Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Most Wonderful, Adorable Salesman in the World


During a recent visit, our grandson took out his toy cash register, and wanted to play the cash register game with me.  He gave me a few hundred dollars.  He told me I could buy anything in their family room.  He said he would be the cashier as well as the salesman.

I picked up his shoes, and expressed an interest to buy them.  Obviously, he did not expect that.  He rushed to my side, and put his shoes next to my feet to show that they were far too small for me.

I told him I wanted to buy a small toy bear.  He offered to sell his favorite bear which was as big as me.  I said it must be very expensive, and probably I did not have enough money to buy it.  He let out a big smile, and sold it to me for a dollar!

I saw a blanket on the couch.  I asked how much it was.  He looked at me and the old blanket for a second.  Then he ran into his bedroom, and came out with his good, new blanket.  He wanted me to have his blanket.  I said: "Ah Ma (=grandmother) is simple. The old blanket is fine.  May I know the price?"  He thought for a while.  With much emphasis in his voice, he said: "It is very, very expensive.  It costs trillion thousands of dollars!"  I smiled and said: "Wow! It is that expensive!  I really cannot afford it then." He picked up his blanket and put it on me.  He said: "This is a good blanket.  It is warm and comfy.  If you like it, you can have it for a $1."

In my eyes, my grandson is the most wonderful, adorable salesman in the world.

Later, he washed the small bag of black grapes that I brought for him.  He tried one, and exclaimed that the grapes were very, very good.  Whenever he ate one, he put one in my hand.  I told him he could have all the grapes to himself for I had some at home, but he really wanted to share them with me.  He continued to eat one and give me one until the bowl was empty. 

Oh, I love my grandchildren!  I am very blessed to be their grandmother.

Have a great day!

Love and peace,
Q of D

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