Saturday, July 14, 2018

The psychic said, "You have to learn how to balance money."


In my last post What wisdom do I have? , I mentioned I only went to two spiritual gatherings in the last seven months.  I had wanted to be more active in 2018.  It did not turn out that way partly because of the problems with the old car.

In 2004, I suddenly announced it was time to buy another carand we bought a used car on the same day.  My decision proved to be significant as things continue to unfold.  My mood was very different this time around.  At first, I thought it would be better to wait until the cold weather was over.  In May, I began to look up prices for used cars.  The prices were higher than I had expected.  Though I knew we needed another car, we had not gone to look for one so far.

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A while back, I learned about a psychic fair on the Internet.  It was held in a newly built hotel that was close to where I lived.  It was a half-day event that opened from noon to 5 pm.  Coincidentally, there was a conflict in the family the day before the fair.  Since the hotel was within walking distance, I decided to go there for a mini reading.  I wanted guidance as how to handle the situation.  I also wanted to know if we should spend more money fixing the old car or look for another one.

On that day, I walked to the hotel after 1 pm.  I was surprised the event was held in a small room with only 6 or 7 tables.  I did not expect it to be such a small event.  There were leaflets about different psychics on a table outside of the room, but some psychics did not come.  Only a few people had come to the fair.  Some psychics did not have a client yet.

In my previous readings, I spent lots of time asking about the well being of my loved ones.  Since this time I only wanted a mini reading, I intended to ask questions mainly concerning myself besides the car issue and the situation.  From the information online, I had chosen a psychic.  She was known for her ability and honesty in giving readings.  However, she was busy when I arrived.

It so happened there was one there that had come to the Thursday circle once.  We talked for a little while.  She asked to give me a reading.  I told her I preferred a psychic that had not met me before.  She did not get that I was saying "no", and went ahead to give me a reading.  She described my family such as the number of children and grandchildren I had.  It was probably her off day.  When her timing device sounded off, she wanted to continue.  I said I only wanted a mini reading.  I gave her the money.  Suddenly, she seemed to listen to something that came to her.  She asked me a question.  I was stunned.  I wondered "Why did she suddenly ask me such a question?  How did this question come about?"  Anyway, I answered "no" **.  She seemed puzzled.  She said, "Are you sure . . .?"  I said "no" again.  I thanked her and walked out of the room.  During the reading, I asked about the car.  She said I should buy another one.  I did not talk to her about the situation.  ( ** My answer was valid.  However, with the strange happenings in my life, only time would tell if there was any significance for me to hear that.)

Standing outside of the room, I thought, "Is that it? I come here for nothing!"  My English was limited.  I had difficulty listening and asking questions when I had readings by phone.  My grandchildren spoke English.  I could not catch every word they said when they talked to me over the phone.  I felt more at ease talking to others face to face.  I walked back into the room.  I did not want to miss the opportunity of talking face to face with the psychic that I had come for.

Two women were sitting in front of the psychic.  A woman that sat by the front desk asked if I wanted a reading by that psychic.  I said I wanted a mini reading.  She said other people had booked appointments with the psychic.  However, she knew the reading for the two women were almost over, and I could get a reading before another person arrived.

When I sat down by the psychic, she asked to hold my hands and said a prayer.  Right after that, she said, "You have to learn how to balance money."  I thought, "Why does she say I have to learn how to balance money?  I had always paid my bills on time no matter how difficult it was.  This shows that I can balance money!"  The psychic said, "You always want to give your money away.  You want to help others, yet you are not open to receive.  Don't you know giving and receiving must be balanced?"  Suddenly, she said one sentence about my husband.  I did not expect to hear that.  While I was pondering why she said that, she moved on to talk about money.  She said, "Keep the money that comes to you.  Don't give it to any one."  Then she said, "While you have to learn how to balance money, your son (older son) has to learn how to manage money."  She went on to describe his way of being.  Later, she said, "You know within that it is in divine order for you and your husband to live with your son."  (It was true.  That was why we moved to another state with him, but my husband did not have the same knowing.)  She said it was beneficial to the three of us (i.e. our son and us) for we could learn lessons in our relationship.  She affirmed that our son loved us as I had heard in other readings, and that he did pay attention to what I had to say.  The messages she related were the answers to the situation.  When I asked about the car, she said we should buy another car.  She paused for a while.  She said, "Oh, you are (here to be) a minister!"  Her words surprised me.  I did not have the mastery of language or qualification.  I said I did want to find a church that I would go to regularly.  I asked for her recommendation.  She mentioned a couple of Unity Churches.  I told her I was a healer.  I asked if there was a church that offered healing service.  She recommended a church and immediately used her phone to find the person that I should contact.

She gave me booklets about an upcoming spiritual gatherings in the other part of the state.  There would be known spiritual teachers and healers from other states.  She asked me to consider going there.  She was kind enough to talk to me longer than a mini reading.  Knowing others were waiting to be read, I thanked her and left.
A day later, she emailed me the name and contact number of the minister that was in charge of the healing service in that church.  Without a dependable car, I had as yet contacted the minister or visited that church.

The psychic was right about my attitude toward money as well as my son should learn how to manage money.  I was glad I went to the fair.  Though the answers might lie within, sometimes other's words helped to clear our mind.

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In my post Giving and Receiving Love Must Be Balanced (published on June 25, 2011) I wrote about the following incident that happened in the restaurant years.
Most of our business came from carry-out orders.  Customers picked up their orders and left.  A few regulars often left a tip.  I served all with love and respect.  I never took into account if they gave me tips or not.  One day, almost all the customers that came to pick up their orders left me a big tip.  They did not say a word.  They just looked at me with love and compassion.  While my husband was driving us home that night, I was overwhelmed with emotions.  Tears dripped down my face.  In my heart, I said, "I am grateful for their (customers) kindness, but what have I done to put myself in this pitiful position!"  I 'heard' a 'sigh', and my spirit guide said, "Don't you know giving and receiving must be balanced!
After the recent reading, I realized I continued to live in the same old pattern about money after the above incident that happened long ago.  Giving and receiving must be balanced was not only about love!  In retrospect, I had many dreams and experiences that should have caused me to examine my attitude toward money.  However, I failed to make a change in my life.

I will share with you some of the dreams and experiences in my next post.

Enjoy the summer!

Many blessings,
Q of D

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