Tuesday, July 29, 2014

She said, "Is it part of your weakness?"


Every summer my younger son and his family spend most weekends in a cabin owned by his father-in-law.  Our son and daughter-in-law say that the cabin is by a lake, and right outside of the cabin is the beach.  They love going there because it is quiet and peaceful.  They feel relaxed and renewed after staying there for the weekend.  Most of all, the kids have a good time swimming as well as playing in the sand.

Last year our daughter-in-law's father hired some people to add a second floor to the cabin.  Since then he had kindly told us we were welcomed to go there.

This summer our daughter-in-law plans to visit places such as the zoo, parks, science center, and museums with the kids on weekdays.  Our son has to go to work.  Our daughter-in-law asks us to join them so that we can have some fun and meanwhile help watching over the kids.  My husband prefers to stay home, and does not enjoy going places.  As a result, I go with our loved ones most of the times.  Thanks to our daughter-in-law, I have visited quite a few places since school is over.

On many occasions while I am with my loved ones, they ask when we (my husband and me) would go to the the cabin with them.  I know my husband probably does not want to go.  Besides, I do not know how to swim.  Therefore, I keep saying 'no'.  Our two oldest grandchildren (6 and 4) try to convince me by telling me how much fun they have playing on the beach.  "It (swimming) is easy.  Ah Ma (grandma), we will teach you!" they say.  Meanwhile, our son and daughter-in-law assure me that I don't have to swim if I don't want to.  They say the water near the beach is shallow that I can take a walk in the water without fear.

Recently I finally said 'yes'.  I knew the kids really wanted to share with me the experience they enjoyed so much.  They would keep asking until I said 'yes'.  The weather was nice (in the 70 s).  I thought it was all right even though my husband wanted to stay home.

It was a 3 1/2 hours drive to the cabin.  On the way, my daughter-in-law asked what made me change my mind that I finally said 'yes'.  I thought for a little while, and gave my honest answer, "Part of the reason I say 'no' is I don't know how to swim.  I know you mean well, and really want me to go.  All of you have been asking me to go to the cabin with you for quite some time.  I know you will keep asking, and so I say 'yes'."   My daughter-in-law said, "Does it mean that if somebody wants you to do something, you will do it if he or she keeps on pushing you?"  She paused for a short while, and continued, "Is it part of your weakness that you need people to push you to do something?"  I was silent for a while.  I said, "Ah ... I never look at it that way."  "But is it (part of your weakness)?" my daughter-in-law said with a light-hearted laugh.  "I guess you can say that," I replied with a smile.  I supposed we all learned something about ourselves (be it our strength or weakness) from others from time to time.

Our daughter-in-law's father had a boat, and he took us for a ride.  I stayed in the boat while my loved ones swam.  They tried to get me wet, but I escaped by staying behind the glass.  I saw my son and daughter-in-law whispered in each other's ears.  I tried to be alert when they came back onto the boat.  Lo and behold, my dear daughter-in-law and son hugged me with their wet, wet life jackets on!  They said, "I love you!"  I could only laugh.  I loved you too, my dear ones.

To my loved ones, thank you for the experience.  To my daughter-in-law's father, thank you for allowing me to stay in the cabin, and thank you for the boat ride.

August will soon be here.  To all of you, I send my love and blessings.

Q of D

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