Tuesday, October 13, 2015



In my last post  Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign ,  I wrote I had a dream in the morning of Oct. 4, 2001.  I believed it was worth sharing.

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Around 5 am that morning, I woke up from my sleep.  Later, I prayed.  Near the end of my talk to God, I said, "Please teach me or talk to me in my dream.  Most importantly, please let me remember the dream."  I had dreams all the time, but most of the times I could not recall the dreams.  It might be my mind was on the challenges we faced.  I often went to bed late, and did not have enough sleep.

This was the dream.  I was in the dream, yet part of me was observing the whole scene as if watching a movie.

I sat by a table.  The observing me found the shape of the table 'weird' or different.  It was neither round, oval, square, nor rectangular.   A man sat to my right.  Three people sat across from us.   I did not recognize any of them in the present life.  The man to my right walked to somewhere else.  As soon as he left, the three people began criticizing him.  They talked louder and louder.  They were very critical of him.  I tried to calm them down, but they would not stop criticizing him.  Finally, I said in a very firm voice.

                                       "Judge not, or ye shalt be judged."

The above were the exact words I used in the dream.

Then I woke up.  For a minute, I thought the dream might be a scene of another lifetime.  Since I said "please teach me in my dream", "Judge not, or ye shalt be judged" must be an important teaching that I should  bear in mind.

I wrote down the dream.  I noted the shape of the table was different from the regular shapes that I knew.  Sometimes I drew pictures to show what I saw in my dream, but in this case I had not done that.  I recorded the words I used in the dream.  I knew 'ye' meant 'you', and was somewhat sure 'shalt' was the old form of 'shall'.  (In another post  A Powerful, Profound Dream , I dreamt of a little boy named Brendan.  I would have spelled his name 'Brandon' which was the only spelling the human I knew, but 'Brendan' was how the name was supposed to be in the dream.)

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I know there are many quotes of wisdom that tell us not to judge.  Originally, I want to go online and see if I can close this post with some quotes.  However, I decide to simply share with you the dream.  Words don't teach, but experience will.  Sometimes reading or hearing an experience is an experience in itself.

For instance, when I read the story of a woman who wanted to divorce her husband because of her nagging mother-in-law, the story changed me.  It turned out the woman wanted to learn the lesson of patience, and she had begged her best friend to be her nagging mother-in-law before they came into this lifetime.  (Re my post  Life is not what it seems .)  It caused me to look at life with a new perspective.  I realized a difficult situation might be an opportunity for us to handle it with creativity and joy instead of dread.  Someone we had a hard time getting along was but a tool in our journey of life.  It did not mean it was the same case as that of the woman.  However, it was beneficial to look at what happened with a new perspective or attitude.

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My friends, what does  'Judge not, or ye shalt be judged' mean to you?

To me, 'do not judge' does not mean we should live a passive life unresponsive to what happens around us.  It does not mean we should not speak the truth or take a stand when we see / feel something is wrong (e.g. injustice) even though it may not involve us.  'Judge not, or ye shalt be judged' reminds us not to be too quick or too harsh in judging others.  It reminds us that the measures we use to judge others are the measures that may come back to measure us.  It reminds us to be kind, patient, forgiving, and gentle towards ourselves and others for in truth We Are One.

Q of D

If you have time, please view  A Powerful Profound Dream .  Over the years, my guides words of wisdom helped me greatly in dealing with the dramas of life.

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