Thursday, April 19, 2012

Helping others and allowing others to help can both be a source of joy


I was in a place.  Suddenly, I heard a voice: "Can I help you?"  I turned. In front of me was a lady in her 30s.  She was looking at me with anticipation and willingness to help. Gladly, I stepped aside and let her help me.  As I was standing there I 'heard' - to allow others to help you is also a service to others***.  When I thanked her for her help,  we smiled and looked at each other with joy.

You see, the old me was always willing to lend a hand, but I seldom asked for help or favors.  In recent years, I have changed.  I am more open to accept help.  Sometimes even if I can do it by myself, I willingly accept when someone offers help.

There is an old Chinese saying 'helping others is a source of joy'.  It is true.  However, I have learned helping others or allowing others to help can both be a source of joy. When our hearts are filled with gratitude, we are open to the joy of life.

If you are like the old me, will you please think about what I said.

No man is an island.  We are all connected.  Let us love and help one another.

Many blessings,
Q of D

***I write the words exactly as I receive them.

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