Sunday, January 27, 2019

The number I set for the locks of 3 old luggage bags


A while back, I cleaned up the closet.

I took out all the luggage so that I could vacuum the closet.  We had three old luggage bags.  They were heavy and had combination locks.  We bought them when we immigrated to USA.  In later years, we bought new, lightweight luggage bags that had no locks for travel.  We used these old, heavy luggage bags for storage.
A few times each year I took out these old luggage bags.  I threw away things that we no longer needed, and put in things that we bought in recent months / year.

That day I was doing the same thing.  After I was done with two of the bags, I put them back into the closet.  I proceeded to open the third one.  As I was turning the numbers on the lock, I suddenly realized I had overlooked something incredible all these years!  The 3-digit number I spontaneously set for the locks long, long time ago turned out to be a very significant number in my search for truth in recent years.

I had set the combination locks for all the bags with the same numberIt consisted of three different digits.  In our tradition, we liked to use words that meant (or sounded like) good luck, good health, good fortune, long life, abundance and prosperity.  It was the same with numbers.  Seven (7) and eight (8) stood for good luck and good fortune respectively.  However, the number I used did not include 7 or 8.  When it was time to set the locks, I simply used that number for no particular reason.

I did not pay much attention to numbers until my 444 experiences in the last quarter of 1999.  (Re Words of Christ - Part 1 )  In a book I borrowed from the library, I learned 444 meant the power of God's love.  In addition to 444, I also began to see 111, 1111, 222 and 333 accidentally every now and then.  Seeing those numbers lifted my spirit especially during the challenging restaurant years.  In May 2005, I joined a spiritual circle that met on Thursday mornings.  Some months later, I bought an angel number book.  (I believed I bought the book in Jan. or Feb. of 2006.)

The number I spontaneously set for the combination locks was 153.  In order to write this post, I tried to remember my first significant experience with this number.  I thought the experience must have happened after I bought the angel number book, for I believed I needed to know the meaning of the number to find the experience incredible.  I reread two of my old journals around the beginning of 2006.  I did not find anything. 

Every year I used six to eight notebooks to record some of my experiences.  I recalled some interesting experiences about 153 that happened while I was living in another state.  However, I normally did not remember the dates or year that they took place.  I had two big plastic totes of notebooks, and did not know which notebook to reread.  I left the luggage bag incident as a draft.

Since I could not finish the post, I decided to edit some of my old posts.  I was glad I did.  (Angels and guides, thank you for your guidance!)  I found what I looked for.  I had my first significant experience of 153 in 2003!

Here is an excerpt from my post The Broken Alarm Clock -

"After dropping off our son at home, we went back to the restaurant.  In the afternoon, I walked into the kitchen and saw 3:37 pm on the clock.  I thought the clock worked A few minutes later, I walked into the kitchen again.  I was surprised the time had changed to 1:53 pm I realized the clock still did not work.  I did not change the time, and 1:53 remained for the rest of the day.

Strangely, my husband seemed to panic seeing 1:53
.  He rushed to communicate with his source through automatic writing . . . "

At the time (2003), I did not know the meaning of 153.  Not knowing the meaning and power of 153, I noted the panic on my husband's face when he saw the time on the clock.  Looking back, it was in not knowing that made our realizations on a later date even more profound and awe-inspiring.  

Why was 153 significant?

In The background of the significant experience of the birds , I went to my sons' room and saw a small green bible.  A page number came to me as soon as I picked up the bible.  I saw a name on that page.  I asked for a confirmation.  I 'got' another page number, and the same name was on that page.  In I had brought home the wrong book , the same thing happened.  The name on those pages was Mary the Magdalene.  In Doreen Virtue and Lynnette Brown's Angel Numbers book, 153 was the only number that mentioned Mary Magdalene.  If fact, throughout this 300 pages book, it rarely mentioned any name.

153 - The ascended masters are pushing you to make the changes you've been considering.  This powerful and sacred number sequence also signifies the holy Trinity, Mother, the goddess, Mary Magdalene, and/or forgiveness.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

Over the years, I had locked and unlocked those old luggage bags many times.  It was interesting that I only realized the significance of the number until that day.  I used to think my mystical experiences began in the last quarter of 1999 with the 444 happenings and when I heard the voice of my guide.  After the sudden realization of the significance of the number I set for the locks, I realized I was wrong.

I would like to close this post *** (see P. S. ) with words of Archangel Zadkiel channeled through Natalie Glasson ****.  

A Note of Fulfilment

It is important to realise that there is not one experience, purpose or situation in yourself that will create fulfilment for you.  Spiritual growth is a process of continuous awakening and therefore continuous activations and experiences of fulfilment, that expand your understanding of fulfilment.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

P. S.  When I wrote this post, I did not know I would be writing four more  posts that were in relation to 153 or The Magdalene.  Please view the subsequent posts published after this post.

**** Natalie Glasson is a great spiritual teacher, channel and author of many books.  She created The Sacred School of OmNa.  You can look up her info online.  I had been watching her videos on YouTube for some time before I finally subscribed to her newsletter.  I could feel the energy, love and truthfulness that channeled through her from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Goddesses, Mother Earth and other loving beings.  In the past months, I chose to open my email and read the messages to take in the guidance from the loving beings. I just looked up the date I subscribed to her channel.  It was on an 1111 Angels Day, Nov. 11, 2016!


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