Thursday, June 27, 2013

My experiences as a channel of spiritual healing energy


Please click to view my other posts published in June (except 'What is an obstacle') as this post is a continuum in my journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy.

After the 2-day workshop, the teacher returned to her home state.  The owner of the healing center was kind enough to allow the group to come in once a month to practice what we learned.  She participated in the workshop too.  She and I happened to pair up to practice on each other during the first round.  She was a professional healer who was experienced in many healing arts.  Her energy was wonderful.  There was mutual respect after we came to know each other.

During the workshop, we were told the powerful energy had been given for love and healing to humans around the earth at many different times in history.  It was guided by the Unified Field of Love, a field of high vibration group consciousness which was also known as the Cosmic Christ Energy (e.g. Buddhas, Jesus Christ, Mary, Quan Yin, Djwhal Khul, and Archangels).  The quality of this energy was said to be at the vibration of Love.

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I would like to share with you an interesting incident.  In the summer of 2008, I was prompted to start rereading my journals so that I could share my life experiences someday.  I was surprised to read about a dream I had on 10/17/2005.
I dreamed I was reading from something.  I saw the name of a healing modality.  I said, "Oh, I can actually learn the healing by myself!"  When I woke up, I found myself moving my hands in a spiral motion in front of my body, and I was energized.  I asked my spirit guide.  In my journal, I wrote down - You read it in another dimension.  Indeed, what the earth had, there is a record on the other side. 
On 4/13/2006, the teacher of healing came to the Center.  She mentioned the healing art she taught. It did not ring the bell for I had forgotten about the dream.  Near the end of 2006, I told my guide I was ready to learn healing.  I only realized I had already dreamed of the name of the healing art that I eventually learned as I reread my old journals in August of 2008.  It was incredible that I dreamed of the healing art almost a year and a half before my participation in the workshop!
The healing energy used the unique energy structure and gifts of each individual, and added other gifts and skills to allow each practitioner to offer his or her own version of the healing art.  The teacher told us to detach ourselves from the outcome.  The healing might not be what the recipient had expected.  However, as instruments, we had to fully trust in the wisdom of the Divine that what one received was what one most needed at that particular time.

The healing art was a perfect fit for me for I liked flexibility and spontaneity.  There was no step by step instructions or a must follow detailed procedure.  In addition, most of the time, there was no physical contact as our hands were placed at a distance above the body of the one we worked on.  I simply centered in Love, let go of the ego (or the thought as how to go about healing another), and allowed myself to be a pure, clear channel of healing energy.  I did not concern myself with the outcome, and never took credit for any healing.  To me, every session or healing incident was a humbling and heart warming experience of love.

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Now, let me share with you some of my experiences to show how healing energy worked through me.  (Please view my other posts Healing in the washroom and Love and healing in which I had no idea healing was needed and it happened spontaneously.)

In the beginning as the on-site healer on Wednesday, I was not comfortable talking about me when people walked into the Center.  I answered their questions about the classes and workshops we offered.  Gradually, I asked if they wanted a free healing session at the end of our conversation.
One day, a woman walked in.  She asked me to  work on her.  (I normally did not ask what people wanted to heal before a session.)  After the session, I learned she came in with a severe headache.  As I worked on her, she heard pops around her head as if some energy exploded.  Her headache was gone, or her head no longer hurt after the session.
One night, my son (the younger one) came home near midnight.  He was very tired.  He asked me to work on him while he laid on the couch with his eyes closed.  I knew he had dislocated his shoulder before, but my hands were never guided to work on that part of his body.  When I finished, I said, "Strangely, my hands never work on your shoulder."  My son said, "What are you talking about!  As soon as you asked if I wanted to receive healing, someone was working on my shoulder!"  I had heard many similar stories from my friends or other healing practitioners.  We were not alone.  The celestial or ascended beings were always ready to help us.   
In May 2007, a friend asked me to give a short talk about the healing art to a circle she facilitated.  I wrote a one page presentation with the computer.  When I printed it out, two pages came out!  I thought it could not be.  I clicked print again. Two pages came out.  The computer clearly showed total (1) sheet of paper and the number of copy (1).  I clicked print for the third time.  Two pages came out again!

I called out to my son who was in another room. "Son, there is something wrong with the printer!"  "There is nothing wrong with the printer, Mom.  I used it yesterday!"  my son said.  Up to this point, I had not looked at the copies that came out of the printer. I picked up the papers.  To my uttermost surprise, the second page was very short.
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
(Name of the the healing art) works through vibration energy codes or bands that new practitioners receive through intention in the first hours of their training.  In some cases, they have already received these light codes through working with a practitioner or teacher.
After the workshop, I had spent some time typing the notes into the computer.  The above short paragraph was from those notes.  How did it 'get' out of the notes, and printed out with the talk I was going to present was beyond me!  I was a novice in spiritual matters.  I did not know much about Ascended Master Djwhal Khul.  I called my friend.  She told me he was the master of Alice Bailey.  Incidentally, during the workshop, the teacher told me it was probably Djwhal Khul who worked through me in a healing session.  This was what happened.
After I practised with the owner of the healing center, another participant paired up with me for the second round.  The whole place was very quiet as we got ready to practise.  Lo and behold, I was filled with so much joy.  I started laughing out loud!  Tears of joy flowed down my face.  The human I was embarrassed, yet part of me was very peaceful.  Understandably, the one I worked on was not too pleased of what happened.  Luckily, she soon seemed to be at peace. 
When we sat down to share our experience, the one I worked on said she felt she was about to have an asthma attack after the first round of practise.  She had not been feeling well, yet she did not want to miss the workshop.  She was very surprised at my laughing.  However, she said the session had probably saved her from an asthma attack.  It was then the teacher told us that other practitioners had similar joyful experiences whenever Ascended Master Djwhal Khul came through in healing sessions.  She continued to tell us some of the stories.
As regards to the words under Djwhal Khul, it was true.  A few of my friends were gifted with the energy codes before participating in my workshops because we worked on each other at church.  I supposed that was the reason the teacher asked us to have a mini session before participating in her workshop.
In mid June 2007, my husband and I went to a summer festival.  Tens or hundred of tents lined up along the roads in a city park.  Some people sold handmade items such as jewelries, toys, and handbags.  Some organizations and churches set up tents to hand out their brochures.  Suddenly, my right hand was surged with energy and started to move vigorously as I walked near a tent.  When I walked past, I saw that the tent was where some Moslem's handed out leaflets of their religion.  I got it I should walk around the tent which meant from the front to the back to let the healing energy do the work.  I understood I was guided to clear all the negative energy and the animosity surrounding that tent.  I observed people tended to look away or walk to the tent across from this tent as soon as they realized it was the Islamic tent.  My husband was afraid for my safety because he feared some people might react to my hand movement.
I was peaceful.  I walked around the tent as guided.  I knew I had a choice.  It was up to me if I wanted to answer the calling or not.  The good thing was, as a woman, people might simply think I had a physical condition. 
The experience served to remind me how easily we could collectively form a negative view or fear towards others.  We had to remember that it didn't do us any good when we expanded on fear or hatred.  We should try to prevent terrorist attack or hold those accountable for their acts.  However, we should not harbor ill feelings towards others simply because we were different.
One day, a friend called.  I had just washed my hair.  She asked me to send healing because she felt she needed it.  I learned she was in a store.  I asked when she would be home.  She said she had some more shopping to do, and would be back at her house in about 30 to 40 minutes.  I said it was good because I needed time to blow dry my hair too, and I would do distant healing at that time.  I put down the phone, and picked up the hair dryer.  Right then, I 'heard' 'it can't wait!'.  At that instant, I was surged with energy.  I got back to my room, and worked as a channel of healing energy .  My friend called me from the store.  She felt she needed healing.  I should have known to do it right away.  But, the logical mind thought it would be better for her when she was in the comfort of her home.  When the session was over, I was grateful for the watchful eyes of the Loving Divine.
In my own experiences, there had been a few times that no healing energy came through.  When that happened, I was totally fine with it.  I was always honest about it too.  In the book "Ancient Memories" by Ronald Way, Jesus said (seeing the suffering of man) if it was up to him, he would have healed everybody; but it was not meant to be.

One time, someone whom I met for the first time asked me to work on her.  There was a strong smell of drug, but I held no judgment towards her.  I placed my hands above her head.  Surprisingly, my hands were pulled to stay behind my back.  I told her it might be I was not the one who should work on her, or it might be it was not the right time for her to receive.  We hugged before we parted ways.  A year later, we met again.  I was glad to see that she looked well and her eyes were clear.

As channels, sometimes we felt powerful energy came through, and at other times the energy might be very subtle.  From the feedback, gentle or strong energies were equally effective and both had good results for the Source of healing knew exactly what was needed.  Therefore, we should not concern ourselves if the energy was powerful or gentle.  The energy we channeled through might be blue, green, orange, pink, white, gold, warm, cold or whatever that was best for the healing.  As an instrument, we centered in love with the pure intention of service.  We should keep our ego in check, and should not let what channeled through bloat our ego.

I will share with you the experience that blown me away in July.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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