Thursday, April 19, 2012

We are all divine instruments from time to time


At church or during spiritual gatherings, sometimes we say affirmations asking to be a divine instrument.  Over the years, I have learned from my experiences that we are all divine instruments or messengers from time to time.  However, oftentimes we may not be aware that we are.

Here is a story about a friend who was an instrument in this particular incident, but she had no idea that she was.

In July 2005, the facilitator of the Thursday circle told me that my spirit guide had been urging her to tell me to learn a healing art.  My English was not good.  I could not envision myself working as a healer in a western culture.  So I did not follow the guidance.  However, near the end of 2006, I finally told my spirit guide, "I am ready to learn healing.  Please bring me a teacher."

One day, I saw an advertisement on a body, mind and spirit magazine that the holistic center I went to would be hosting its monthly psychic night soon.  Other than the Thursday circle, I seldom attended any class, workshop or event because of money issues. Therefore I had not gone to the monthly psychic nights.

From the advertisement, I learned one of the speakers was a teacher of healing who lived in North Carolina.  She had come to the Thursday circle 2 or 3 times.  When she came for the first time, I happened to sit to her left.  The energy around her was so powerful that my eyeglasses actually fogged up.  She told us she had been on an intentional spiritual journey ever since she was young.  She said she was in constant communications with the divine, e.g. angels and ascended masters.  Her life was very amazing.  She had been a college vice president, a dean, a professor, a minister, a newspaper columnist, a financial planning consultant, and an author of some books.

I wanted to hear her talk, but I was hesitant to go.  To be honest with you, I still had doubts about learning a healing art.  There were many healing modalities, and I did not know which one was for me.  I prayed, "If she is the teacher for me, please let the facilitator of the circle mention her name as well as the name of the healing modality during the Thursday circle.  I will only go to the psychic night if I hear both."  The psychic night was four days away.   

During the Thursday circle, the facilitator seemed to have completely forgotten about the upcoming psychic night.  Near the end of the gathering, we stood to form a healing circle as usual.  Before the facilitator said anything, a friend suddenly said to her, "You have forgotten to talk about the psychic night."  In response, the facilitator told us that the center had invited some psychics and healers that night, and we were all welcome to come.  As she wanted to continue with the healing circle, the friend said, "You forget to mention XXXXX** is going to give a talk that night." (**the teacher from N. Carolina)  The facilitator went on to give us a brief information about the teacher.  However, she did not mention the name of the healing art.   I was somewhat relieved because I told the divine I needed to hear both.  You see, I did not drive much at night.  Most of all, I still had my doubts of learning a healing art.

Since you are reading this post, you probably guess it.  Before the circle ended, my friend opened her mouth for the third time.  She reminded the facilitator that she had not mentioned the name of the healing art!

A few days later at the psychic night, I talked to the friend.  She said she was not interested in learning any healing art.  She just said what she said.  She had no idea what she said was of significance to me, and was a divine instrument that day.

We are all interconnected.  Her highest self or the Source of her being (God) must have guided her that day.  When we 'unknowingly' say something or do something that is of significance to others, we are divine instruments.  We may not be aware of it, but we are.

Of course, there are times as things begin to unfold, we soon realize we are there for a reason (or we realize we are instruments).  For instance, you take a different route home, and find someone needs help desperately.  Life is truly mystical.  Many factors such as people and timing are involved in the unfolding of a divine plan.  Don't we sometimes wonder who is The Planner or Designer of our life?

Have a good evening!

Q of D