Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Vision of an ear of Corn


I found in my old journal an entry dated January 17, 2006 of a vision of an ear of corn. I simply recorded it that day.  I was amazed by what I saw, but I did not know how to interpret it.  I remembered the vision because the images were vivid and the colors were lively.
                                     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My older son went to work at 7:43 a.m.  My younger son talked to me for a while, and he left for work at 8:15 a.m.  I went back to my bedroom. There was a light pulsation on my forehead.  I sat down.  An hour later, the vibration around my head did not stop, and became even more noticeable.  I closed my eyes.  I tried to hear the pulsation within.  Then I had a vision.

I was holding an ear of corn.  I took off the husk.  I was surprised to see yellow as well as green kernels (green like green peas).  The kernels started coming off onto a piece of white paper.  The kernels seemed to expand or grow on the paper.  Then all the kernels were on the paper.  (Unlike a regular ear of corn, there was no core left when all the kernels came off.)  On the paper, there were lots of yellow kernels of corn since the green ones had become yellow.  The kernels turned into white flour, and the white flour merged with the white paper.  The vision ended.

                                     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have a few visions over the years.  The visions are always very clear - with vivid images and colors.  However, in my everyday life I cannot visualize even though I recalled I could easily see colorful images when I was small.  If anyone of you know how to interpret my vision, please email me.  I would love to hear your vision or dreams too.

Q of D

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' - an incredible phenomenon


You may have noticed I normally put a date indicating when this or that happened.  It is important because I am sharing with you how my spiritual journey unfolded, the lessons I had learned, and the change of my attitude / view about life.

When I was little, I often talked about the dreams I had during the night as soon as I woke up.  As a result, my family gave me the nickname 'The Queen of Dreams'.  I had many interesting past life dreams, prophetic dreams, and profound dreams that taught me the lessons of life.  However, I had not written them down. 

In the last quarter of 1999, I heard the voice of my spirit guide for the first time.  At the time, I did not know anything about spirit guides and angels.  Therefore, I did not know what to think of what happened.  Around that time, many times I was awoken from my sleep, and was 'told' to look at the clock.  Coincidentally, it was always 4:44 am!  I did not know what 444 meant or why this was happening.  In time, 444, 1111 and 333 became phenomenal in my daily life.  In order to find some answers, I decided to go to the library to borrow some spiritual books.  Eventually, I learned from the books that all of us had our own spirit guides and angels.  I also learned 444 meant the Power of God's Love.

One day, I was alone in the dining room of our restaurant.  I turned on the radio, and the music started.  It was beautiful!  My heart was filled with joy and peace.  When the music was over, I loved it so much that I raised my hands up in the air, and loudly proclaimed"Let this music be my link to the Divine!"  Immediately, I felt the air around me moved.  Afterward, I found my childlike action or proclamation very laughable for I did not even know the title of the music!  I smiled and let it go.

The next day, while I was washing pots and pans, I suddenly heard (as an inner voice) "turn on the radio now".  "What?" I doubted.  "Turn on the radio now!"  With suds on my hands, I rushed to turn on the radio.  The music that I loved started.  I was in awe!  Eventually, I learned the music was 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream'.

The angels were wonderful.  They had their way of letting me know to turn on the radio whenever the music came on in the air.  For instance, I was in the car.  The radio was not on.  All of a sudden, I found myself leaning forward to turn on the radio, and the music started.  One day, I had a flat tire.  I was sad because money was already very tight.  I was 'told' to turn on the radio.  'Night Vision' came on.  On quite a few occasions, the second my husband started the car, the music was on.  In the beginning, I screamed (for joy) on those unexpected, amazing occasions, and startled my husband.  Later on, I received this gift with a big smile.  The most incredible thing of this phenomenon was - the music often started from the beginning, not after a commercial, not in the middle of the music, or near the end.

During the challenging restaurant years, this phenomenon must have in a way lifted the heaviness in my husband's heart.  I saw a smile on his face when he went through the experience with me.  How comforting it was to know that our angels and guides were with us no matter what we went through!  The phenomenon continued for some years until we moved to another state.  Recently, I listened to the music on YouTube.  I was not surprised that there were others who loved 'Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream' the first time they heard it.

I believed I began to spend more time writing down my dreams and some of the things that happened in my life because of the 'Night Vision' phenomenon.  In the summer of 2008, I 'got' that it was time for me to read my old journals so that I could share my experiences and what I had learned.  Going through my old notebooks, I realized I had forgotten many interesting dreams and amazing events.  I also realized I had already dreamed about some of my personal events before they happened.  However, by then I did not know what to think of such a dream or how to interpret it.

It is fun to re-explore what happened.  So far I have only gone over some of my journals.  I am certainly glad I have taken the time to write down my experiences.

Do you write down your dreams and things that happen in your life?  It is never too late to begin writing them down.

Peace and Love,
Q of D

Focus on the goodness of people


Reading through my old notebooks, I found a short entry that was worth sharing.  It happened many years ago.
                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       

I came out of a place.  My husband was waiting for me in the car.  As soon as I got inside the car, I vented all my frustration with the woman that worked there that day.  This place had different employees working on different shifts during the weekdays.  Most of the time there was only one employee.  I came to this place regularly.  Most of the workers were nice.  However, this woman had always been rude and mean.  I told my husband that it might be I should go there on the day she was off.  I went on to recall my past experiences dealing with her.  All of a sudden, I heard (as a quiet voice within) -

Don't dwell on other's negativity
Focus on the goodness of people

Immediately, I stopped talking.  With my spirit guide's timely intervention, I realized I had reacted negatively to a situation again.  "Oh, another lesson of discernment or don't take things personally,"  I smiled and let go of the unwholesome feeling.

                                            ~~~~~     end of entry    ~~~~~

Please don't think for a minute that I attained my peace from then on.  I am still learning, and have many lessons to go through.  However, I have come to understand that people are not who they seem to be - they are not the personalities they take on nor the roles they play.  Challenging situations may be planned lessons for us to overcome.  We don't have to react adversely to those who act negatively towards us.

According to my experiences, forgiveness for others or self is not even needed in most of the cases.  Oftentimes, we simply have to let go, and don't take things personally.  When we focus on the goodness of people, we see beauty and wonders wherever we are.

Q of D

P.S.  If you may, please read my post You don't necessary have to like or dislike someone.  I find my guide's words wise and helpful.