Friday, April 27, 2012

A Powerful, Profound Dream

Warning - Do not read this post if you can easily form images in your mind and don't like the word 'poop' or feces.


I was looking for some documents.  I found in the same big envelope a sheet of paper dated Dec. 2, 2005.  On it, I had recorded a very powerful, profound dream.

I understand some people may find this dream gross.  So I put a warning on the top of the post.  If you are reading this far, I suppose the teaching is for you too.

                                                        The Dream 

I was inside a house.  There were two children.  A little boy came to me with his hands raised as if asking me to pick him up.  So I picked him up.  Immediately, I smelt poop (feces).  I asked: "Brendan ***, did you poop?" 

*** I would have spelled it 'Brandon' which was the only spelling I knew of this name.  However, that was how the name was supposed to be in the dream.

He swayed his head as a 'No'.  I looked down at my clothes, and saw two spots with poop.  Of course, he had pooped.  His clothes also had poop.  My mouth was widely opened at this sudden occurrence.  The little boy whose hand had poop inadvertently poked his finger into my mouth!  I immediately put him down, and asked a man to look after him. My mouth felt very terrible, but in the dream I was more concerned about the little boy.  I was thinking I would help the boy first, clean him up, put a new diaper on him, and then I would rinse my mouth.  (In real life, this did not make any sense, but that was how it was in the dream.)

I tried to find out where the diapers were.  At this point, it was obvious I was not in my own house.  I saw the man had a hard time telling Brendan to stay where he was. Brendan was crawling.  He spread poop on the carpet.

Just then, I heard a voice outside of the dream.  I meant the dreaming me understood the voice was not from anyone in the house, but a voice from outside of the dream.

"Are you mad (i.e. at the little boy)?" The voice asked.

"No, I am not,"  I answered.  Indeed, I was not mad.

"Why?"  The voice asked again.  (i.e. why was I not mad)

"Because he doesn't know what he is doing," I answered.

Then the voice talked to me for quite a while.  I could not recall the exact words, but I found his words very profound.  He said I should treat all who hurt me or attacked me with this kind of attitude.  He said what happened in the dream was one of the worst scenario - someone put poop in your mouth, yet you did not get mad because he did not know what he was doing.  In the future, I should feel the same way towards those who attacked or hurt me, and let it go.  In other words, if I didn't let myself feel hurt or I didn't give power to their words, their attack could not hurt me.

As for 'they do not know what they are doing', he explained that lots of times people verbally attacked others out of their own fear, frustration, and ignorance.  Or, they could be hurting inside, and expressed their hurt at others.  If we believed in the goodness in all behind the ego selves, we should not concern ourselves when others were acting out of their ego.

In the dream, Brendan's mom came.  She saw what happened, and apologized to me.


Over the years, the words of wisdom stay with me, and help me a lot especially when I am being misunderstood or judged.  I am very grateful for the loving guidance from my guides and angels.

Have a good night!

Q of D  

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