Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mary the Magdalene


Near the end of my last post The number I set for the locks of three old luggage bags , I wrote -
Over the years, I had locked and unlocked those old luggage bags many times.  It was interesting that I only realized the significance of the number until that day.
Since I published that post, more things about Mary Magdalene had come to my mind.  I got that it was no accident that the number 153 on the locks caught my attention at this time and not earlier.  It was because 'now is the time to share some more about Mary the Magdalene'.  However, the  human I was resistant to do so.  I said to myself I did not remember exactly when this or that happened.

A couple of days ago, I opened the big plastic tote that contained some of my journals.  On the top was a notebook that was opened to the page about my talk with my friends in the Tuesday prayer circle about Mary.  As I read, I realized what propelled me to speak up was because of something that happened two days earlier, i.e. the Sunday service at church.

With the notebook in my hands, I decided to surrender and share some more stories on my spiritual journey.  Part of me understood nothing was personal in the loving divine.  But, from time to time, the human I still struggled as what to share and what not to share.

In my next post, I shall share with you what happened on Sunday, March 29, 2009 that propelled me to speak up two days later.

Before I sign off, I would like to share something I heard when I attended a spiritual gathering a few years ago (i.e. it happened after I moved back to this state).

There were three facilitators.  One was a channel that channeled messages from different entities such as galactic beings and ascended masters.  One was a healer that had the ability to absorb and transform others energies in a group setting.  The third one had many gifts and abilities.  She could see energies, auras, angels, spirit guides and ascended masters.  She had worked with the former healer for years for she was the one that saw the special ability that he had.  She was a healer, but she was there to relate the energies before and after the energy transfer.  She rarely shared what she saw other than the energies after the healing.  On that particular day, she suddenly shared what she saw about Mary Magdalene after the channeling session was over.  She said, "Over the years, (name of the channel) has channeled messages from many different beings and masters.  Normally, the guides and angels move around when the channeling is going on.  However, whenever Mary Magdalene comes, they stop moving around and show her the utmost respect . . . . . ."

I had only gone to this group's gatherings four times.  I would love to attend their meetings more often, but the place was not close to where I lived.  Twice I had to ask my son to drive me there.

Tomorrow will be Valentine's Day.  This morning I remembered I spoke at church on this day eight years ago (2/13/2011).  Later, a pastor kindly gave me a DVD of that Sunday.  I watched the DVD today.  Oh, I missed my brothers and sisters at the small church!

Have a happy Valentine's Day!

Q of D

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