Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Synchronicity and strange encounters - Incident 1


Recently two strange encounters that happened years ago came to my mind.  I wondered why I recalled these incidents at this time.  On both occasions, I came across a woman.

This is the first strange encounter.

In March 2007, I participated in a 2-Day spiritual energy healing workshop facilitated by a wonderful healer and spiritual teacher from another state.  (Re my post My journey as a channel of spiritual healing energy )

About a month later, I went to a big Body, Mind and Spirit Festival.  After listening to some lectures and browsing around, I decided to line up for an aura photo.  The man who took my photo told me not to remove the paper on the top because it took a while for the photo to develop.  (He used Polaroid films.)  He asked me to line up at the next booth for an interpretation of the aura picture.

About 10 to 12 people were ahead of me.  As I waited for my turn, I observed a man and a woman were there to give interpretations of aura photos.  I recognized the man.  On another occasion over a year ago, I had also purchased an aura photo.  On that day, the man was the only one to give interpretations.  Before it was my turn, I observed he talked to people in length about their photos.  When it was my turn, his only talked to me for a few brief seconds.  Therefore, this day I hoped he would be busy by the time it was my turn, and the woman would talk to me about my aura photo.

After a short while, I noticed the line was getting long as some people had lined up behind me.  At one point, a woman in a distance caught my attention.  She was a white woman in her late 20 s or early 30 s.  She was an average person like me.  There were many people walking around, but something in her drew my attention.  It was hard to explain.  As she came near, I was surprised she stopped to talk to me.

She said, "So ... you are very interested in aura photo, huh?"

Excitedly, I replied, "Yes, I find the aura photos interesting.  The colors of the energies are so vivid and beautiful.  Are you...(going to take a picture too)?"

Before I finished talking, she said, "Oh ... you haven't seen your picture yet!"  Her eyes were on my hand with the picture.  People around me had peeled off the paper to uncover their pictures, but I had not.  She walked away without saying another word.

I stood there feeling baffled.  Her first question was weird.  Of course, I found the aura photos interesting.  That was why I paid money for a photo.  Why did she walk away once she saw that I had not seen my picture?  Of all the people that had lined up, she chose to talk to me, yet walked away as sudden as she stopped before me.  What a strange woman, I thought.

Soon, only two people were ahead of me.  The woman asked the first one in line to come to her.  The man was talking to a customer.  When he was done, he signaled the one ahead of me to go to him.  I was relieved.  I thought the woman would be the one to interpret my aura photo.  The woman was nice and seemed to be very patient.  After a few minutes, she was still talking to a customer while the man had finished talking to the woman ahead of me.  He asked me to go to him.  Slowly, I walked towards him.  I gave him the picture.  He peeled off the paper on the top.  It was then I saw my aura picture.  Expansive white light covered my head and the area above my shoulders; on top of the white light was gold light.  The man looked at the picture.  He repeated the colors.  I said, "May I ask you some questions?"  I was going to ask him if the flash light of the aura camera had been reflected on the picture.  Impatiently, he said, "You don't need to ask questions.  You have all the answers."  (This is a good example of 'what is wrong with assumption'.)  He turned to signal the next in line to come forward.

When I was about to leave the festival, I saw the organizer of this big festival.  She was the founder of the holistic magazine* that I had been reading for years.  Looking at her, my heart was filled with gratitude for her work and contribution to humanity.  I walked forward and asked if I might give her a hug.  As we hugged, I thanked her from my heart for what she did.  When we parted, I was surprised that her eyes were filled with tears.  In a trembling voice, she said, "You did not just thank me.  You gave me a blessing!"  For a while, we looked into each other's eyes before we parted in the joy of peace.

Five days later, I was at the Thursday Circle.  I had been with the circle for almost two years.  I felt comfortable sharing with my friends about the strange encounter with the woman and the aura photo.  I wanted to hear their words about the woman because many at the circle were psychics.  Instead of what I wanted to hear, the facilitator of the circle exclaimed, "Oh, that was why a woman talked to me about white light!"

It turned out the facilitator had a strange encounter with a woman a few days ago.  (I did not ask if it happened on the same day as I met the strange woman.)  The facilitator was standing in line when a woman began talking to her about auras.  (My friend might be there to watch a show or play.)  The woman told her white light in an aura photo was rare and what white light in the aura meant.  She kept talking, but my friend was not into what she said.  They were not there for a spiritual event.  Of all the people in the line, my friend wondered why a stranger chose to talk to her about white light in aura photos.

My friends in the circle continued to talk.  We all had some strange, short encounters like these from time to time.  Lots of times we had to put them aside for there was no way to explain why they happened or what had happened.   

Since the incident came to mind in recent days, I wondered if my friend (the facilitator of our circle) and I had met the same woman even though we were in different places.  I had not asked her about the appearance of the woman she chanced to meet, e.g. how she looked like and what she wore.        

I will share with you the second strange encounter in my next post.

Synchronicity and strange encounters - Incident 2

Q of D

P.S. About the aura photos - I did not go to holistic fairs very often.  In the past 12 years, I had purchased aura photos 5 times.  I found aura pictures interesting because the colors were lively and beautiful.  Except the above-mentioned occasion, my aura had been quite consistent over the years.  It was mostly green and blue with some white and gold.  I went to a 2-Day healing workshop a month before I went to the holistic festival.  I had heard people's aura changed dramatically (and temporary) after an energy attunement.  That could be the case for the white light aura photo.

*In the restaurant years, a customer brought me this monthly spiritual magazines because she thought I would enjoy reading them.  Her family ordered food from us throughout the years.  Sometimes she brought in orders from another family.  Their support was greatly appreciated during those challenging years.  A few days before the business changed hands, she came in to thank me.  Strangely, she knew things I did that nobody should know.  She talked about her vision of me in the future.  The human I could not accept her words.  To this day, I could not recall her vision of me. Months later, I came across her mother in a store.  She told me her daughter (the customer & friend) was a minister and a teacher of A Course in Miracles.  To this loving spiritual sister, I am eternally grateful.

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