotten how to read musical notes.  While other subjects were graded in points out of a 100, we received A, B, C, and D in these classes which bore no effect in our report card.  If I remembered correctly, we did not have music or arts in higher grades.

I loved music.  In recent years, I wrote some lyrics to express how I felt.  I wrote when I was touched by the Divine or the beauty of nature.  I wrote when I heard music in the air or an inspiration came to my mind.  I would expand on it.  Sometimes it took days or weeks before I felt it was finished.  Occasionally, certain situations also moved me to write.  I would sing the words until I was satisfied with the tune.  It was my way of releasing my emotions.  These were my so-called songs.

In the dream, I said I used to get B in music.  It was true except in life I was totally okay with the B.  Each one of us sang a song in front of the teacher.  The teacher then gave us a grade.  Most students received B and C.  Only a very few who sang exceptional well got an A.  I was pretty average in singing, and it was fair I got a B.

As for the extreme kind of panic attack in the dream that my mind went blank, thank goodness it did not happen in my life experiences.

Yes, on certain occasions***, I felt very nervous and anxious.  For instance, in my post Our Self-perceived Shortcomings and Disadvantages, I wrote about my lower teeth knocked against the upper teeth making an audible sound to students around me while I waited for my turn for the oral examination.  However, in my experiences, no matter how nervous I was, peace and calmness seemed to come over me at the right time.  I actually did well.  Many times I walked out of the room feeling fortunate and grateful.  (***I meant on the occasions that I was not comfortable with.  On the whole, I was calm and collected as a child.)

"Record a song I wrote, and I participate in singing it!  It will never happen in life," I thought.  I let go of the out of nowhere dream with a smile.  I sang my so-called songs in the comfort and security of my home.  I loved to sing because I found joy in singing, yet I knew very well I was very ordinary in singing.

Later, I walked into the family room.  I turned on the television.  On the TV screen was a young man talking to a reporter.  He said, "It does not matter how other people look at you.  You have to change the way you see yourself.  It is not easy to change the way we see ourselves.  It takes time.  In my own experience, it helps to have a friend who works with me to change how I see myself......."  (The young man was a popular motivational speaker who had overcome his own negative way of seeing himself.)

It does not matter how other people look at you.
You  have  to  change  the  way  you  see  yourself.

Immediately, I knew I was meant to hear what he said.  It reminded me of what I said in the dream, "I am not good in singing!  I used to get a B in music.  It was obvious the teacher did not think I could sing."

There was nothing wrong with the B or feeling fine with the grade at that time.  What was wrong was I had subconsciously accepted that was who I am - I am not good in singing.  That was the way I saw myself in the case of singing all these years.  It was truly an aha moment when I heard those words from the young man.  I understood then how important it was to prevent a negative view of self from taking hold in my consciousness.   I realized when I held onto a negative way of seeing myself, I set limits on what I could accomplish, or what I could be / would be.

In retrospect, it was not only in singing that I had formed a negative view of myself, but in some other areas of my life too.  Yeah, there is much work needed to be done, but I will definitely work on changing the way I see myself.        

In love, I share with you this experience.  My friends, is there anything you have always wanted to do, but you think you are not good enough?  For examples, writing, drawing, painting, swimming, singing, performing, playing basketball (or football), or participating in track & field.  Just do it, and do not compare.  May your joy in doing what you love expand to those around you!

Once I talked to my friend (she is also a teacher to me) about my self imposed limitation or my dependency on my husband to drive me around.  With sparkles in her eyes, she said, "That was you then.  What does it have to do with the now you?  He doesn't want to go where you want to go.  You know how to drive.  You don't need him.  You can go where you want to go."

"That was you then.  What does it have to do with the now you?"  Let us think about this for a minute.  When we realize we are wrong, we can change.  We have limitless potentials.  We are multi-talented.  We are.

Q of D


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Oprah and Deepak's words of wisdom on Our Life Purpose


On Friday, I published I saw no purpose of being there *** .  The next day I received an email from The Chopra Center on Day 16 Uniquely Me from the Desire and Destiny Meditation Challenge.  Amazingly, Oprah and Deepak happened to share with us their words of wisdom on life purposes in that meditation.  (*** I edited this post and published it again on Aug. 11, 2014.)

This is part of what Oprah says in the meditation -

(Each one of us is unique)  Your life purpose is always evolving.  It is not something you create.  It is not some great idea you come up with.  Purpose is there all the time, and it's always calling you.  As Kevin Cashman says - Purpose is Spirit seeking expression.

When we recognize our purpose and our innate talents, and share them freely with one another, we create a world of peace, harmony, and love.  We fulfill not only our destiny, but we begin to change the world.  This is how you do it - by fulfilling your purpose. 

This is part of what Deepak says in the meditation -

Woven within the very fiber of our being is our divine purpose......waiting or even longing to be expressed as a gift to the world and ourselves.  I believe that the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.  When we identify those things that bring the greatest joy to our lives, we are on the trail of discovering this inner truth.  

Our essential purpose is always with us, and is designed to be revealed and experienced over the course of a lifetime.  This part is our destiny - a collection of meaningful self-expressions that come to us spontaneously and in the moment at times, in weeks or seasons at other times, yet always present in the expression is the essence of our true selves.

Deepak also quotes Gautama Buddha's words on purpose of life -

Your purpose in life is find your purpose, and give your whole heart and soul to it. When we live in alignment with that true purpose, we are happy and create a ripple of good that emanates from within extending to everyone around us.

Dear Deepak and Oprah, I hope you won't mind me sharing your words on life purpose here.  Again, my heartiest thanks to both of you and all of you at the Chopra Center. Together, may we contribute to the love, peace, and harmony of the world we live in.

If you have the meditation CD (my older son bought the trilogy of meditation for me last Christmas), Day 16 of Desire and Destiny is on Disc 4 track 4.

The centering thought of Day 16 is Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.  Oh, how beautiful!  May bliss always be our guide.  Amen.

Love and peace,
Q of D

Monday, May 5, 2014

Goodbye, Mara!


On Saturday, Mara, a super loving gray cat, moved on.

Many years ago, a kind-hearted young lady took in three kittens in different periods of time.  They were cats with health problems.  As far as I knew, at least two of the kittens if not all of them were rescued from horrific living conditions.  Mara's body was filled with parasites when the young lady took her in.  It took many trips to the vet's office before Mara was nurtured back to health.  The other two cats were named Jake and Luna.  Jake was a female cat with long white hair.  She had a heart problem.  Luna was a black male cat.  In the beginning years, Luna used to hide from view when there were guests in the house.  He was afraid of people because he remembered the cruelty that had happened to him.

The young lady later met a young man.  They fell in love, and got married about seven years ago.  They are now the proud parents of 3 adorable kids.  They love their cats, and bring them for regular check-ups just as their own children.  Yes, the young lady is our daughter-in-law.

My husband, our older son, and I saw the cats for the first time in Feb. of 2007.  Mara was the smallest among the cats.  However, she was the ambassador or leader.  She was loving and friendly.  She greeted us, and let us pat her.  All the cats were lovable. Mara looked pretty special in her aura.  Luna tried to hide under the bed, but I still managed to see how healthy and shiny his black hair was.  It was a beautiful match to Jake's shiny, snowy white long hair.

Mara had been sick for quite some time.  Our daughter-in-law brought her to see the veterinarian many times.  Despite of different treatments and medicine, Mara did not get better.  Small as she had been, she continued to lose weight.  Recently, a blood spot had developed in one of her eyes.  After the examination, the vet had a long talk with our daughter-in-law.  

I got a call from my beloved on Thursday night.  They loved Mara very much, and did not want her to suffer anymore.  They asked if we wanted to say goodbye to Mara on Friday night for they had made an appointment with the veterinarian on Saturday.

Thursday night or in the early hours of Friday, I pulled myself up to pray for Mara.  In fact, I had prayed for her ever since I learned she was sick.  Mentally, I imagined talking to the cat's soul asking about her choice.  Deep inside, I knew our daughter-in-law, who raised and understood Mara, had made the right choice.  Still, I recited a special prayer seven times for the best wellbeing of Mara, and surrendered the situation into the hand of the loving divine.  My older son who always put up a warrior front took the news hard, and he too prayed during the night.  Inside this warrior, there was a soft, loving heart.  Though some of us understood moving on was part of life and nothing to dread about, but, as humans, did we not pray for miracles!

Our grandchildren were young.  So we waited until the kids went to bed.

In the family room, we sat around Mara.  Somehow, the other two cats came and sat with us.  Jake looked at Mara with compassion.  Luna came close to us, and even allowed us to pat him.  Then he moved to sit beside us.   Mara was very weak.  She seemed to understand.  She looked at us, and allowed us to show her love.  At one point, she came close and stayed by my left knee.  There we were, four adults and two cats sat around Mara with lots of love.  I had a camera in my pocket, but I did not take it out.  I could feel the sacredness in the air which I did not want to disturb.  Though I did not take any picture, but I knew the moment was recorded in eternity.  That night, I pulled myself up again to pray for Mara.

Before noon on Saturday, my husband and I were on the road.  My phone rang.  My younger son called.  I knew he must be calling to let me know Mara had moved on.  I pressed the answer button, but something went wrong.  The ringing stopped.  I did not get to talk to my son.  Strangely, on the lower half of the screen of the cell phone appeared the space for me to text a reply.  However, I saw a word in the space for text. There was the word "Thanks!"  I was surprised and confused.  I had not pressed any button.  Could it be my son had sent me a text message since I missed his call?  I looked at the screen carefully.  It was definitely not a text message from outside, and the text space was for me to type a reply.  I did not know much about the cell phone the same as I knew little about the computer.  I received text messages, but I never sent one.  I cleared the screen, and called my son.  Indeed, he told me Mara had moved on.  Later, I thought about the "Thanks!".  Could this be a communication from Mara?  I asked my older son if there was a button for "Thanks!" on my Verizon LG phone.  He said he did not know.
In one of our visits, Mara jumped onto our younger son's lap.  Proudly, she looked around the people in the family room as if to say that she was his favorite.  My older son and I remembered that scene clearly.

Mara used to greet our son when he came home from work.  We had seen our son carried Mara in one hand while doing chores with the other hand.  Our daughter-in-law and son had mentioned many times how loving and protective Mara was towards their children after they were born.  Because of her gentle nature, Mara was the cat that the kids could touch, kiss, and say good night.  Indeed, Mara was very loved.

Goodbye, Mara.  Hooray, Mara!  You are free!  Mara, we celebrate your life.  A life well lived - you have loved, and you are very, very loved!

Q of D

P.S.  My husband did not go with us to say goodbye to Mara.  He grew up in the village, and viewed pets differently.  However, his attitude had changed a lot since our older son brought home a strayed kitten four years ago.  (Please see my post A Gift from Mei Mei, and a Blessing from Divine)  As if it is his divine mission, our cat gives my husband his undivided attention and lots of love.  My husband is still not that comfortable to let the cat sit on his lap.  However, nowadays he gladly asks the cat to sit next to him on the couch all the time.  To me, that is huge.