Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Amazing Prophetic Dreams - Story 2


I will go straight to my dreams.  (click to view The amazing prophetic dream of moving - Story 1)

On July 13, 2011, I woke up from a dream.  It was a short dream.  I was in the place where I worked.  I would skip the scenes because it was about others.  This was what I wrote at the end of the entry in my journal -
Then I was out of the work place walking in the hallway.  I saw my bosses walking in my direction.  I just waved to signal I was leaving.  I was peaceful and completely okay about leaving.
Two days later, I had another dream.
It was Friday.  I went back to work.  I actually fell asleep for about two hours.  I woke up and noticed nobody knew that I was not there, or I had fallen asleep. I realized it was Friday.  I had forgotten my boss did not need my help on Fridays.  I packed all my stuff into a briefcase which was royal blue with some designs.  I told my boss I was leaving.  She was talking to a woman, and might not have heard me.  I looked at the cafeteria.  The cafeteria was nicely lighted, and was with round tables.  It looked spacious.  I saw two waitresses in uniforms waiting on a few customers.  In the dream, there was a feeling of wonderment in seeing how nice the cafeteria looked.  Then I left the place with my blue briefcase.
There was more to the dream.  It was about what I saw and met when I walked on the path after I left the job.  Anyway, after the dream, I wrote down in my journal that I believed my dreams were telling me that my time at this work place was almost over.

The actual cafeteria in my work place was a big cafeteria for the employees of the company.  It looked pretty much like a school cafeteria with many long tables and simple light fixtures.  There was no waiter or waitress.  People who worked in the food counter did not wear uniforms.

Of course, I kept the dreams to myself.  In January 2012, our son posted his resume online because he wanted to find another job.   Soon he got a contract job in a state which was close to our home state.  Our son moved there first because he had to report to his new job.  I continued working past the middle of February.  Before I left, work had begun in the remodeling of the cafeteria.  I learned from my boss that the company planned to make the cafeteria into a nice restaurant setting.  It would be nicely lighted with round tables!  Furthermore, people who worked in the food counter would be required to wear uniforms!  I realized the dream foretold the time of my leaving which was about the time of the remodeling.

Seven months after the above dreams, we moved to another state.  On the last Sunday I attended church service, a friend asked the speaker who was a known psychic for 50 years when I would return.  She said: "Within four to six months."  Her words shocked us.  Immediately, I thought what dramatic event would cause me to return in such a short period of time.  She said I would be in a roller coaster ride in the coming months but the changes would be good.  She also said a few words about my husband before she walked away.  Instead of taking in 'the changes would be good', I let fear take over me.  Later in a friend's house, I broke down in the presence of my loving friends.  Oh, life.......in tears and laughter, we live!

Looking back, the psychic was right.  My friend and I thought she meant I would return to the church (or my spiritual home), but it was not.  Life was really a roller coaster ride for me during that time.  Five months after we moved, we had to move again.  Our older son got a job in the state we used to live, and we returned home.

Indeed, the changes are good.  We now live about 20 minutes from our younger son's house.  What a blessing it is to see our loved ones often now!

It has been one year and eight months since I left the city by the ocean.  At times I wonder how does the cafeteria look now.  Have round tables replaced the simple, long tables?  Though my friends email me occasionally, but I never ask.

Since our moves can be foretold, the future seems to be set or in the passing. Meanwhile, the present moment is gone the second we recognize it.  Although every present moment becomes the past, yet the past is ongoing because what we choose to do 'now' changes the dynamic of 'what is'.

Live and love.  Life is better a mystery.  Let us enjoy our journey on earth, and make our choices base on love for Love is who we truly are.

Many blessings,
Q of D  

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