Friday, July 8, 2016

Gloves On Feet - Moment of Sweetness / Love

Gloves On Feet

On a cold, windy spring day
A family went to the zoo
The youngest in a stroller,
A boy and a girl walked alongside their parents

After a long walk on the trails
The boy told his daddy and mommy, "My feet hurt!"
They asked, "What part of your feet hurt?"
He had on a pair of boots
He pointed at the bottom of his feet

His daddy looked at him
Without saying another word
He bent down and signaled for the boy to climb onto his back
Content and happy on his daddy's back
His boots slipped off his feet
Immediately, his mommy took off her gloves
She placed them over his feet to keep them warm
It never crossed her mind
That her hands might now be cold

Gloves on feet
A strange and funny sight indeed
The family laughed
Joyfully, they continued on their walk in the zoo

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Dear (Grandson), what is love?

It is in the small things that your daddy and mommy do for you.  It is in the food they cook.  It is in their eyes and in their smiles as they look at you.  It is in the gentle conversation that they try to explain what you should or should not do.  Sometimes, love is also in the hurried, loud admonishing words because they don't want you to get hurt.

As the oldest child, sometimes you may feel life is not that fair.  You may feel your mommy and daddy are easier on your siblings than you.  As the oldest one, you have watched how tenderly your mommy and daddy attend to your sister, and now your little brother.  Remember, you are their first born.  They had taken care of you lovingly and tenderly when you were small.  If you pay attention, they still love you and take care of you the best they can just as the day in the zoo.  They loved you then, they love you now, and they will always love you.

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I wrote down the above words some months ago after going to the zoo with my loved ones.  I kept it as a draft in 'Loveshines', but I had not intended to publish it.  I wanted to create a book of love with pictures and comments on different occasions, and gave it to my grandson someday.

A couple of months ago, my grandson, with the help of his parents, created his first social media account.  One day, he posted this question to his family and friends - Is there something you want (to see) on my website.  I sent this request to his website.
I would love to see the picture of 'Gloves on your feet'.  Remember these moments of love, and you will always smile from your heart.
Afterward, I did not see any response on his website.  I let it go.  At his young age,  he was probably not that into his social media account as the adults.

Today I saw a loved one's comment above my request.
"Sadly, I don't remember them."  
I thought the family had taken some picture of 'gloves on feet'.  Now, I wondered if I was the only one who had taken some pictures of that moment.  Since I wrote "Remember these moments of love ... ", the loved one might not necessary mean this particular occasion.

As for me, I could still recall how relaxed and content my grandson was on his daddy's back.  The sweetness he felt in his heart was shown on his face.  Then his boot slipped off his feet.  His loving mommy immediately took off her gloves and placed them over his feet.  It was a cold spring day, but my heart was warm seeing the love among my loved ones.

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The other day we were in a restaurant eating dim sum.  My oldest grandson took a sip of water.  Immediately, he alerted his mother that the water might be too hot for his little brother.  My grandson did not notice I was looking at him with a smile.  His natural display of loving concern for his little brother warmed my heart.

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Many of us retained memories of loss, defeat, sadness, anger, feeling unloved, or that of traumatic events.  Meanwhile, we easily forgot these moments of sweetness / love that happened all the time in our daily life.

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For love, I change my mind and choose to publish this post.

It is never too late to pay attention to the love and beauty around us.  Take them in* with love, appreciation, and gratitude.  As we do, we will see life in a different light, and know that Love Is All That Is.  (*Matter of speech only)

Many Blessings,
Q of D

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