Monday, November 14, 2016

A Swan in the Sky and the Floating Angel Cloud


I got into the car.  My husband was already inside waiting for me.  After I buckled the seat belt, I looked up at the sky.  Excitedly, I said, "Look at that white cloud!  It looks exactly like a swan!"  My husband looked at the cloud.  He said, "It does look like a swan.  Its body, neck, head and beak ... but it is a cloud."  I said, "Do you see the small spot on its head where light is shining through?  It looks like light is shining from the swan's eye(s)!"  My husband said, "Yea ... light does seem to be coming out of its eye."  He began to drive out of the parking lot.  He said, "It is just a cloud, and clouds can look like anything."  With his personality, he would not have said that many words if the cloud only slightly resembled a swan.  I knew clouds could look like anything, but it was one beautiful swan (cloud) in the sky.

Interestingly, I later read online that one of the two spiritual masters (both had moved on) had a connection with swan.  She had drawn an outline of a swan after a dream / vision.  (Re my posts in recent months about the spiritual retreat)  

In a way, I was glad my husband saw the cloud swan too.  Not long ago, I had another experience with clouds.  I was by myself when I had that experience.  When I told my family, they did not know what to think of it.  I did not know what to think of it too.  It was one strange experience.  This was what happened.

One afternoon, I went for a walk by the school.  As I entered the football field, I saw a floaty** cloud above a corner on the other side of the field.  I said, "Oh, it is a big angel!"  The words just came out of my mouth because it looked like an angel.  **At first, I wanted to use the word 'light' to describe the cloud, i.e. the cloud was not dense.  In fact, it was flimsy as if it could disappear in a second.

When I walked to that corner of the football field, I examined the cloud from below.  I did not see a head, but next to the head area were two big round shapes (the energy around an angel that we thought were the angel's wings).  The angel seemed to be in a robe with one hand extended outward.  I smiled at my 'creative thinking'.  I continued on my walk.

As usual, I chanted (in my heart) while I walked.  On that side of the track, I had to walk with extra care because there were lots of geese feces.  Therefore, I did not look up at the sky.  Soon I was back to the side of the track that was close to the apts. or where I had entered.  I looked up.  Right above me was the floating angel cloud!  Had the cloud followed me all the way over to this side?  Then I thought the wind must have blown the cloud over to this side.

I began to walk again.  I was surprised the cloud was still above me.  As I reached the end of the track on our side, I decided to prove it was just a coincidence.  I quickly turned to walk in the other direction.  In my estimation, the tail part of the cloud should be above me; as I walked, the cloud should stay where it was, and would not turn around.  I was wrong.  The head of the cloud was above me.  The cloud followed me all the way to the other end.  I could not believe what happened.  To prove what I saw was not true, I walked from one end to another again and again.  No matter how I turned, the head part of the cloud was ahead of me!

After many tries, I decided it was time to go home.  On the last round, I walked past the end of the track and walked onto the grassy field.  When I walked fast, the cloud seemed to move fast too.  Standing on the grassy field, I found myself below the center of the cloud instead of the head.  I observed there were a few small, lighted spot here and there in the cloud.  As I turned to walk home, the cloud did not turn around.  I walked past the tail part.  I did not look up again.  I went straight home.

I had seen dense clouds disappeared without a trace the next second I looked at them.  How could a flimsy cloud retained its shape in a breezy evening?  Most of all, how could a cloud follow me around?  Was the cloud really an angel?  Could it be my heart recognized what the cloud was, but my human eyes saw it as a cloud?

Well, I have no answers to my questions.  It is quite alright.  I enjoy my walks, and that is what matters.

Many blessings,
Q of D