Friday, February 12, 2016

The Broken Alarm Clock and Past / Present / Future


Since December 2015, I had shared with you some of the events that happened in 2003.  As 2016 was approaching, I thought it might be I should stop writing about what happened in the past.  I thought of focusing on sharing what happened in the now in 2016.  As I pondered what to do, the following came to me one day -

"For years, I wondered how I could ever teach and write.  I realize in fact I have been doing that in recent years.  It is in sharing and writing I teach.  It is in sharing I connect with others, not in lofty words but in the simple words from my heart.  

Past / Present / Future are references only.  What inspires me may inspire others, and it is the same with other's experiences to me.  The lessons I learn matter.  We are all teachers unto one another.  That was why my spirit guide told me in June of 2008 to begin going over my old journals.  I should continue to share the experiences that touched my heart.  I will continue to write from my heart."

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Continue from Fall only into the divine emotion of Love, the Creative Force and In time of darkness, light always shines through 

After our older son rented an apartment, we brought him home on Saturdays so that he could hang out with his brother and friends.  We either drove him back to his place on Sunday night or Monday morning.  Our younger son continued to live near the university since the room was his until Dec. 31.

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One Sunday night, we were on our way home after dropping off our younger son at his place.  It was a calm night.  The road was clear.  My husband suddenly exclaimed he could not see.  As our car swerved onto another lane, my heart sank.  Luckily, there was no traffic on the road.  Before fear took hold of me, I happened to look at the clock in the car.  It was 11:11 pm (angel time).  In that instant, my husband said he could see again!  The rest of our way home was smooth.  Later, he told me what happened earlier.  He said lots of things suddenly piled up before him blocking his view.  As he talked, I could hear the fear in his voice.  When we stepped inside our apartment, our son called to see if we were alright.  He seldom did that.  He might have intuitively felt something that night.

In the years that followed, it never happened again.  My husband did not have a problem with his eyesight.  Looking back, that night could be an exit point if our angels had not protected us.

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In my blog, I had mentioned we had a small alarm clock in the kitchen.  Sometimes our customers called to place orders that they would pick up a few hours later.  I set the alarm to remind ourselves to cook the orders before they came.  We did not have a wall clock in the dining room.  At the time, I did not have a cell phone.  If I wanted to know the time, I looked at the alarm clock or turned on the cash register.

Around the end of Nov., the small clock stopped working.  The time on the clock stayed the same throughout the day.  When I set the alarm, there was no soundI put new batteries in, but it still did not work.  I did not throw it away.  I set it at Angel Time 11:11.  It remained 11:11 for days.  Sometimes I changed it to 4:44, the Power of God's Love.  It felt good seeing 1111 or 444 throughout the day.  Others might think it was childish, but it was this quality in me that carried me through time of darkness.

On Dec. 6 or 7*, the couple that showed an interest in buying our restaurant came again.  (*I did not write on a daily basis.)  They went inside the kitchen and took a good look at everything.  They did not make any commitment before they left.

After seeing them off, I walked into the kitchen.  I could not believe my eyes!  On the alarm clock, 1:11 was flashing (or blinking)!  The clock did not blink since it broke.  I picked up the alarm clock.  The bottom felt down and the batteries fell out.  I put the batteries back in, and 1:11 flashed again.  In my journal, I wrote "Angels are telling me they are with me; angels are making things happen."

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In the morning of Dec. 8, Monday, our younger son had a job interview.  We drove him there.  After we dropped him off, my husband started the car, and the music "Night Vision - Pieces of A Dream" started.  I was in awe!  It was a good sign about the interview.  Hours later, we picked up our son.  He told us, in addition to the interview, he had to take a test on the computer at a later time.  

In the car, I had a strange experience.  I believed I did not share it with my son.  For a short while, I 'heard'*** people making good comments about our son.  (***I had a similar experience in 2006.  My older son had an interview that morning.  I was with the Thursday circle.  As the facilitator guided us into a meditation, I 'heard' a man talking about the possible range of salary.  Later, my son confirmed what I heard.)

Over the years, our sons had gone to other job interviews.  However, the above were the only two times I might have tuned into something that were going on.

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After the automatic writing incident on Nov. 22 (re my last post), my husband continued to practice as if nothing had happened.  Obviously, my long talk fell on deaf ears.  Sometimes he seemed to have nightmares, but he did not talk about them.

In the morning of Dec. 13 (Sat.), my husband who was practicing downstairs suddenly called out to me.  He was overwhelmed by the information he received from his master / source.  We had promised our son that we would pick him up, but my husband said there would be danger if we drove to our son's apartment.  He broke down and cried.  I had never seen him in such fear before.  This sudden happening shook my peace.  

When I regained my peace, I told him I had prayed for safe and smooth rides during the night.  I had faith we would be fine.  We did go to pick up our son.  Though it was cold, it was a beautiful sunny day.  The drive was easy and smooth.  In the car, I thanked the Divine.

After dropping off our son at home, we went back to the restaurant. In the afternoon, I walked into the kitchen and saw 3:37 pm on the clock.  I thought the clock worked!  A few minutes later, I walked into the kitchen again.  I was surprised the time had changed to 1:53 pm.  I realized the clock still did not work.  I did not change the time, and 1:53 remained on the alarm clock for the rest of the day.

Strangely, my husband seemed to panic seeing 1:53.  He rushed to communicate with his source through automatic writing.  The info that came through caused him to break down again.  I learned he feared for the safety of our loved ones.  

I sat him down.  I said, "Listen! I tell you many times that you need to talk to your highest self / angel / God that only information from the good source can come through.  You blindly believe it is from your master.  What if it is not?  What you perceive has caused you so much fear!  My angels and spirit guides do not do that to me.  Did you not write down your whole family would die?  Did you know I cried many times because of your so-called information?  Unlike your source, my angels and guides inspired me with words such as 'Live in Love' and 'Do not live in fear'.  Today you are scared to death twice.  What kind of source have you opened up to?  I have read from books that our thought are very powerful.  Right now your source is filling you with so much fear that you may project your fear into reality.  What happens if that is exactly what the evil source wants, i.e. to make you project the terrible things you perceive into reality?  If you love your sons, stop believing in the false information that fed you fear . . ."  

I also talked to him that he should not wake up during the middle of the night to practice.  If he had to practice, it might be he should practice in broad daylight.  He said, "Please help me then.  Stop me if I want to practice during the night."

He slept soundly at night.  It was the first time he slept through the night since he took up the practice in January.  He also did not practice after he woke up in the morning.

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The next day (Dec. 14, Sunday) I changed the time on the clock from 1:53 to 4:44.  444 remained on the clock the whole day.

After we closed up, we drove our older son back to his apartment.  At first, I almost fell asleep in the car because I was tired.  At one point, I felt my whole being vibrated with energy.  I looked out of the window.  I was surprised the night scenery seemed to be very different from other nights.  Normally, it was dark outside since most businesses had closed and people had turned off the lights in their homes.  This night all the buildings and houses were shimmering in white light as if it was daytime.  My son sat at the back of the car.  He had closed his eyes to have some rest.  I asked him to look outside of the car.  He said, "Wow, that's strange!  It looks like it is still daytime."  Soon we found the source of light.  All around the sky, there was a band of shimmering, beautiful white and pink light.  The sky normally looked dark during this time of the night.  The band of light had brightened up the sky!

When we were home, I was still so energized that I could not fall asleep.  Days later, my son told me over the phone that he could not fall asleep on Sunday night too, and did not feel tired at work the following day.

As for my husband, he woke up around 4 am that night.  He said he wanted to practice again.  I asked, "Are you sure?"  He went ahead to go back to his practice.

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On Dec. 16, our younger son called to tell us he got the job!  He would start working in early January.  In the afternoon, I was about to go shopping for the restaurant.  The broken alarm clock suddenly announced 11:11!  The alarm had not worked since end of Nov.!  Immediately,  I thanked the angels for their loving presence and help.  When I came back, the clock announced 11:11 as soon as I stepped inside the kitchen.  My husband said the clock might have announced the time hourly, but we did not hear it for we did not pay attention.  I knew it was not true.  The clock did not make any sound for the rest of the day.

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P. S.

About the 337 and 153 - At the time, I wondered how 337 or 153 could appear on the clock.  I assumed it happened due to the malfunctioning of the clock.  However, these numbers did not appear on the broken alarm clock again.  Years later, I bought the Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue and Lynnette Brown.  After my spirit guides told me to go through my old journals, I looked up the numbers in the Angel Numbers book.

337 - The ascended masters congratulate you on the path you've chosen.  Please keep in close contact with them, asking them for guidance and help.

153 - The ascended masters are pushing you to make the changes you've been considering.  This powerful and sacred number sequence also signifies a connection to the holy Trinity, Mother, the goddess, Mary Magdalene, and / or forgiveness.

As time goes by, 153 turns out to be a very significant number in my life.  I am guided to see this sacred number on many special occasions.  I did not know the meanings of those numbers at that time.  However, the angels / guides certainly knew I would understand the significance in the future.  (3/27/2021 please view my posts published on Jan. 27, 2019 to Mar. 23, 2019 on 153 and Mary the Magdalene)

About the wondrous light in the sky on Dec.14, 2003
I will talk about it in my next post.
(Please click to view More 1111 incidents and the Wondrous Light In the Sky )

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