Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Man's Face On The Moon Card Saved My Day!


Today I want to share with you a lighthearted incident that happened years ago.

In June 2006, the facilitator of our Thursday circle rented a big bus and brought us to Camp Chesterfield in Indiana.  (Camp Chesterfield is a spiritualist center of light founded in 1886.)  Most of us did not really have any sleep because we had to wake up very early to get on the bus.  Though we could have taken a nap during the long ride, yet we were busy talking since we were excited.  When we arrived, I saw many groups from different places were visiting Camp Chesterfield too.

After lunch, we attended a Kabbalah class that was held in a big hall.  Other than our small group, there were many people in the class.  

Our group sat in the middle section of the big lecture hall (that was how I called it). Since we woke up early to get on the bus, we were all tired during the class.  In the beginning, each one of us sat attentively with a notepad and a pen in our hands. Midway through the class, most of my friends were dozing off.  I heard the sound of pens dropping onto the floor.  I saw heads drooping forward, and bodies leaning to one side.  I felt sleepy too, but I found the scene before me hilarious.  I started to laugh, but I had to hold the laughter 'within' for how disrespectful it would be to the teacher if I burst out laughing!  However, resist persist, my body was shaking terribly as I tried very, very hard to stop myself from laughing out loud.  At one point, I really believed I would be kicked out of the class because of laughing!

Right then, the teacher talked about the Moon Card in the Tarot deck.  I knew very little about Tarot cards.  On the overhead next to the teacher was an enlarged picture of the Moon Card.   I was surprised to see a man's face on the card!  Immediately, I raised my hand and asked: "I used to think the moon represents the feminine energy.  Why is there a man's face and not a woman's on the Moon Card?"  In all respect, the teacher was a very good teacher.  He went on to give us his interpretation of the card.

What I saw in front of me no longer distracted me.  Thank goodness, a man's face on the Moon Card had definitely saved me that day!  By the way, I welcome your knowledge or understanding of a man's face on the card.

When the class was over, we walked out with an unspoken sense of deep relief.  With that short period of a nap, smiles came back on many of our faces.  Later, we paired up to tour around.  My friend and I saw a statue of Mother Mary.  I asked my friend to give me some time alone to pray.  With my eyes closed, I stood there praying with all my heart and all my soul of my pure intention of service.  I felt the earth below me shook!  Yes, the earth shook!  I knew my prayer was heard.

I have many fond memories of the Camp Chesterfield trip.  I had a mystical experience *** the day before I went there.  The ministers, psychics, mediums, spiritual teachers, and all who served there were exceptionally warm, friendly, and loving.  The food they served was delicious.  I was moved to walk inside their kitchen to thank them.  I pray I will visit Camp Chesterfield again. (*** Re Do you really mean what you pray for? )

Have a good evening.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P. S. The other two posts on the Camp Chesterfield trip - We are all much more than who we appear to be and Don't be too critical of ourselves and others

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