Thursday, November 24, 2016

I had a hard time reading the gray text on Google


In recent months, I had a hard time reading the gray text on Google.  Lately, the color changed to pale, pale blue.  To me, it was even worse than before.  I found it challenging to write a post, and it took me much longer to finish a post.

I did not know much about the computer.  I went online to find a solution.  I was able to set high contrast on Window.  However, I could not set Google on high contrast.  I could not find 'Options' on the horizon bars on the top right (i.e. customize and control Google Chrome) as instructed online.

Today (Thanksgiving Day) my younger son and his family came over for dinner.  After dinner, he spent quite some time fixing Wi-Fi and the computer.  He set Google on high contrast.  Then all of us played some card games.

Before he left, I turned on the computer.  I was glad to see the black background on Google.  However, when I signed into my blog, the text appeared in pale blue with white background as before.  My son said high contrast might not work on some websites.  I let it go because it was late.  Our grandchildren needed to go home and sleep.

Hours after they left, I turned on the computer again.  I signed into Blogger.  Looking at the light gray / blue text, I just could not continue to write.  I must find a solution, I said to myself.  Yes, I finally got it.  By clicking Accessibility in Settings, I set Blogger on high contrast.  Now, I could write without straining my eyes!

My younger son has always encouraged me to play with the computer and find out things on my own.  It may be it is meant to be that he does not set high contrast on Blogger.  I am certainly glad I solved the problem on my own.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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