Monday, February 9, 2015

A little girl's words on the spirit within us


We were at our younger son's house a few weeks ago.  I had an interesting, unexpected conversation with our 5-year-old granddaughter.

She was eating some snacks by the table.

She said, "Ah Ma (i.e. grandma), I want to tell you a secret."

Untainted by experiences from adulthood, children were wonderful storytellers because they had amazing imagination and were very intuitive.

Excitedly, I asked, "What is it?"

She put her right hand over her heart, and said in a low voice, "There is a spirit in here."

I was surprised.  I did not think my granddaughter heard this from her parents.  I did not talk to my grandchildren anything about spirituality.  I knew my son and daughter-in-law had their own plan of what to teach their children, and I respected their right.  

I said, "Oh, really?  Do I have a spirit in my heart too?"

She said, "Yes, of course.  Everyone has a spirit inside."

I asked, "How do you know that?"

She said, "I just know.  The spirit is very, very powerful."  After pausing for a second, she added, "And, it is very, very dangerous too."

I did not expect to hear the second part of her comment.  I asked, "Why is the spirit very dangerous?"

She answered with assuredness, "The spirit is very, very powerful and very, very dangerous."

Then our conversation was over.  My cute, beautiful granddaughter asked me to go to her toy kitchen.  She was going to be the chef, and I could order any food I liked.

I was surprised at her words that 'the spirit is very, very dangerous'.  When I had time to contemplate, I found what she said bore some truths.  As humans, we were born with the power to create.  The condition of the world we lived in was our creation.  With free will, selfish desires, and foolishness (or ignorance), some of us were our own worst enemies.  Millions had died in the hands of dictators, tyrannies, and terrorists.  Wars and violence became part of our lives.

                                             ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

Are we powerless towards what happens around us?  I think we should never underestimate our own power within.  Most of us want to live in peace.  Let us choose to stay in peace no matter what happens or where we are.  Let us focus on love, beauty, goodwill, and harmony around us.  We are making a difference when we let ourselves be the peace that we are.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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