Friday, April 12, 2013

Is it time to let go of your pain now?


One day, I went to hear a lecture.  When I arrived, many people were already there.  We were told that the speaker could be a little bit late.  About half an hour later, the door opened.  A woman walked in.  Immediately, I sensed her feeling of helplessness and hopelessness.  It turned out she was the speaker.

She was truly gifted in her field of study.  As she spoke, I continued to feel her intense sadness and feeling of hopelessness.  I looked at her with compassion.  

Suddenly, she began to talk about the illness that had plagued her throughout her life.  She could not hold onto any job for long because of her illness.  She had gone to many medical doctors as well as spiritual energy healers, but her condition remained.  She now worried she would lose her house soon because she had very little money left.

For a brief moment, I thought of going to her after the lecture was over, and offered to work on her.  However, I saw the store's healer sitting among the audience.  She was a very loving being and a wonderful healer who had learned many healing modalities.  Therefore, the thought came and went.  I left when the lecture was over.

At home, I kept thinking about the speaker and the desperate situation she was in. "What if I can help?"  The healer of the store was there, and I did not want any misunderstanding.  Besides, the speaker had already gone to many spiritual / energy healers.  I only learned a healing art not long ago.  How likely would I be able to help her?  However, her sadness and hopelessness were very much on my mind.  "If indeed I can be of help, how is it I don't?"  I sat down and prayed.  I decided to drive back to the store.

When I went inside the store, I learned that the speaker was busy giving readings in a room at the back.  I left my phone number and a message for her.  I said for her to call me that afternoon or evening, and I would give her a healing session for free if she allowed me to.  As I drove off, I was at peaceShe did not call me.  I was completely okay with it for I had done all that I could.  I slept well at night.  

The next day I got a call from her.  She said she was having a very difficult time.  She asked to meet me at the store.  The healing energy guided me to work on her for a long time.  When it was over, I saw tears on her face.  She was surprised of her tears.  She said: "Despite of my illness, I am known to be strong.  I never allow myself to cry."  Gently, I said: "Is it time to let go of your pain now?"  She began to cry, and cried for quite a while.  Silently, I stood by her side.

When this happened, I was about to move to another state.  I thought I would not see her again.

A couple of months later, we drove back to visit our loved ones.  Incidentally, during our visit, there was a big "Body, Mind and Spirit Festival" near where our loved ones lived.  While I was at the festival, I was delighted to note on the brochure that the woman was giving a lecture that afternoon.  I went to the lecture room.  She looked radiant and happy.  When the lecture was over, I went over to give her a hug.  She recognized me with a big smile.  We did not talk for I saw many at the lecture were waiting to talk to her.

I wanted to make it clear that her new look was not necessary the result of the healing session.  It was not important for me to know if the session had helped.  (I do not concern myself with the outcome of any healing session.  I am an instrument, and I am not the one who heals.  I am here to be of service.  That is all that is.  All healing and credits go to the Loving Divine.)  I was glad simply because I saw a sister looking well and happy.

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There are two reasons I choose to share with you this story.  First, if you think you can help someone, go ahead and ask if you may help.  I would not have the peace I had if I did not drive back to the store that day.  Second, it is alright to cry for at times the challenges in life are truly quite overwhelming.  We should not suppress how we feel.  When we suppress how we feel, we cannot fully open to the flow of life (love or our well being).  We must not dwell in the negative feelings such as pain, hurt, shame, guilt, anger, and unworthiness.  We can deal with our emotions by adjusting our view of a situation (relationship) and replacing it with a positive attitude.  If we have a hard time dealing with a situation or letting go, we can always pray for help from the divine.  I will leave you with the following affirmation -

I choose to let go of my __________ NOW.  (fill in whatever unwholesome feeling you want to release)

Say it 3 times truthfully with all your heart and soul.

May the Grace of God be upon us all.  Amen.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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