Friday, September 12, 2014

There was something wrong with my cell phone


A few days ago, I woke up early.  My mind was somewhat clouded.  It had been over two years since I moved back to this state.  I was glad I could see my loved ones more often.  However, other things I wanted did not happen.  Sitting on my bed, I talked to the Divine about how I felt.

My husband suddenly came home.  It was not yet 7 am.  He normally went for a walk around 6 am and came home at least an hour and a half later.  He told me he met April and another couple while he walked.  April asked him to tell me that she would like to have breakfast with me in a nearby restaurant later that morning.  My husband then left to continue his morning walk.

April was my new friend.  She lived in the neighborhood.  Her children had families of their own.  April was a grandmother and a great-grandmother.  Her husband passed away over 20 years ago.  She lived alone because she liked her independence.  Her loved ones visited her during the weekends.  We happened to come across each other in the parking lot a while back.  Later, she asked if I could be her friend.  She told me her legs were hurt in a car accident a year ago.  She said she could not walk as well as she used to.  She had fallen down a couple of times, and her daughter worried about her when she walked in the morning.

When I came out of the apartment, April was still walking by the schools.  We walked a couple more rounds before we headed for the restaurant.  She said she did not feel tired at all when I walked with her.  We ate and talked.  We stayed in the restaurant for almost an hour.  I saw her home before I walked towards my apartment.

On my way home, I wondered what time it was.  I took out my cell phone.  It was 7:32 am.  There was no way it was 7:32, I exclaimed in my heart!  I looked at the time again.  It was 7:32 am.  I looked at it again.  It was 7:32 am.  There was something wrong with my cell phone, I thought.  I looked at the time again.  The time changed to 8:32 am.  I stood there for a minute wondering what was going on with my phone. Suddenly, there was a flashback of my state of being this morning.  Could it be a message from the Divine?  When I was home, I opened the angel number book.

Continue to have faith in the path you've chosen, as it brings forth a closer connection to Divine truth, as well as the miracles manifested through the ascended masters.

I love these small wonders and surprises.  (Please click to view A simple, lighthearted story of the Touch of God )
Enjoy your journey and the small wonders in your life too!

Q of D


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