Monday, July 23, 2018

The Dream of Lettuce


When The psychic said, "You have to learn how to balance money." (published July 14, 2018), I immediately thought she was wrong.  As she continued with the reading, I realized the advice that came through her was right.

Before I share my dream, I would like to talk about lettuce.  Cantonese is my mother language.  Many people that live in the southeastern part of China as well as people that live in other southeastern Asian countries know how to speak Cantonese.  The sound of lettuce in Cantonese was similar to the sound of growth in fortune, wealth or money.  In our Cantonese tradition, we often celebrate the Chinese New Year with a head of lettuce on the table to symbolize a new year of wealth and prosperity.  We use the leaves to wrap food.  People in other parts of China may have their own unique traditions.  The younger generation of Cantonese that speak only Mandarin, the official Chinese language, may not know the symbolic meaning of lettuce anymore.

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Setting - light, open space (i.e. without any structure or building). 

People lined up in single file before an old couple, a man and a woman.  There were two large baskets of fresh lettuce next to the old couple.  I was among the ones that stood in the front of the line.  It was a long line, and lots of people lined up behind me.  (We stood in space / air / on the clouds (?), and did not stand on the ground as on earth.)

Soon, it was my turn.  The kind, old man gave me a big head of lettuce.  I was somewhat surprised to receive such a big head of lettuce.  I thought others might need it more (urgently) than I did.  I handed the lettuce to the one standing behind me.  The old man gave me another head of lettuce.  I continued to pass heads of lettuce to those behind me thinking "let others have the lettuce first".  Then I was the only one left standing in front of the couple.  The baskets looked empty.  The old man bent down to pick up whatever was left.  It was a very small head of lettuce.  As he handed it to me, he looked at me and mildly swayed his head.

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Upon waking up, I thought, "Oh, how I acted in the dream was like the me in life."  Since lettuce symbolized wealth / money, I understood the old couple was handing out wealth.  The long line of people might represent those that had prayed for money or financial help.  In the last scene, the old man mildly swayed his head.  It might be he felt I should have accepted what he gave me earlier for there was then little lettuce left.  After the dream, I thought it was in character for me to do what I did in the dream, and did not look deep into what the dream was telling me.

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As I looked back at the dream, I realized it was my wrong view of money / abundance that I thought I should pass it to others first.  Divine abundance is limitless.  While I prayed for financial help, I was not open to receive.  I realized it was me that blocked myself from receiving the money I had prayed for.  The two baskets that looked empty at the end of the dream was but a reflection of my self-set limiting view of abundance.

Many years had gone by since the night I cried inside the car and my spirit guide said "Don't you know giving and receiving must be balanced?"  Many years had gone by since I had the dream of lettuce.  When it came to giving and receiving, I continued to live my life the way I had been.  Never before was a psychic fair within walking distance from where I lived.  It was no accident that I went to the fair and heard I had to learn how to balance money. 

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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