Monday, March 26, 2012

Life is as God is - Turbulence is a life force


Some of you may have been wondering about my long silence since my last post was published months ago.

Well, the first two and a half months of 2012 had been quite challenging.  None of what happened should have caught me off guard except I had not expected them to occur that soon and concurrently.  For instance, near the end of 2011, our son told us he would look for another job in the coming year, and we might have to move to another state.  He missed the state where he was born, or where his brother and friends were.  Around that time, my husband was deep into his practice, and was in a poor state again.  He believed he was well, and would not see a doctor.  I could only pray and hold the space for him as I did for years hoping that he would come out of it.

We had lived in XX for over four and a half years.  The story of our move to XX was in every way a divine plan at work.  (Re The Prophetic Dream of Moving and What if it is my son or daughter in a similar situation? )  The weather in XX was nice year round.  There was a  big spiritual center which I had read about in books.  I never envisioned I would be living less than half an hour away.  I had been there for events and forums.  It was a place filled with good energy.  Most of all, I had found my spiritual home - a small interfaith church.

In mid-January 2012, I was ordained into a spiritual order (Re The Grace of Good Intention).  Meanwhile, our son posted his resume online.  He soon got an offer for a short-term contract job.  The company was in a state close to our home state.  To our older son, the temporary job was a step toward his goal of moving back to the home state.  That company asked him to report to work within two weeks.  

Around that time, my husband's condition escalated.  He was hospitalized.  It was a blessing in disguise because he regained some clarity after the hospitalization.  After my husband was out of the hospital, our son drove to report to his new job.  I was left to pack up all the stuff.  It was very stressful.  

Originally, the chuch had scheduled for me to speak on March 25, 2012 (the date was scheduled in September, 2011).  It would have been the third time the church had kindly allowed me to be the Sundy speaker.  Due to my situation, I asked to cancel it so that we could join our son within a month.  As much as I loved XX state, I was at peace with the move.  I was happy for my son because he got a job close to the home state.  I also hoped the move would lift my husband's spirit since we could see our loved ones more often than before.
On the last Sunday before we moved, the speaker at church was a known psychic who was well loved by the congregation.  She was an exceptional gifted psychic.  Her words were direct, honest, and at the same time humorous.  Most of the times, she shared with us her life lessons.  That day I sat with some of my friends in the middle of the chapel instead of sitting near the back as I used to.  After the service, my friend who was on the board of directors asked the pscychic: "When would XXXXXX (i.e. me) return to us (the church)?"  The psychic said, "She would return home within six months."  We did not anticipate to hear that at all!  How could it be, I thought.  The psychic said that I would be in a roller coaster ride in the coming months, but the changes would be good for me As she was walking away, she said it was up to my husband if he would change the way he lived his life or his attitude, and if he wanted to stay on earth.  (Please see postscript at the end of the post.) 

My friends asked me to go out for lunch.  Afterward, we went to visit a friend.  In the comfort of my friends, I finally broke down and cried.  I cried because of fear.  I thought there was no way I would move back to XX that soon except something dramatic was going to happen.  The crying helped me to release my fear and return to peace.

The moving company did not deliver our shipment as promised.  For many weeks, we had to sleep on the floor.  Without the computer, I could not write my blog.

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Before we moved to XX from the state we used to live, I was told by the teacher of the Thursday Circle that XX was where I would live for the last phase of my life.  After we moved to XX, one day two women from another state visited our church.  One of the women, a messenger for Archangel Metatron, also said to me out of nowhere: "You do know that you are here to stay, don't you?  You will spend the rest of your life here."  (Re I said 'No' three times on this Sunday and Archangel Metatron and the healing session )

Therefore, I was surprised I had to move again.  I was able to maintain my peace throughout this turbulent time.  In my heart, I believed I might live in XX again though it seemed very unlikely at present.  I also felt it was alright wherever I was.  It did not matter if I returned to XX or not.  One day before we left XX, a fortune cookie insert slipped out of my handbag.  I had saved it after we ate in a Chinese restaurant in late Dec. 2011 / early Jan. 2012.  In other words, I got the message before the dramas began to unfold.  At the time, I had no idea that the fortune cookie message was fortelling just as The color RED will be important to you .  Below was the message -

Turbulence is a life force.  It is opportunity.  Let's love turbulence and use it for change.

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Like most of you, I went through the challenges of life with all sort of emotions too.  For examples, I cried, worried, had resentment, felt sad or angry.  Luckily, love, compassion and gratitude within always came through to guide me out of darkness.  Despite of life's dramas, I began to see life is interesting, livable, lovable, and laughable as I paid attention to the small wonders, miracles, beauty and synchroncities around me.  I am grateful to my guides and angels for their love, support, and their work behind the scenes.  

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We've been in this new place for a while now.  The weather has been nice.  Last weekend, our younger son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren came to visit us. It is so wonderful to see them.  Now it is only a 6 1/2 hours drive instead of 13 hours if we want to visit each other.  I am looking for a church or a center to go to.  I know I will be guided to wherever I should be.  

A year ago, on March 25, 2011, I published my first post.  Since then I had shared with you some of my stories and what I had learned from my lessons.  In the beginning, I was not comfortable sharing my personal experiences.  However, as I allowed myself to step out of my comfort zone, I realized it was not a coincidence that I wrote these words under the title of my blog Loveshines.

In faith, I share with you my experiences.  My experiences are not just mine and yours are not just yours for in truth We Are One.  Let LOVE shine through the blog as the title has intended.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  The psychic said I would return home within six months.  My friend and I thought she meant the church / my spiritual home.  As life continued to unfold, I eventually realized she meant the state we used to live.  Indeed, our son got a job here, and we moved back within six months after we left XX state.  Her words about my husband was true too. 

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