Wednesday, June 14, 2023

JUNE 13, 2023 - I am happy to connect with you again


Today is June 13, 2023.

I went for a walk in the morning.  It had rained the day and night before.  We were delighted and grateful for the rain because there had been no rain for quite some time. 

Earlier, after my son left for work, I had a good time connecting with the divine.  I chanted, talked to my guides / angels / Source, and continued to create the song that I had begun a few days ago.  I always enjoyed my alone time ** in the apartment.  

Everybody's life story is unique.  

As for me, I got some sort of inspiration every now and then that prompted me to expand on it.  For instance, sometimes I woke up hearing Music in the Air; at other times, a solution to a situation, or some words / a sentence came to my mind as I woke up.  I had shared some of these unique experiences in the following posts. 

In recent days, I kept singing Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.  I did not recall if I got it while waking up.  I smiled at my silliness.  I told myself "It is summer!"  However, this light-hearted, joyful sentence* kept repeating in my heart.  So I let it be.  I thought it might be June is a month of celebration - three of my loved ones were born in June.  (* As I had mentioned, I was not into remembering lyrics.  With most songs, I only remembered a sentence or two.)

One day, I was in a store that sold returned items by online companies such as Amazon.  I saw a brand new Disney princess handbag.  I thought it would be a good gift for a little girl that I knew.  However, she had not come by for months.  I bought the handbag anyway.  Coincidentally, she come to visit a few days later.  When I gave her the gift, she had a puzzling look on her face because it was neither her birthday nor Christmas.  I smiled and sang - 

                                 You may not know it
                                 You may not hear about it
                                 Santa Claus is coming to town
                                 He comes in the Summer
                                 He visits in the Fall and Spring.
                                 And not just on Christmas days . . . . . .

Yes, it was this song that I continued to expand or create, a song about the free spirit of giving.  I normally went to sleep around 1 to 2 a.m.  As I sang the words quietly in my heart in the early hours of June 13, I could feel powerful energy all around me.  My hands were filled with energy, or, my hands were held by energy.  It was hard to describe.    

In the morning, I continued to add words to the song.  The joy in my heart remained.  I thanked my guides, angels, and all the loving beings that were actively present in my life guiding me, inspiring me, working with me, and protecting me and my loved ones.  I prayed for the homeless cats, and thanked the angels for watching over them.  I asked the angels to open people's heart to love and feed the cats.  As much as there were people that loved cats / dogs, there were also some people that strongly disliked them.  I might write about the cats' situation in a later post.  I had been praying for the cats since last November especially during cold winter nights.

I left the apartment intending to take a walk in the school field.  The sky was thick with clouds, but my heart was bright as on any sunny day.  Before I crossed the road to get to the school field, I heard sounds of birds above my head.  I looked up.  5 or 6 white birds appeared above me.  I was in awe.  I acknowledged their presence with love.  They soon flew away in different directions, e.g. one flew east, one flew north, two flew in the south west direction and etc.  Their presence reminded me of the time we were in the parking lot of a car dealership where my son found a car he liked.  (Re Suddenly, I announced, "It is time to buy another car!" )    

I did not walk in the school field because I saw some workers working there.  I went for a walk along the roads.  When I came back to the apartment, my son texted me that he was at a certain plant.  It brought a smile on my face.  Though my son often said he did not want to hear anything spiritual, he was quite intuitive.  He often called or texted me after I arrived home.  Among my loved ones, he was the one that was sensitive to energy.  When I felt a surge of energy, he knew it right away.  On one occasion, he channeled words while he was in a sleepy state.  The message that came through his mouth shocked me, and it was what I needed to hear.  In my dream, I had seen his guide teaching him how to communicate with spirit.  Therefore, I was not surprised when the clairvoyant healer from another state said to my son "You have a similar (level) master guide as your mother has, but you have different abilities."  (Re The clairvoyant healer gave me a healing session )  

I sent my son a message saying that he was quite intuitive because he always knew when I was home.  He replied and actually accepted that he was intuitive!  With the appearance of the white birds and son's accepting of his gift 😊, I decided to sit down and write a post.  I had not written any post for months!  

                                                      ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

I always feel 13 is a lucky and important number for me.  

I began writing this post on June 13.  Later, I took a break and opened my emails.  I was surprised to get an email from Meetup that I signed up for Meetup on June 13, 2016; it was my 7th anniversary with Meetup, and had since attended 213 meetings!  Wow!

I did not finish the post on June 13.  This morning I woke up hearing Sukiyaki loud in the air.  I had not heard this song for a long time.  (Re Why did I wake up hearing a song about Japanese food? and Sukiyaki on Christmas Morning)  Later, I allowed myself to listen to it on YouTube.  Now (night) I could not recall a single musical note.  This was weird.  However, I would always remember how joyfully the Japanese singer sang the song which to me was quite contradictory to the lyrics of the song.  Why did I hear this song again and again?  I might never know.  

In life, we go through many things that we do not understand, e.g. why this or that happens.  And, it is quite alright.  It may be somewhere, somehow, there is a part of us that understands what is going on.  This is a quote from one of Edgar Cayce's readings -

Do not let those things which may not be understood in the present weary your soul, but know that sometime, somewhere, you, too, will understand.  Keep the faith.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D   

** Since the pandemic, my son worked from home.  Once in a week or two, he had to go back to the office.   His job required him to drive to different places from time to time.  Therefore, I had some time to myself; otherwise, I would not interrupt (i.e. sing, chant or join zoom) while he was working at home.      

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