Thursday, February 22, 2018

Her face was bright with light; she said she saw Jesus


In the summer of 2008, I 'got' that it was time for me to re-read my journals so that I might share my experiences and the lessons I had learned someday.  I began to read my journals, but had no idea how I could ever teach and write as my guides and angels said.

While I was growing up, I did not write down my dreams and experiences.  During the restaurant years, some days I did not record anything.  Sometimes I briefly wrote down a few sentences.  I began to record what happened more consistently after Night Vision - Pieces of A Dream Incredible Phenomenon .  Since then I had filled up two large plastic containers with notebooks.  So far, I had only re-read about half of my notebooks.  As I read the notebooks, I realized I had forgotten some of my dreams and experiences.  I was glad I had taken the time to write them down.

Recently, I randomly picked up a notebook because I did not know what to share.  Here was an account of what happened the last time I went to the group energy healing practice in 2007.

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The 2-day healing workshop in March 2007 took place in a healing center that was about 45 minutes from where I lived.  Hope was the owner of the center.  She was a professional healer that had learned many healing arts.  She was a participant in the workshop too.  The teacher assigned Hope and me to work on each other during the first round of practice.  It was a wonderful experience for both of us.  When the workshop was over, the teacher returned to her state.  Hope kindly allowed us to continue practicing the healing art in her center once a month for about an hour.

On the day of our July group practice, I arrived early.  Hope and I sat down and talked.  Hope said, "I am concerned about Jenny.  She did not see any difference in this healing art and those that she had learned.   During practice, I can see she cannot set aside her ego as you and I do.  Since the workshop, she has told me she felt very frustrated.  She may not come to the practice today."  Before I said anything, others began to arrive.  Jenny came too.

We usually paired up to give and receive healing during the hour.  That day there were seven of us.  Seeing that, I said I would sit there holding the space for my friends to practice healing.  Before my friends were to begin practicing, I pulled Jenny aside.  I said, "Jenny, you are a very loving person.  You learn many healing arts because you truly want to serve and help others.  I know other healing arts have step-by-step instructions.  Jenny, will you please forget about the steps today?  Don't think about what to do or how you should go about in a healing session.  Simply set the pure intention of service and put your hands forward in a giving healing position.  Don't think or imagine anything.  Don't move your hands except if the Divine healing energy guides you to.  Please know that it is fine even if no healing energy comes through to guide you.  Sometimes we may be in a condition to receive healing instead of giving.  Jenny, please promise me you will not move your body or hands except you feel guided to."  Jenny promised me before she walked to the massage table where her friend was waiting to receive healing.

With her eyes closed, Jenny set the intention and placed her hands above her friend's head.  For quite a while, she just stood there.  For a brief second, her patience seemed to be slipping.  Luckily, she returned to peace.  Suddenly, there was a change in her whole demeanor.  Her face was bright with light.  There was a smile on her face.  She seemed to be in great joy, yet tears kept running down her face.  She began to move around working on the one on the massage table.

When the exchange of energy was over, she came to thank me.  Tears of joy were still on her face.  She said she saw Jesus; Jesus came down and held her hands guiding her throughout the healing session.  I was not a clairvoyant.  I did not see Jesus or what happened except the beautiful radiance on her face.  I was happy that Jenny learned to set aside her ego and allow the Divine to work through her.

Unexpectedly, a friend, seeing that I was not in the paired up practice, came to offer me healing.  For her kindness, I gladly accepted.  Afterward, she said, "It is very strange!  Instead of you receiving energy, I feel that your head and heart are radiating with powerful healing energies."  We hugged before we parted ways.

I did not know that day was my last participation in the group monthly practice.  A few days later, I learned I would soon move to another state.  Months later, a friend told me Jenny was doing wonderful healing work and had helped many people.

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2007 was a year of many adventures.  (Yes, I can smile and call it a year of adventure NOW.)  In Feb. 2007, our younger son moved out of our apartment for he was going to get married in July.  In April, our older son was pink-slipped as a result of the extreme slow economy in our state.  In June, I went to a summer festival organized by the city I lived.  Powerful healing energy moved me to clear the negative energy formed around an Islamic tent.  (Re My experiences as a channel of spiritual healing energy)  Later that month, the Divine prompted me to go to a washroom to heal a woman.  (Re The Healing in the Washroom )  On the day before my younger son's wedding, my older son accepted an out of state job offer, and asked us (his parents) to move there with him.  (Re The Amazing Prophetic Dream of Moving )  It was quite a shock to our younger son when he learned of the news.  On his wedding day, we woke up to gusty wind and rain.  In God's Grace, the day turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day.  (Re The sun will shine and the wind will calm down )  I loved both of my sons dearly and equally.  Though I fully understood the move was in divine order, at the time I could not feel any excitement at all.

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In recent months, our 2001 car had some problems.  I did not want to drive the car at night on snowy, icy roads or to places too far away.  Therefore, I had not gone to any spiritual gathering or our group monthly meditation at night.  In all the readings, my angels and guides had said for me to sit among people.  Writing this post made me realized I should go out and mix with people again.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P. S.  Hope and Jenny are not the real names