Saturday, July 21, 2012

You don't necessary have to like or dislike someone . . . .


At different stages of our life, we have different views of what are happening around us.  We handle whatever happens from where we are at.  As we look back at our life, most of us have our moment of regrets, and wish we could have handled a certain situation / relationship differently.

Here are some words of wisdom from my guides and angels.

"Just wish him well.  Send him away with good wishes."
(For example, he has deep feelings for you, but you don't feel the same towards him.)

"See, if there is no judgment - you don't necessary have to like or dislike someone.  You just love whoever comes onto your path.  When you form judgment, it will be very easy to result in a karmic reaction.  There is no punishment.  It (life) is about understanding.  We will look at a life experience differently the minute we understand or realize the truth.  We will see the wonders of all experiences.  (Love as God loves, non-judging and unconditional.)

It is alright to react with a certain mood such as happy, surprise or even upset.  Face it, this is what life is all about.  But then, we discern ourselves from the feeling and observe it with tranquility.

Be happy for any experience.  There is no good or bad experience.  Life is a learning lesson.  Every day we face life with curiosity or with the eyes of wonder like a child.   For instance, when children fall down, some cry while others may laugh because it is a new experience.  There is no right or wrong reaction, and each will move on."

Let me share with you an experience.  The other day while I was working I rolled my eyes at . . . and right away I observed my action and burst out laughing.  I rolled my eyes at myself simply because I was a little bit clumsy in doing my job!  How busy was my mind judging the self and others!  Can this be an example of discerning ourselves from the feeling and observe it with tranquility?  Well, I don't know.  It may be you can be the judge.  (Hey, remember don't judge!!! Just kidding.)

We live, learn and go through many experiences or lessons.  From the human point of view, it is hard to see all our experiences as positive or valuable since we don't see the whole picture or the true reason why this or that happens.  The best we can do is be the loving essence that we are - love ourselves, love others, at times laugh at our own follies if we err, adjust our views, and correct our actions if we can.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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