Saturday, April 30, 2016

Synchronicity and Strange Encounters - Incident 2


The first incident happened in April of 2007.  The second incident happened a few years later while we lived in another state.

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One Saturday, my husband and I went to a grocery store located in a big shopping center.  The store was at one end of the L-shape shopping center.  When we arrived, the parking spaces by the store were almost filled.  We had to park a distance away.

We got out of our car.  In the parking lot, some people were walking to the store ahead of us.  Among the people in the front was a woman.  I saw her stepped onto the sidewalk by the store.  She did not enter the store.  She went to stand at a distance from the entrance.  Seeing that, I turned to my husband and said, "The woman that stands by the wall is waiting for me!"  My husband looked at me with a puzzling look.  As usual, he did not say anything.  The woman was at ease standing there by the wall.  She never looked over to those that entered the store.

I stepped onto the sidewalk of the store.  Immediately, she walked towards me.  I took some steps forward.  She said, "I am a tourist. I need $2 so that I can get back to the hotel by bus."  I gave her $2.  She thanked me and walked away.  In my 4 1/2 years in that state, I had never gotten on a bus.  I had no idea what the bus fare was.  I wanted to ask her if $2 was enough, but she had walked past the store.  She was on her way out of the shopping center.

That day I did not give much thought to what happened for it was not unusual that people found themselves short of a few dollars.

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Since I recalled these two incidents in recent days, I now wondered if I had come across the same woman.  I was not good in remembering faces (and names too).  Though the incidents took place in different states, the woman on both occasions was white, around 20 to 30 years old, and of similar height.  Strangely, both drew my attention while they walked among other people.  Looking back, the woman did not ask others that arrived at the store before me.  If she had asked, I believed most would have given her the $2.  What she did was similar to the woman that talked to me in the festival.  What was the purpose of this kind of chance meetings?  I did not know, but my higher self probably understood.

When I told my husband the woman was waiting for me, I was somewhat surprised at my own words or my intuition too.

When I was with the Thursday Circle, sometimes we practiced using our intuition.  My friends saw images and received lots of information while I usually got nothing intuitively.  (As I wrote before, I could visualize when I was small.  As an adult, I could not form any image when I closed my eyes.)  My friends said everyone was psychic (intuitive) for intuition was the language of the soul.  However, I did not seem to get anything time after time.  On a few occasions, I lightheartedly introduced myself as the only one in the circle that was not psychic.

One day, I said those words again.  When the circle was over, a woman that had joined our circle not long ago walked to me.  With seriousness on her face, she said, "I am clairvoyant.  I can see energies and auras.  Your aura is very beautiful.  In truth, you are very powerful and intuitive.  You should not take your gifts lightly.  You were wrong to joke about your gifts."  Her truthful concern touched me.  The human I might feel I was not intuitive, but I had come to know We are all much more than who we appear to be.  She was right.  I should not joke about my gifts or reaffirm the false belief of who I AM.  Sister, thank you for pointing out that I was wrong.

We are all intuitive.  We are.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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