Monday, March 31, 2014

Parents and Children


The other day we invited our loved ones to come over for dinner.  It was always a joy to see them.

Our son and daughter-in-law brought over some games for us to play with the kids.  As parents, they observed their oldest child (our grandson is 5 years old) got upset whenever he did not win a game.  They wanted him to learn that we played games for fun, and it was not about winning.  They also wanted him to understand the rules of a game applied to everyone, we should play fair, and there should be no cheating.

We played the Air Hockey game and Uno card game.  At one point, our grandson was upset because he did not win.  Luckily, he got over it, and continued playing with us.  It was very wise of our son and his wife wanting their son to understand life was not all about winning.

Many parents take credit for the success of their children, and feel they fail when their children do not turn out the way they want them to be.  The truth is we never know what a child's destiny is or the main life lesson he or she chooses to learn.  For instance, some children are born into families of drug addicts, and they turn out to be fine.  Some children are born into what we call ordinary / loving families, but they commit crimes their parents never imagine they would.  As parents, all we can do is to nurture and love them the best we know how, and pray that we will be a good influence in their lives.

Parents and children are the roles we play.  If we pay close attention, we will see our children teach us lessons just as much if not more than we teach them.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

P. S.  My grandson is a conscientious child.  He is generous and kind.  (Re The Most Wonderful, Adorable Salesman in the World )  Some mornings we made hamburgers to bring to their house.  I always brought with me a pack of sliced cheese.  He said, "Ah Ma (grandma), you don't have to bring cheese.  We have cheese, use ours."  I love my grandson.

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