Monday, November 6, 2017

A halt in blogging


I am back!  I am ready to share my lessons / experiences on my spiritual journey again.

It is November.  I know I have not published any post in October, and have only published one post a month from July to September.  What is the cause of this halt in blogging?  Well, over the years, I have learned a challenge does not occur for no reason, and all experiences are relevant on the journey of life.

There were days I pondered what to do with my blog.  Should I just let it go?  One morning, I had a colorful short dream.  It inspired me to continue recording my story 'as is'.  Still, the human I did not want to write about the challenge within.  I tried to write about other things that happened in my life, and could not finish a post.

In the morning of Nov 5, Sunday, it came to me to watch videos of a world known channel on YouTube.  The title of one of her videos immediately caught my attention.  The video was 1 hr. 20 min. long, and the loving words of the divine beings confirmed the truth that I knew.  Finally, I felt "I am ready to write again".

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

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