Thursday, February 25, 2016

More 1111 incidents & the Wondrous Light in the Sky

Continue from The Broken Alarm Clock and Past / Present / Future

In the afternoon of Dec. 17, I decided to go and buy some gifts for our sons.  No matter how the situation was, I wanted my loved ones to have a merry Christmas.  As I was about to leave, the clock announced 11:11.  I thanked the angels for their loving presence.  Everything went on smoothly that afternoon.  When I came back to the restaurant, my husband said the clock did not make any sound during the hours I was gone.  In fact, the clock was quiet the whole day except that one time.  In retrospect, the angels might be cheering for my decision to look beyond the feeling of lack.

In the morning of Dec. 18, I called the life insurance agent because I had not received the check yet.  We had been paying for our life insurance for 14 years.  We could definitely get a loan from the premium we had paid.  It came to me I should ask our younger son to go ahead and check out cars on the computer.

Coincidentally, my son called me soon after.  As we talked, I forgot to ask him to look for cars online.  (I was in the dining room.)  Suddenly, the alarm clock in the kitchen announced 11:11 nonstop.  I had to rush in to stop it.  It was then I remembered about looking for cars online.  I got to tell my son about it before we hung up.  Afterward, I realized the alarm clock was a wonderful tool in the divine communications.  Joyfully, I said to my husband, "We are going to have good lunch business!"  We had excellent business during lunch.  In the afternoon, the clock announced 11:11 before I left to do some shopping for the restaurant.  When I came back, the alarm clock announced 11:11 again.  I knew we would have good business at night.  Indeed, the business was exceptional that day.

While I was happy and grateful, my husband was not.  At night, I asked why he acted upset throughout the day.  He said, "Why now (that we had good business)?"

On another night, a customer who ordered regularly asked me to tell my husband how much her family loved our food.  I knew the customer was truthful.  I related her words without a second thought.  Afterward, I regretted it.  For the rest of the night, I had to bear with my husband's negative words.  He said many people praised our food, yet we did not have much business.  He said people did not mean what they said, and I should never tell him what our customers said again.

When we let unwholesome thoughts occupy our mind (e.g. sadness, bitterness, hatred, anger, and jealousy), we could not have a positive view of life.  When we focused on our misery, we ended up feeling more unhappy.  My husband and I went through the restaurant years together.  For me, gratitude carried me through those hard times.  However, my husband, with his negative thought (attitude), could neither accept nor appreciate other people's kindness.

After we closed up our restaurant on Friday night (Dec.19), we went to pick up our older son.  He was home for the Christmas and New Year holidays, and would go back to work on the first Monday of Jan.  On Sat., our family went to eat dim sum.  My fortune cookie message was "Get off to a new start, come out of your shell".  It was truly a new start because we had received the check from the life insurance company.

The following week we woke up early every morning to look for cars for our sons.  My husband woke up hours before us to go to the restaurant and get everything ready for open up.  Then he came home to pick us up to look for cars.  He still practiced every night, but spent less time on the practice to do what he had to do.  Due to his determination, we managed to open for business on time.  He never forgot his responsibility as a father.  He was the one that had to focus on the wheel during the drive to pick up our sons after a long day's work in the restaurant.  He did love his family.  For this, I was grateful.

By Christmas Eve, our sons had found the cars they wanted.  We had a joyful Christmas.  Our older son picked up his car on Dec. 27, and our younger son picked up his two days later.  Now, our sons could drive to work in January.  The money we borrowed from our life insurance was enough to cover the down payments for two used cars.  I was very relieved and deeply grateful that everything worked out in divine timing.

Around that time, the woman who liked to wear red came in with a friend.  They put a down payment for the restaurant.  They said they needed some time to get the rest of the money ready.  The deal was finalized in 2004.

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In my Dec. 2001 reading, I was surprised to hear that we were not destined to fail, but we chose the wrong location.  After the reading, I realized it was true.  We had looked at many locations.  I saw great potentials in three locations, but my husband did not see what I saw.  He said he knew about restaurant business, and I knew very little.  I told him I saw many red flags in the mall he chose (e.g. over half of the businesses there had closed), but he said it was a good location for a Chinese restaurant.  We ended up going through many difficult situations before we could open for business.  After we opened, we also faced unexpected challenges that caused our business.  In later years, my husband learned from his friends that I was right.  Other Chinese opened restaurants in the three locations that I liked, and they all had good business.

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Life is like a gigantic, beautiful tree.  It has numerous branches.  Each branch has multiple sub-branches.  Each branch (or sub-branch), no matter long or short, is unique in its own way.  The events in our life are like the branches on a tree.  When we make a decision, we move in a certain direction.  It is similar to a sub-branch on the tree.  It may grow upwards, downwards, or sideways.  It may bear more or less fruit (or flowers) than other branches.  As humans, we may see our life experiences as good or bad.  However, the beauty of a tree (or life) is whole and complete.

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When I wrote A Fight Against Poverty in Black and White and The color RED will be important to you, I thought that was all that I was comfortable to share.

When I re-read the alarm clock incidents in my journal, I thought I should share these amazing incidents.  Therefore, I wrote in Spring is only about two months away that I would share them in my next post.

Afterward, I realized I could not simply share the amazing incidents without writing about the circumstances or why my angels used the clock to lift up my spirit.  BUT, I did not want to write about my husband's state of being, the practice he took up, and the fear episodes.  They were intense personal experiences that the human I did not feel I should share.

In contemplation, discernment was the guidance that constantly came through in my readings I thought my experiences were personal because I looked at them from the standpoint of my human identity.  However, the things I went through and the role I played were not my true identity.  I am a soul in a human garment going through a physical life.  In the truth of oneness, my experience was not just mine.  For instance, it was my husband's decision to take up the practice.  His decision and his experience were not just his as what he chose to do also became part of my experience and our sons' experience.  Furthermore, it was hard to judge the self and others because we could not see the big picture (e.g. the story of a woman and her nagging mother-in-law in Life is not what it seems .)  As a result, I decided to share my experience as I had promised.

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Now let me talk about the wondrous light my son and I saw in the night sky on Dec. 14, 2003.

In the last quarter of 1999, I often woke up at night and was told to look at the clock. It was always 4:44 am.  In the second half of 2000, I borrowed "The Messengers" by Nick Bunick from the library.  From the book, I learned 444 meant the Power of God's Love.  Later, I subscribed to his newsletter "The Great Tomorrow".  In the newsletter, people asked questions about the wondrous light.  It seemed Mr. Bunick had related some information that he received from the angels.  It was about a band of wondrous light that would surround our planet bringing in new energies around 1999.  However, people did not see the light in 1999 as predicted.

It was hard to get the precise time from the information we received because other factors were at work.  For example, in my Dec. 2001 reading, my guides and angels told me that they would help bringing in buyers for the restaurant.  After the reading, I thought we would be free from the restaurant soon.  In my mind, I secretly hoped for a vacation for the whole family before the summer ended.  I believed you could imagine how disappointed I was on the last day of summer in 2002.  (Ah, another lesson of faith and be happy no matter what the situation was.)  One day in Aug./Sep. of 2003, the divine sent two messengers (customers) to let me know that my husband's resistance to sell the restaurant played a role in the delay.  We finally sold the restaurant two years after the reading.  (Re The color RED will be important to you )

I did not know if the light we saw that night was the wondrous light as predicted.  All I knew was we were energized after seeing the light.  We could not fall asleep, yet we did not feel tired.

Love and blessings,
Q of D      

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