Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Big Moment of Embarrassment


I suppose all of us have our moments of embarrassment.  I happened to pick up a notebook a few days ago, and read about an incident.  When it happened, I was very embarrassed.  However, at the same time, I found the whole occurrence very funny.  When I read it, I had a good laugh reliving the whole experience.

Near the end of August 2007, we moved to another state because our older son had found a job there.  In September, I got a call from the teacher of healing.  She told me two ministers who had participated in her workshop would be visiting the city I lived.  They would perform music on Sunday at a Unity Church.  She wanted me to meet them.  She said, "It may be the three of you can offer healing after Sunday service."

The Unity Church was 45 minutes away from where I lived.  What the teacher hoped did not happen. The two traveling ministers were there on that particular Sunday mainly to perform music and raise money for their trips to heal the earth.

However, while I was there, I met a mother and a daughter who said they talked to spirits, i.e. they were psychic mediums.  They told me to check out another church that they thought would be better for me.  They were right.  I would call this small interfaith church my spiritual home for the next four years.  It was another proof that there were no coincidences in life!  (The pastors at the Unity Church were good spiritual teachers.  I loved and respected them.  I also met some wonderful brothers and sisters there.  During my years in that state, I visited the Unity Church once in a while.)

It turned out the church they mentioned was close to where I lived.  The energy at this small non denominational church was exceptional.  The music and songs were very uplifting.  I was surged with energy the second I stepped inside the chapel.  I knew I would definitely go back after my first visit.

After singing songs and some announcements, the pastor*** told us to form the opening circle.  We got out of our chairs, stood along the walls of the chapel, and formed a big, big circle by holding hands.  After singing the song of invocation, we returned to our seats.  Then the service continued.  Near the end of the service, the pastor told us to form the circle of love or the closing circle.  Again we left our seats, formed a circle, and sang some songs before the service was officially over.  During the first two Sundays, I was usually among the first ones to leave.  I was new, and did not feel comfortable socializing.

I believed the incident happened on my third or fourth visit to the church.  That Sunday we had the Quarterly Healing Service.  It was facilitated by a pastor who was a wonderful healer.  Seven healers (could not recall the exact number of healers) went to the front of the church.  There was a chair in front of each healer.  People in the congregation went to sit on the chairs to receive healing.  Throughout the service, wonderful healing sound and music were playing.  A group of pastors sang, and the congregation joined in too.

Before I went to church that Sunday, I had intended to receive healing.  I changed my mind because I observed many people wanted to receive healing.  I stayed in my seat and did not go to the front.  After nearly an hour, there were still people waiting to go to the front for healing.  The healers continued to work on people, but it was clear the service was drawing to an end.

Meanwhile, the music was becoming louder and louder.  People joined in and sang joyfully.  With my eyes closed, I thought, "I am going to let go, and let myself be.  I am going to join in the joy!"  Immediately, I was surged with joy.  I could feel my energy field expanded.  I was in a state of bliss.  Suddenly, the music stopped.  I did not want to pull myself out of the state I was in.  I thought I would open my eyes when the pastor asked us to form the closing circle.

So there I sat, with my eyes closed and probably a smile on my face, waiting for the pastor to speak.  At one point, the whole church became very, very still.  The total silence shocked me.  I opened my eyes.  I was shocked and embarrassed to see that everybody had left their chairs.  They had formed a circle, and all of them were looking at me!  I jumped up from my chair to join them.  I mumbled, "Oh, I am so sorry! I am so sorry!"  Meanwhile, I found the whole incident very funny.  I began to laugh, but, I had to contain my laugh!  The two ladies to my left and right hugged me to ease my embarrassment.  They assured me, "It is okay.  It is okay."

To this day, I still did not understand how I could have missed hearing the pastor said anything about 'the service is over' or 'let's form the circle'.  Where was I when people were getting out of their chairs to form the circle?  They must have made some noises.  It might be I was too much into remaining in the joy.  I also had a good laugh 'assuming' what was on my brothers and sisters mind when they were waiting for me to 'wake up' - "Cheez, when is she going to open her eyes!"

I dedicate this post to my brothers and sisters at FIL.  I love you, and I miss all of you. Thank you for your love and support.

Q of D  

***There are ten pastors at this small church.  Other than the pastors, we have interesting speakers (spiritual teachers, authors, musicians, healers, psychics, artists and etc.) from all over USA and outside of USA.

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