Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign

Continue from the following posts
Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine   9/15/2015
The background of the significant experience of the birds  9/23/2015
Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense  9/24/2015
I had brought home the wrong book!  9/29/2015

On Oct.3, 2001, my son called me.  He asked if I had made up my mind to write to the author.  I said I would only do it if God gave me the signs.  My son said, "MomGod is going to give you the signs again."

On Sept. 30, I had prayed to see a group of birds resting on the utility wires outside of the restaurant and 444 on the same day.  In the afternoon, I saw about 20 birds on the wires and 4:44 pm when I walked into the kitchen.   I dismissed them as signs.  I said to myself I saw 4:44 pm because I paid attention to the time.  As for the birds, I saw those small birds around the mall all the time.  I thought it was not that unusual to see about 20 of them on the wires.

Did I believe that God would give me the signs again as my son said?  No.  I prayed to see the signs on Sept. 30, and it was now Oct. 3.  Besides, I realized I had not been specific about the signs.  For instance, I asked to see a group of birds.  When I saw about 20 birds, I said that was not what I meant.  I meant a lot of birds, or it must be at least more than 30.  Since I was not specific about the signs, I thought there was no way I would know (or would be able to convince myself) that they were truly signs from the Divine even if I saw them.  Therefore, I did not anticipate to see the signs again.

The truth was, despite of many amazing touches of the Divine, I still had doubts about myself and my experiences.  

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Before I continue with the story, I would like to talk about my head sensation.

While the 444 incidents and other unexplainable incidents were going on, I became more sensitive to energy.  I felt the constant flow of air on my third eye area.  It bothered me a little bit since I did not sense it before.   (I still could not visualize as when I was young.  Please see my post Why did he thank me? )  Sometimes I found myself in a field of loving energy.  It was warm and very comfortable that I wished to stay there.  The sensation that troubled me was the pulsation around the upper part of my head.  These pulsations often started suddenly.  It was hard to describe how I felt in words.  I practically felt as if part of my head and the energy around my head were pulsating.  Sometimes the pulsation was mild.  It might stop after a while, or it might come on and off throughout the day.  On some occasions, the energy around my head vibrated vigorously.  This bothered me greatly.  Part of me felt something was taking place, yet I did not know what it was.  The strong vibration normally stopped with a sense that it was over.  It might start again later with similar intensity, but it would stop.  It did not linger as the mild head sensation did.

In time, when my head sensation came on, I tried to ask myself (or my angels and guides) for answers,  Most of the times, I got no answers, but sometimes thoughts came to me regarding the cause of the pulsation.  From my experiences, I eventually got some ideas of the difference between the mild and strong head vibrations.

When the sensation was not very strong, I believed I was receiving thoughts concerning me.  It might also be something was taking place involving a loved one or someone I knew.

When I had strong and sudden head sensation, something was either happening at that moment or was about to happen.  For instance, I left the restaurant to drive my son to work.  In the car, my head sensation came on strongly.  The restaurant food inspector came to my mind.  I felt the food inspector was coming or could already be in the restaurant.  I asked my son to call his dad and ask if I should go back to the restaurant.  After the call, my son said, "Mom, your are wrong.  Dad said that you worried too much.  He said it was not time for another inspection.  Dad asks you to buy some vegetables for the restaurant after you drop me off. "  (The inspector came twice yearly, but he never came on a fixed day.  He had showed up any time he chose.  It could be four to eight months from his last visit.)  The sensation remained for quite a while.  Then it stopped.  When I returned to the restaurant, my husband looked at me with a strange look.  He said, "After I answered the call (our son's call), I went back into the kitchen.  Soon the inspector walked in."

Therefore, I found the head sensation troubling because I knew something was happening, yet I did not know what it was.

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In the afternoon of Oct. 4, 2001, a woman walked in.  She was a nice woman who dined in every now and then after the lunch rush hours were over.  We talked for a little while.  I left her alone after bringing out her lunch.  At one point, I felt intense energy on my forehead, and strong energy vibrated around my head.   I could not help but thought, "Is it about my sons?  Why is my head pulsating?"  I did not get any answer.   The customer left around 2:30 pm.  After she left, I had to go to a store.

As I stepped outside of the restaurant, I saw a large group of birds resting on the electrical wires high above the ground.  They were black and were much, much bigger than those small birds that I often saw.  I stood there in awe.  I counted the number of birds.  There were over forty birds!   All the birds were facing me.  I looked at them, and they looked at me.  I understood why I had strong head vibrations earlier.  For a few minutes, I stood there looking up at the birds while tears ran down my face.  None of the birds flew away.  I said in my heart, "God, I hear you. I will write to the author."  Then I got into the car and drove to the store.

I came back to the restaurant before 4 pm.  I ate lunch.  (That was life in the restaurant.  We normally ate lunch around 3 pm and had supper some time between 9:00 to 10:30 pm.)   Part of me was still in awe of what had happened.  Part of me thought about how to relate my story to the author.  At one point, I thought 'what about the 444 sign?'  The answer was 'Go inside (the kitchen) now!'  I walked into the kitchen.  I saw 4:43 pm turned to 4:44 pm right in front of me.

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I used the computer to record this incident.  I used the word medium to describe the size of the black birds.  The electrical wires or utility wires were high above the ground.  Days later, I observed the small grayish birds looked tiny on the wires.  The black birds I saw that afternoon spread over a big portion of the length of the wires.  I could easily count the number of birds.  I did not know much about birds.  I learned from the Internet that ravens flew in pairs while crows flew in groups.   I never saw those birds around the strip mall again.  We sold the restaurant in 2004.

I might not know what kind of birds they were, but I would always remember that moment of seeing them.  At that very moment, I had no doubt at all that God had shown me the sign I prayed for.  In awe and gratitude, tears rushed down my face.

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Some days later, I settled down to write the letter.  I knew the author received thousands of letter after he published his book.  I thought it would be a long time before I heard from him, but he wrote back soon.  He gave me the names and phone numbers of three world known angel readers.  My calls to the first two angel readers did not get through.  I booked a reading with the third angel channel.  She was a very good channel.  Through her, my guides and angels confirmed I really received the message from them, and it was not my imagination.  However, what they said about me led to more questions than answers.  The words about my husband and sons were true and accurate.  They said my husband was indeed a good cook, and he should not feel he had failed.  I was surprised to hear that the business venture was not bound to fail, but it was the wrong location.  I learned it was the right choice to sell the restaurant.  They wanted me to move on and do what I came here to do.

Four years later, I went to a holistic festival and won the grand prize - a $100 gift certificate.  (Please click to view The Grand Prize and the 2nd Reading )  Months later, I used the money for a reading.   The first reading back in Dec. 2001 was by a channel.  In other words, she related the words of my guides and angels.  The second reading was by a psychic.  As a mother, I asked many questions concerning my sons again.  She was an exceptional psychic.  Her words about them were right on the money.

I did not tell her about the message I received, yet she said many things that made sense.  She said she had read many people, but my reading was different.  She normally saw images of what would be (or the possible future) for the people she read, but she could not get that from my guides.  She said my guides were not trying to be evasive, but it seemed what would happen was up to me or what I chose to do (or not do).  Indeed, in readings, my guides and angels never talked about the future other than encouraged me to go among people.  There were more to this reading.  She was indeed a wonderful psychic.  I could hear the love and truthfulness in her voice.

The message I received was like a jigsaw puzzle game.  Over the years, I found a piece here and there that fitted the game.  In June of 2009, a big piece of the puzzle finally fell into place.

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In truth and faith, I have shared with you the significant experience of the birds.  I had a dream in the morning of Oct. 4, 2001.  I will share it with you in my next post.

Nowadays, whenever I have strong head sensations, I surrender whatever it is, the person and the situation, into the loving care of the Divine and all the benevolent forces.

I don't know what my future will be, and wish to end this post with words from a post I published in 2011.  (An entry in my journal dated 1/23/2003.  Here are some of the words from my guides.)

You want to know what's to come before it comes.  You want us to confirm what you think you know.  The 'real beauty' of life is 'what you do not know'.  For instance, if you know you will be very rich in May, you will look forward to May. What happens in between now and May you will not handle them with emotions of not knowing.

With not knowing, you will handle whatever happens with creativity.  You will deal with them with your true emotions.  And to do that - living your life truthfully - is what life is all about.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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